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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Wednesday, 4 April 2007

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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement  4 April 2007

Statement of Decision

Applications to Open New Nursery Classes In Burford and Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary Schools


Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement: Councillor Michael Waine


Kath Coldwell (Corporate Core)

Amanda Smith (Children, Young People & Families)

                                John Mitchell (Children, Young People & Families)

Also in attendance: 


Public Address:

 Ms Ellie Stacey (Headteacher – Burford Primary School)

Documentation considered:


Applications to Open New Nursery Classes In Burford and Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary Schools

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Summary of representations in person

Ms Ellie Stacey, Headteacher of Burford Primary School, made the following points:

  • the school was already providing good quality foundation stage education in a difficult setting and the provision of a special unit would improve this;
  • the school had been awarded £40,000 from the Foundation Stage Investment Fund. Premises were currently being modernised and would be very suitable for use as a foundation stage unit. There was space for extra classes in the school;
  • the school had managed to clear its budget deficit and therefore would be able to fund the teacher to run the unit, however, there were already sufficient qualified teachers and teaching assistants in place;
  • the school had been in special measures for eighteen months but pupil numbers had now improved and the school had been allocated nineteen children for September 2007;
  • there was limited choice in Burford at present. The opening of the unit would extend choice and they would offer wrap around care. The school would be able to offer continuous provision from age three to age eleven, which would mean that children would not need to spend any time in transition getting used to a new setting.

Councillor Waine read out the statement which had been submitted by Ms Amy Nelson (Chair – Burford Pre School) who had been unable to attend in person. She had wished to state her opposition to the proposal, as in her view, it would not provide children with the best care possible. She opposed the take-up of three year olds as in her view, there were not enough children in the Pre-School and this would result in its closure. She had also stated that the Pre-School was aiming for a partnership with the Primary School.

In response to questions from Councillor Waine Ms Stacey stated that:

  • Fifty-four percent of the children had come from the Pre-school and therefore the schools were not competing for the same children;
  • A partnership between the Pre-school and the Primary School currently existed. For example, a group of Year Fives were hearing those children read who would be starting in September and the Primary School had always promoted the Pre-school to parents.

Cabinet Member’s Comments

I congratulate Ms Stacey, her staff and the Governing Body on the real improvements that they have made to the school since it was in special measures. Given the improvements to the premises it would be remiss not to allow Burford Primary School to set up the unit but I am concerned about the sustainability of the Pre-school Group and therefore wish both schools to demonstrate their willingness to work co-operatively in relation to provision for 3 and 4 year olds.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:

to note the risk assessments for both projects and to support:

  1. the publication of a statutory notice for opening a nursery class at Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary School;
  2. the publication of a statutory notice for opening a nursery class at Burford Primary School on condition that the Burford Pre-School Group and Burford Primary School  both demonstrate their willingness to work co-operatively in relation to provision for 3 and 4 year olds.

    (Statement of Decision)

Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

Date ………………………2007

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