Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council (including Transport)
Tuesday, 16 September 2008


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Report by the Associate Director for Change Management




1.                  On 20 May 2008, the Cabinet considered an emerging draft of the Ask Oxfordshire, Consultation Strategy 2008/11.  The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the final version of the strategy to enable preparations to take place which are required for its public launch in April 2009.

(Ask Oxfordshire Consultation & Involvement Strategy – 20008-2001 - download as .doc file)


2.                  This report sets out the shift in focus for Ask Oxfordshire, which has evolved as a result of:

·        feedback from officers leading on consultation/involvement

·        development of the 21st Century Customer Programme Brief

·        greater clarity from government on statutory requirements for involvement for local authorities and new policy initiatives


Significant Influences


3.                  Oxfordshire County Council has declared an ambition to be an organisation focused on its customers.  Since Ask Oxfordshire was presented to Cabinet, the 21st Century Customer Change Programme (21CC) has developed into a suite of projects and work streams designed to support this. Ask Oxfordshire has been identified as a significant work stream within 21st Century Customer, as it will provide a framework through which we will ensure all our customers feel able to play a role in shaping local priorities and the delivery of services. 


4.                  The revised strategy demonstrates the council’s commitment to customer focus and this is specifically reinforced through the strategy objectives:


·        To provide/support for a wide range of opportunities for people to have their say

·        Have a single, coordinated approach to manage consultation/involvement

·        Uphold clear and consistent standards

·        Ensure our consultation/involvement activities are accessible and inclusive

·        Continuously seek opportunities to join-up and work in partnership with others

·        Make better use of the outcomes of consultation/involvement exercises and provide clear evidence of how this influences decision-making

·        Make the best use of our resources, skills and experience

·        Continue to learn from past experiences, best practice and innovation


5.                  In July 2008, the government published a white paper entitled ‘Communities in control: real people, real power’ and statutory guidance on the autumn 2006 white paper ‘Creating strong and prosperous communities’.  Both policy documents place a specific emphasis on community empowerment, of which involvement, in its broadest sense, is an integral part.


6.                  The statutory guidance document also provides greater clarity about the new Duty to Involve.  Widening the scope of Ask Oxfordshire to cover the full spectrum of involvement provides the council with a single framework through which to meet this new statutory duty, when it comes into force on 1 April 2009. 


Governance for Ask Oxfordshire


7.                  The Ask Oxfordshire Strategy is one of the work streams within the 21st Century Customer Change Programme. Progress against the strategy’s Implementation Plan will report to the 21st Century Board alongside all other contributing projects. This in turn will report to the Change Management Board.  The Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee has requested six-monthly progress reports on Ask Oxfordshire.


Finance and Staff Implications


8.                  The finance plan for Ask Oxfordshire was agreed by Cabinet on 20 May 2008.  The financial requirements for the strategy remain unchanged.




9.                  The council will conduct an annual equality impact assessment on Ask Oxfordshire to monitor progress against each of the six strands in the Equality Standard for Local Government.




10.             Ask Oxfordshire, the new approach to managing consultation and involvement will be implemented from 1 April 2009.  This is in line with the finance plan agreed by Cabinet on 20 May 2008.


11.             Ask Oxfordshire should be considered as a ‘living’ document.  Its content will be reviewed on a periodic basic throughout the life-span of the strategy to take into consideration changes in local and national policy direction.  Consultation with service areas, key partners, other appropriate or-``cganisations and the public will be an integral part of implementing all actions. 




12.             The Deputy Leader of the Council is asked to approve the final version of the strategy and its action plan.




Associate Director for Change Management


Background Papers:            Nil


Contact officers:                    Carole Stow, Consultation & Marketing Manager, Customer First Tel; (01865) 815445


Debbie Dent, Corporate Customer Service Manager, Customer First Tel: (01865) 810127


September 2008



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