Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 5 February 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement – 5 February 2008


Statement of Decision


Rose Hill Primary School Oxford – Outcome of Formal Consultation About a Possible ‘Fresh Start’ Bid



Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement: Councillor Michael Waine


Kath Coldwell (Corporate Core)

Roy Leach (Children, Young People & Families )


Documentation considered:


Rose Hill Primary School Oxford – Outcome of Formal Consultation About a Possible ‘Fresh Start’ Bid

Update note on consultation outcomes and progress with ‘Fresh Start’ bid

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Although a low number of people responded to the consultation, there was overwhelming support for the proposal from those people that did respond.


The public meeting held on 18 December attracted thirteen people. As well as questions, attendees were invited to comment upon the ‘Fresh Start’ proposal. Everyone who spoke was positive and in support of this.


In addition to the responses detailed in the main report, a further thirteen written responses have been received (eight from parents (one of whom is also a member of staff), one from a member of staff, one from a governor of Rose Hill (who is also a county councillor), one from the chair of governors of another school, and two ‘others’ (not local residents or governors of the school). Of the thirteen additional responses eleven support the proposal to close Rose Hill School and replace it with a ‘Fresh Start’ school and two oppose this.   The reasons stated for supporting the proposal are improving “the morale of the children, teachers and parents”, providing “a brighter future for the children”; and raising Rose Hill resident’s “expectations of education and life”.


Of the two responses opposing the ‘Fresh Start’, one from a parent appears to be on the basis of a misunderstanding about continuing educational provision on the current site, and the other, from another parent, offers recommendations about how shortcomings in the current buildings can be addressed.


It is important that we proceed with the publication of statutory notices for the closure of the school and its replacement by a new Fresh Start school, subject to approval of the ‘Fresh Start’ revenue bid from the Department for Schools, Children & Families (DSCF) as a competition process would extend the timetable for opening the new school so that it would be unlikely to be opened before Easter 2009.


I note that a definitive reply from the DCSF in respect of both the ‘Fresh Start’ bid and whether a competition is required is still awaited.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


(a)               to consider the outcome of the formal consultation;


(b)               to proceed with the publication of statutory notices for the closure of Rose Hill Primary School and its replacement by a new Fresh Start school, subject to approval of the ‘Fresh Start’ revenue bid from the DSCF; and


(c)               in the event that exemption from the requirement to hold a competition is not forthcoming, to authorise officers to publish a competition notice.



Signed .........................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement


Date .............................................................................


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