Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council (including Transport)
Tuesday, 16 September 2008


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Report by Head of ICT




1.                  This report describes developments in the governance and funding of ICT to meet the requirements of the organisation in the form of a combined directorate and corporate ICT Strategy, with  reference to an ICT Investment Programme in the current financial year.

(Annex - download as .doc file)


The Corporate ICT Strategy


2.                  A draft ICT Corporate Strategy has been produced in several versions with the latest draft being in January 2008. The Strategy lays down that the needs of the business should dictate the types of ICT services and systems required, and outlines a programme of development.


ICT Fundamental Review


3.                  A Fundamental Review of ICT during 2007 proposed further developments. This included an ICT governance framework, ICT liaison activity with directorates, and standardised systems functionality and toolsets to exploit the development and operations capability represented by the ICT Data Centre.


The Action Plan


4.                  The outcomes of the Strategy and the Review were reflected in an Action Plan. They were twofold:


·        An enhanced ICT Strategy Group composed of Chief Officers with an elected member lead to oversee the direction of ICT.


·        An investment programme for ICT to deliver:


    • Service Improvement.
    • Development of the Corporate Data Centre.
    • Improved corporate data administration.
    • Improvements to voice telephony .
    • Forms development.
    • Collaboration tools for the desktop,
    • Disaster recovery preparedness.
    • Software licensing compliance.
    • Upgrades to local and wide area networks.
    • Directory Consolidation.
    • File sharing.
    • Increased functionality from SAP.


The ICT Strategy Group Awayday


5.                  An Awayday was held for the ICT Strategy Group in May 2008.  This event discussed the work and developments of ICT, and examined directorate requirements in the context of a number of themes which linked to activities in the ICT Corporate Strategy and the Investment Programme.


These strategic themes were:


(a)               A secure, reliable and up to date ICT service.

(b)               Enabling all stakeholders to interact with the Council in a way that suits them best.

(c)               Provide any time, any place ICT service using appropriate equipment.

(d)               Provide the right information, at the right time.

(e)               Undertake service improvement through optimized processes and technology.

(f)                 Provide team collaboration for a modern multi location workforce.

(g)               Ensure secure and effective partnership working.

(h)               Provide a modern learning environment for all stakeholders.

(i)                 Provide efficient and effective support services that actively support front line services.

(j)                  Provide benefits based and more visible ICT project governance.

(k)               Provide value for money ICT services that support value for money delivery of services.


Strategy Development for Directorates


6.                  An exercise is currently under way involving management staff within ICT and Directorates who are working on a template to establish:


·        A vision of the changing needs of, and demands on, each Directorate over the next three years.

·        A clear picture of ICT governance established within each Directorate to include visibility of project work.

·        A set of directorate priorities under each of the relevant strategic themes, ideally with a named directorate owner.

·        Profiles for each of the major applications used within each directorate and their direction of travel.


The draft templates are appended to this report.


The Governance Process.


7.                  The completed templates will be presented to a meeting of the ICT Strategy Group which will take place in October.


8.                  This meeting will continue the governance process for ICT which was begun at the May Awayday. 


·        The process will ensure that the Directorate templates become live documents reflecting the developing requirements of Directorates over time.


·        It will ensure that the Investment Programme, which the ICT Strategy Group will oversee, is progressively developed to meet the requirements of the Council.


·        It will see that the Corporate ICT Strategy, reflecting the direction of ICT Services, is modified to meet the requirements of the Group.


ICT Strategy Group. Terms of Reference


9.                  The Terms of Reference for the Strategy Group, approved by the Cabinet on 8 September 2007 and shown below, continue to be relevant to the new governance direction.


“The three main foci will be (1) ensuring that the real potential of the ICT function can be fully realised by the Council. (2) ICT strategic development and direction in support of the Council’s objectives of Low Taxes, Real Choice, Value for Money, focusing on Service Delivery and the County Council’s Change Programme, and (3) monitoring and governance arrangements for ICT Services within Corporate Core.”


10.             ICT Strategy Group meetings will normally have the following remit:




·        Review and advise on ICT strategic considerations emerging from Directorates

·        review and maintain the Council’s longer term ICT Strategy

·        develop outline proposals relating to medium-long-term strategic ICT issues and the overall investment required by the Authority in ICT

·        bring forward proposals to better underpin Change Aim 6 within the existing Change Programme




·        monitor the delivery of the ICT Services Action Plan (2007) agreed by the Fundamental Services Review

·        review and respond to all external audits of ICT Services functions

·        ownership for the ICT Services Business Plan and the associated Medium term Efficiency Savings

·        monitor operational compliance with corporate ICT Strategy




11.             The Deputy Leader of the Council is RECOMMENDED to note and approve the combined directorate and corporate ICT Strategy and associated expenditure plans.





Head of ICT


Background papers:             ICT Corporate Strategy Draft v6.2

Consultants' reports on ICT Fundamental Review.

Mapping Business requirements to Spend.

Presentation by Stephan Conaway to May ICT Awayday.


Contact Officer:                     Stephan Conaway, Head of ICT Tel: (01865) 815590


August 2008


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