Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Monday, 4 June 2007

Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Cowley & Littlemore, Leys & Lye




Report by Assistant Head of Educational Effectiveness Service


1.                  Peers School is an improving school which has recently moved out of Special Measures but still has an improvement notice. The Governors, the Oxford Diocesan Board and Oxfordshire County Council have been working together to consider the possibility of closure of Peers School and the opening of an Academy on the site. An ‘Expression of Interest’ has been submitted to the Department for Education & Skills (DfES) and has been approved. The project has moved into the Feasibility Stage. There is a requirement to have non statutory and statutory consultation on the proposed closure of Peers School and the opening of an Academy.

(CMDSI02 - Annex 1 - Brochure - The Proposed Oxford Academy - download as .doc file)

(CMDSI02 - Consultation Timetable - download as .doc file)

(CMDSI02 - The Oxford Academy in Oxfordshire 19.01.07 - Expression of Interest - download as .doc file)


2.                  The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement’s permission is sought to consult on the closure of Peers School and the opening of an Academy. It is proposed that a brochure be printed and a number of informal consultation events be held for parents, staff and members of the community during June. The planned programme is detailed below:

Date and Time


Tuesday 12 June 2007

5.00pm to 7.00 pm

Blackbird Leys Community Centre

Blackbird Leys Rd Blackbird Leys, Oxford OX4

Thursday 14 June 2007

7.00pm to 9.00pm

Rose Hill Community Centre

The Oval, Rose Hill, Oxford OX4 4UY

Monday 18 June 2007

4.30pm to 6.30pm

Peers School

Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 6JY

Tuesday 19 June 2007

3.30pm to 5.30pm

Pegasus School

Field Avenue, Blackbird Leys, Oxford OX4 6RQ


3.                  Feedback from these will inform the development of a formal consultation document to be used in September if the Cabinet decides to issue a School Closure Notice.

4.                  This proposal to develop an Academy aligns with Oxfordshire County Council’s (OCC) commitment to promote ‘real choice’, as the proposed Academy will add to the diversity of schools. It agrees with the strategic priorities: to give all of us – throughout our lives- the opportunity to enjoy effective teaching and learning; to help our disadvantaged residents to live fulfilling and independent lives; and to keep improving our services by listening to users’ views.

5.                  The proposed building enhancement will meet more exacting environmental standards.

6.                  The reason for consideration of this proposal is to equalise opportunity for the communities around Peers School by providing young people and the community with enhanced educational and recreational facilities.

Financial and Staff Implications

7.                  Funding has been released by the DfES for OCC officers to develop plans for the construction of an academy. The DfES will approve expenditure against these funds. The plans for closure and the opening of an academy, including site, financial, HR, equality, sustainability and legal considerations will come to Cabinet for approval in September. There have already been discussions with staff of the Peers School about TUPE arrangements should the proposal go ahead.


8.                  The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to authorise officers to consult informally in June and July on the proposal to close Peers School and open an Academy on the Peers School site and report the outcome to full Cabinet in September along with a full appraisal of the project and its risks.

Assistant Head of Educational Effectiveness Service Children, Young People & Families

Background papers:             Provisional Timeline; The Expression of Interest; The Draft Brochure

Contact Officer:                     Shannon Moore, Assistant Head of Service: Learning & Achievement Tel: (01865) 428084

May 2007

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