Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 10 June 2008


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Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families




1.                  The Cabinet received the consultation document (download as .doc file) sent out to stakeholders at its meeting on 20 May and considered the contents.  It focussed particularly on Section 5 and the criteria to determine capital investment priorities within localities.  Members voiced concerns about the need to balance the Department for Children, Schools & Families (DCSF) requirement to raise standards and tackle underperformance with the need to reflect local Oxfordshire priorities in terms of improving schools with buildings in poor condition.


2.                  The Cabinet agreed the following:


(a)               to instruct officers to undertake further work on the criteria for capital investment (and hence the local priority list) and to include a list of schools for capital investment;


(b)               to delegate to the Member for Schools Improvement the decision to approve the final version of the Strategy which will include the locality priority list for capital investment for submission to the DCSF by 16 June 2008 .


Feedback from the Consultation


3.                  A summary of the findings of the consultation is given at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).  The Strategy has been amended to reflect the feedback including views of the Primary Review Board and the Cabinet instructions.  In respect of Section 5 – Initial Investment Priorities, the criteria have been changed as follows:


·        The Every Child Matters (ECM) Enjoy & Achieve criteria are now based on data over 4 years to include trends in school performance.  The maximum score remains 3 points.


·        The ECM outcomes Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Positive Contribution, and Economic Well Being have been replaced with a sliding scale application of the DCSF deprivation index.  The maximum score has been reduced to 2 points.


·        The maximum score for Physical Buildings with outstanding condition work equal to £200 per square metre or above has been increased to 2, thus increasing the maximum score for the whole section to 4 points.


·        The maximum score for strategic asset issues have been increased to 3 points.


·        The overall maximum score remains 12 points.


4.                  In the light of the above revised criteria, the priority list of localities for capital investment has changed with Thame/Watlington leading the list followed by Abingdon/Berinsfield, Headington/Wheatley and Oxford South East.  It is proposed that the top two localities receive full locality reviews as soon as the DCSF approval has been given for the Primary Capital Programme – Strategy for Change (PCP- SfC), with a suggested timeline of an October start to determine further capital expenditure in the two localities following on from the St Andrew’s and Mill Lane projects, which are already in the Capital Programme.  Bayard’s Hill and Wood Farm remain in the first wave of expenditure as they have been briefed and their locality Headington/Wheatley has already received a full locality review.


5.                  The Member should note however that the localities provide only a framework for highlighting capital investment priorities.  Within the localities capital projects are based on schools with the greatest needs in terms of raising standards, deprivation and improving the condition of their buildings.  A list of schools currently requiring capital investment within the PCP is given in the spreadsheet supporting Section 5 of the SfC in Annex 2 (download as .xls file) in accordance with DCSF requirements.


6.                  Thus, it can be seen that schools with the most pressing needs will receive a priority listing though their actual locality may be of a lower general priority. 


Financial and Staff Implications


7.                  The indicative capital allocation is £5.8m for 2009-10 ad £2.628m for 2010-11.  The provision of capital allocation, subject to DCSF agreement, is given in Section 5 of the PCP SfC in Annex 2 (download as .xls file).


Timeline and Next Steps


8.                  The deadline for the submission of the PCP strategy to the DCSF is 16 June.  All Local Authority (LA) strategies will be independently evaluated and it is intended that LAs will be notified of the outcome by the end of September 2008.


9.                  There will be three categories of response:


(a)               approval without conditions;

(b)               approval with conditions;

(c)               approval withheld until the LA has re-submitted an amended strategy with DCSF guidance.


10.             It is not the DCSF intention to reduce funding for any LAs with strategies that require further work in the light of (ii) and (iii) above.




11.             The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               indicate that he approves the changes in criteria as set out in paragraph 3 of the report;


(b)              approve the Primary Capital Programme – Strategy for Change for submission to the DCSF including the revised criteria, the revised locality priority list for capital investment, and the completed spreadsheet detailing the school projects including the first wave of expenditure.




Director for Children, Young People & Families


Background papers:             None


Contact Officer:                     Irene Kirkman

                                                Assistant Head of Raising Achievement Service

                                                School Support Services

                                                Tel: 01865 815843


29 May 2008


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