Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 4 September 2008




Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Summertown and Wolvercote








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  An important cycle route in North Oxford runs from the Waterside development to Marston via Frenchay Road, Staverton Road, Belbroughton Road, Charlbury Road and the Marston Ferry Road. It provides a strategic link between Jericho and Marston/Headington.  The route crosses two major radial routes of Woodstock and Banbury Roads where crossing facilities are provided by means of Pelican crossings. 


2.                  This route is separated from the current off-road cycle route on the western side of Woodstock Road which extends from Bainton Road to the northern bypass.         


3.                  The general layout of the cycle routes is shown on Drawing No D&I/A1/0178 to be displayed at the meeting.




4.                  The existing Pelican crossings in Woodstock Road and Banbury Road require to be upgraded to Toucan crossings so that cyclists do not need to dismount to cross the road.  There is also a need to provide improved cycle signage along the route to increase awareness of it as a quieter alternative to cycling on busy roads.


5.                  There is further scope to improve the cycle facilities in the area by providing an off road facility between Frenchay Road and Bainton Road and thereby connecting the route to the existing off-road cycle route along the west side footway of Woodstock Road. 


Scheme Details


6.                  A proposed improvement scheme has been prepared and comprises four elements of work which are shown at Appendix A (download as .doc file), namely:-


(a)               The conversion of the Pelican crossing on Banbury Road near the junction with Belbroughton Road to a Toucan crossing.


(b)               The conversion of the Pelican crossing on Woodstock Road near the junction with Staverton Road to a Toucan crossing.


(c)               Improved local signing (six or less signs along the route).


(d)               The conversion of the footway on the west side of Woodstock Road between Frenchay Road and Bainton Road to a segregated/shared use footway/cycleway.


7.                  In order to proceed with element 2(d) above it will be necessary to receive authorisation for the conversion of part of the existing western footway of Woodstock Road to a cycleway under the Highways Act 1980. This is undertaken by altering part-width of the footway under Section 66(4) and converting this to a cycle track under Section 65(1).




8.                  A consultation was undertaken between 2 June 2008 and 7 July 2008 on the proposals described above. Consultation letters were sent to local councillors, Oxford City Council, Thames Valley Police, cycling and pedestrian associations, a letter drop was carried out to frontagers and notices posted on site.


9.                  A total of 10 replies were received. These are summarised at Appendix C with officer comments.


10.             Most of the replies were supportive. However, one objection was received from a Bainton Road resident. Two letters from the Oxford Pedestrians Association raised some concerns.


11.             The objection and concerns were mainly about the proposals for cyclists to use the Woodstock Road footway. The County Council’s policy on this is set out in its Cycling Strategy document. The Strategy seeks to provide safe, attractive and convenient cycle access to key destinations. The Strategy contains a hierarchy of cyclist provisions to cater for both confident/experienced cyclists and the less confident/experienced cyclists within the available resources. This is to be achieved by the provision of cycle lanes on the carriageway or by using minor roads or the off-road network.


12.             In connection with the use of footways by pedestrians and cyclists, the Strategy recognises that there are situations where segregated or shared use is acceptable for the benefit of the less confident/experienced cyclists when it is considered that the on-carriageway solution does not give adequate protection.


13.             The conversion of this section of the western footway of Woodstock Road meets this situation. Although the adjacent bus lane can be legally used by cyclists there is insufficient width to provide a dedicated cycle lane on the carriageway as the bus lane is only 3 metres wide. 


14.             The Woodstock Road proposal would enable cyclists to cycle on the western footway, which is generally 3.5 - 4.0 metres wide, between Frenchay Road and Bainton Road for a distance of 360 metres. To achieve this it is proposed  to convert the existing footway to a segregated footway/cycleway over most of its length. A short section (30m) of shared use will be provided alongside the existing bus lay-by. It is proposed to remove the bus bay as part of the improvements and thereby provide more space for waiting bus passengers, together with improving access and egress to the buses by installing raised kerbs.


15.             The conversion of the footway is considered a significant benefit for the less confident/experienced cyclists as a segregated route can be provided over most of its length. The route will meet the Cycling Guidelines standards which state that the normal minimum width for pedestrian use is 1.5m and 2.0m for cyclists on segregated routes. 


16.             Trees in the footway reduce the overall width available in a few places and the footway/cycleway will be strategically marked so that these sections are clearly identified for users. The section alongside the bus lay-by outside 203/207 Woodstock Road will be designated a shared use section with appropriate tactile slabs laid at both ends.


17.             The upgrading of the Pelican crossings on Woodstock Road and Banbury Road to Toucan crossings meets the criteria for providing safer routes for cyclists. The responses have identified points of detail that need to be addressed as the design proceeds.


How the Project Supports the LTP Objectives


18.             The project objective is to make the route more attractive to, and improve conditions for, cyclists.  This will contribute to the LTP objective to reduce congestion by encouraging people to use modes other than the car, particularly between the large residential areas west of the canal and the employment sites in Headington.


Financial and Staff Implications


19.             The cost estimate for the whole scheme is between £45,000 and £50,000, including fees, depending on the final agreed layout of the shared section by the bus lay-by. Funding is available from developer contributions in the area (£24,600) and from a contribution from the traffic signals maintenance budget (£25,400), where funds had been set aside for upgrading the Pelican crossings as part of an on-going maintenance requirement.




20.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise :-


(a)               the implementation of the North Oxford Cycle Improvements as shown on Drawing No D&I/A1/0178 and at Appendix A to this report; and


(b)              that the length of footway detailed in Appendix B to this report be removed under the powers in Section 66(4) of the Highways Act 1980 and a cycle track constructed under Section 65(1).




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             (Copies of replies to the consultations are available in the Members’ Resource Centre).


Contact Officer:                     Peter Evans Tel 01865 815836


August 2008



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