Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 3 October 2006

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Division(s): Banbury Neithrop



  • 3 OCTOBER 2006




Banbury, Harriers Ground Primary School – 4 Class Extension and Foundation Stage Improvement

COMMITTEE(S): Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

START YEAR: 2006/2007

BASIS OF ESTIMATE: Mouchel Parkman estimate based on agreed sketch scheme.

  2. This project combines a 4-class ‘Basic Need’ expansion of the school to cater for increased pupil numbers and a Foundation Stage improvement, which the school are promoting following a successful bid for grant funding.

    In the light of plans for over 1,000 new housing units on brownfield sites in South Banbury, reports were submitted to the former Executive on 14 October 2003 and to the Cabinet on 6 September 2005 outlining proposals to re-organise Primary School provision in the South Banbury area and to receive results of the public consultation carried out.

    The Cabinet on 6 September 2005 agreed in principle to proceed with:

        1. the development of a new 7-class primary school on the Cattle Market site and
        2. the transfer of Dashwood School and expansion of Harriers Ground School, subject to:

          1. statutory notice procedures
          2. reference to the School Organisation Committee
          3. obtaining of necessary rights and consents
          4. confirmation of the project(s) on the basis of a detailed project appraisal to be submitted to a future meeting

    The statutory notice was issued on 22 September 2005 for the expansion of Dashwood School by relocation to the former Cattle Market site and expansion of Harriers Ground School and as no comments were received, the County Council determined the notice itself without reference to the School Organisation Committee. All necessary rights and consents regarding obtaining the land have been secured. The Detailed Project Appraisal for the provision of the new 7-class primary school on the Cattle Market site was approved by Cabinet on 2 May 2006.

    In order to facilitate the scheme it is necessary for the County Council to declare surplus to requirements the existing Dashwood School buildings and site of approximately 0.3 hectares and it is proposed that approval for this is given as part of this appraisal.

  4. This detailed project appraisal relates to the design and construction of a four classroom extension incorporating resource, cloakroom, toilet and storage areas together with internal alterations and minor extensions to provide a visitor reception, school office and staffroom accommodation. The project includes a ramped external corridor to provide accessibility between the entrance / assembly hall and the rest of the school.

    The project incorporates an improvement to the Foundation Stage as a result of the school’s successful bid for Foundation Stage Improvement Funding. This will provide a new Foundation Stage classroom and main entrance linking with and incorporating alterations within the existing permanent building. The existing temporary classroom will be removed and the external play area and garden will be reconfigured to link with the adjacent pre-school accommodation.

    Car parking and vehicle access onto the school site will be improved and provision has been made to create a hard surface drop off and collection area in the Town Council’s Recreation Ground at the end of Harriers View to help ease local traffic problems. This work remains subject to final discussion and a formalised agreement with the Town Council.

    The scheme has been designed in accordance with the Primary School Brief and in line with DfES guidelines; it has the full support of staff and the School’s governing body and meets the objectives of the County Council’s Corporate Plan by improving the opportunity to enjoy effective teaching and learning.

  6. It is anticipated that in excess of 1000 new dwellings will be provided on brownfield sites in the centre and southeastern parts of Banbury. The Cattlemarket site itself was only proposing between 300 and 350 houses and did not justify the allocation of a whole site to a new school by the developers. The rest of the housing was being developed within brownfield sites within Banbury. Most other proposed dwellings are situated within the catchment areas of 3 existing primary schools in Banbury namely St Leonard’s, St Mary’s and Dashwood. All 3 schools have little spare capacity.

    A detailed Option Appraisal has been undertaken which considered the different ways in which the additional pupils could be accommodated. The Option Appraisal confirmed there was very little room for expansion in any of the 3 primary schools mentioned above. The Option Appraisal established that the most cost effective solution would be to provide a new 7-class school at the Cattlemarket site with expansion improvement at Harriers Ground School if necessary. Further work has identified it is likely that only 7 new classrooms need to be provided. The report to the Cabinet in September 2005, outlined the proposal to take the opportunity to relocate Dashwood School to the Cattlemarket site. This would mean that only 3 new classrooms were being provided for growth on the Cattlemarket site and therefore, as part of the new proposal, Harriers Ground School would be extended by 4 additional classrooms thus providing the 7 new classrooms required for Basic Need. The funding for this would come from the capital receipt generated from the sale of the Dashwood site. This would also require some change in the catchment area of the schools but would have the advantage of disposing of substandard school buildings at Dashwood School.

    The extensions and improvements at Harriers Ground School are being programmed to coincide with completion of the New Dashwood Primary School.

    There will be some revenue savings due to the school using new buildings and there will be a reduction in repairs and maintenance liabilities.

  8. The other options considered as part of the Option Appraisal included further expansion of local schools but this was not feasible either because of the size of the site of the existing schools and/or the lack of core infrastructure. The existing Dashwood School has no adjacent playing field provision and there are significant suitability deficiencies with the classrooms and other internal accommodation.


(i) Capital

The estimated cost of the project inclusive of fees is £1,138,000.

Part of the cost will be met from the capital receipt from the sale of the Dashwood School site. The amount of the receipt will be uncertain until the future use of the site is clarified and planning consent obtained but for the purpose of the Project Appraisal a minimum capital receipt of £425,000 is assumed.

The remainder of the cost will be met from a Foundation Stage Improvement Grant (£105,000), a contribution from the school’s Devolved Formula Capital Grant (£45,000) and the balance will be met from government loan sanction provided as part of Oxfordshire’s Supported Capital Expenditure Allocation (£563,000).

The scheme is identified in the Capital Programme Forward Plan.

(ii) Revenue

The school will meet day-to-day repair and maintenance costs and structural repairs as part of the Council’s Fair Funding arrangements.

(iii) Risk

Regular risk assessments have been carried out and a Risk Register is maintained to manage, reduce or remove identified risks.


The building work will be carried out in accordance with the planning permission issued by the County Council. The design, materials and landscaping will be as specified in the planning consent.

The design provides for natural ventilation and solar shading without depriving the internal areas of natural lighting, as per "Guidelines for Environmental Design in Schools - Building Bulletin 87". The building is expected to receive a "Good" rating in the Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) Pre-Assessment estimation, which allows a quick evaluation of the likely environmental rating a building would achieve under a formal BREEAM Schools assessment.

The sustainability principles applied to the design incorporate the values of comfort, good internal environment (heating, lighting, ventilation) and adequacy to the teaching areas. The existing quality of the site and landscape will be enhanced by re-provision of the same number of trees that will be lost. The scheme takes into account the current services and building features and in so doing will make efficient use of the available resources.

Director for Children, Young Children & Families

Head of Finance & Procurement, Resources Directorate

Head of Property, Resources Directorate

Contact: Officer: John Phipps, Service Manager, Property & Assets, Strategy & Performance, Children, Young People & Families Directorate

Tel: (01865) 816455

September 2006

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