Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 2 October 2007



Division(s): All





2 OCTOBER 2007


REvised scheme for opening a Partnership

Foundation Stage Unit


Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families




1.                  The Partnership Foundation Stage Handbook (revised version attached at (Annex A) (download as .doc file) (Appendices - download as .doc file) explains the scheme which schools and pre-schools can follow to form a closer working relationship, beneficial to both partners and ultimately the children and families they serve. This revision takes account of the experience gained over the past 4 years since the scheme was introduced.


2.                  There continues to be considerable interest in the scheme and the revision will be helpful in making the process clearer and  in raising the expectations of joint responsibility for high quality learning. 


The Handbook


3.                  The handbook sets out the benefits of joint working for children, families and staff. It states the expectations clearly as features of the partnership and includes guidance on management and staffing requirements.


4.                  The section on premises outlines all information concerning rents and leases which are beneficial to the pre school if a partnership is formed and there are details of accommodation requirements and insurance.


Procedure for Approval


5.                  This is set out in 2 phases, the first being the initial interest and the second the joint commitment to develop the partnerships.  The whole process is supported by the Partnership Development Officer.


Main Changes to the Scheme


6.                  The main changes to the scheme in this revised version are:

·        Clearer step by step process

·        Early involvement of Development Officer

·        A statement of intent to be drawn up after meeting with Development Officer

·        A protocol agreement or proposal within a tighter timescale

·        Evaluations carried out by Development Officer

·        Funding can be used more flexibly to cover legal fees

·        Time limit of 1 year from receiving the pack if partners wish to proceed.


Legal Implications


7.                  The scheme contains a legal agreement (Appendix E)  that needs to be completed by the school and pre-school. The original agreement was drawn up under the auspices of the County Solicitor and has been revised to include requirements for voluntary aided schools.   No significant changes have been made to this document in the revised version.


Financial and Staff Implications


8.                  Schools and pre-schools can claim a start up grant of £1,000 and can apply for capital support and sustainability funding from within the existing budget agreed by the council when the scheme was established. There are no additional financial pressures arising from the scheme.




9.                  The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to approve the revised scheme.


(Statement of Decision)




Director for Children, Young People & Families


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Maggie Smith, Senior Early Years Adviser

                                                Early Years and Family Support Tel: 01865 428096


October 2007


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