Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 2 October 2007


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Division(s): West





2 OCTOBER 2007




Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families




1.                  Tower Hill Primary School has completed the first section of the scheme to apply to open a Foundation Stage Unit (new nursery class). In order to proceed to the second stage the application requires the approval of the Cabinet Member for Schools’ Improvement.




2.                  The proposal is to open a Foundation Stage Unit for a total of thirty 3 and 4 year old children, some of whom will attend part time. Over recent years the number of children applying for a place at the school has fallen.  The new Headteacher is aware that the school loses children who take up places in the nursery classes at other Witney schools and therefore believes Tower Hill to be disadvantaged. There are a number of new housing developments very close to the school and the headteacher and governors would like to attract these families to their school.


Financial Report


3.                  The finance officer has assessed the financial position and her report looks at the predicted budget over the next three financial years and concludes with support for this proposal even though the planner shows a small deficit in year 3. In addition the school would receive a start up grant that has not been accounted for, neither has the change to full time funding for all reception year children from January 2009. These two factors would make a very positive difference to the budget forecast.


Premises Report


4.                  The premises report confirms that there is sufficient space in an appropriate classroom  for foundation stage children which has recently not been fully used due to the fall in numbers. There are sufficient toilets, the environment is secure and has access to good outdoor provision and resources.  There is no good access for people with disabilities throughout the school, and this needs to be raised within the school development plan.


Quality Report


5.                  The Headteacher is planning the class organisation to retain current foundation stage (F1) children in their current class and the new younger (F2 and F3) children will be taught in a separate class with new staff employed and a shared outside area. From 2008/09 all foundation stage children would be taught together. The plan for staffing employment meets the County quality standards providing the new teacher to be appointed is qualified to teach the Foundation Stage.  The plan is for half-time provision to begin with.  There are concerns about the lack of access for people with disabilities, lack of food preparation area, changing facilities and covered outdoor area.  The Headteacher is aware of the additional equipment and resources that would be required.  The recommendation of the advisory teacher is that there must be a commitment from the school to making suitable premises adaptations to meet the needs of young children and those with disabilities.


Responses from Informal Consultation


6.                  All the required consultations have been carried out and the vast majority of the responses are positive especially the 16 responses from parents. Of the 3 responses from partnership schools all are positive and 2 of the 5 responses from private and voluntary providers indicate possible negative effects on their numbers dependent on the catchment area of the new facility. However there is expected growth in numbers forecast in the new housing developments very near to Tower Hill.


Summary and Risk Assessment


7.                  The new Headteacher is working hard to improve the quality of education and continuity of provision for the youngest children. Despite the poor accessibility for wheelchair access throughout the whole school, all the reports support this application and there is also strong support from parents within the local community. The opening of the new class would bring the school into line with other local schools and encourage parents from the new housing developments to support their local school. With the proposed closure of the nearby pre-school Tower Hill Primary School is at risk of losing families without this new provision




8.                  The Cabinet Member for Schools’ Improvement is RECOMMENDED to agree to the publication of statutory notices to take this proposal forward to the next formal phase, subject to the Headteacher and Governors’ agreement to act on the advice of the advisory teacher and premises officers in relation to building adaptations needed and the employment of qualified staff.


(Statement of Decision).





Director for Children, Young People &d Families


Background papers:             Proposal form from school, reports from finance and premises officers and the advisory teacher for the area.  These are available from the Contact Officer – or from Janine Foulkes-Williams, Business Support officer 01865 815181


Contact Officer:                     Maggie Smith Senior Early Years Adviser

Early Years and Family Support Tel: 01865  492052


September 2007


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