Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families
Tuesday, 7 July 2009


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Shortlist of large capital grant projects for early years provision


Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families




1.                  In Round 2 of the Large Grants phase of the Early Years Capital Programme 31 expressions of interest from early years providers were received and these have now have been assessed.


Needs Assessment


2.                  The needs assessment process used similar principles to those that guided the Primary Capital Strategy (see Annex 2 for the criteria and weighting used).


3.                  Annex 1 contains the draft shortlist of projects and shows the individual scores and overall score for each project (out of a maximum score of 12).


Preliminary Risks Assessment


4.                  A preliminary assessment of the major risks associated with each project was carried out. The risks assessed were:

·        Likely to lead to an improved learning environment?

·        Well-focussed project?

·        Capable of being delivered by March 2011?

·        Value for money?


Results of the Assessment


5.                  19 projects are shortlisted for a Large Grant.


In all cases the grant award will be subject to the provider:

·         signing a formal funding agreement with the council

·        meeting further conditions specified by the council, as outlined in Annex 1 (e.g. supplying 3 competitive quotations).


The grant amount will be reserved for the provider until 31 July 2010.


6.                  A decision on 8 projects will need to be deferred until November 2009, as further evidence is needed before they can be recommended for shortlisting. In most cases the evidence will be gathered in a site visit from an Early Years Advisory Teacher and a follow-up report submitted.


7.                  4 projects are not shortlisted for a Large Grant:

·        Appleton Village Pre-school (because the project completion date is not likely to be achievable by March 2011).

·        Brize Norton Village Pre-school (because the pre-school has already received a Small Grant).

·        The Aunties Ltd (Wheatley) (because the project is not well-focussed).

·        Islip Playgroup (because the playgroup has received recent significant capital investment).


However these providers will be encouraged to apply for a Small Grant (maximum £5,000) if they have not already done so.


Financial and Staff Implications


8.                  The 19 shortlisted projects total £373,030. The 8 deferred projects total £616,000. Therefore the total EY Capital Grant to be reserved for these 27 projects is £989,030 until 31 July 2010.


Equality and Inclusion


9.                  The Early Years Capital Grant is for the improvement of the learning environment in early years settings to support young children’s play and learning with a view to raising achievement and narrowing the gap between disadvantaged children and the rest.




10.       The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the draft shortlist and the amount of Early Years Capital Grant to be reserved until 31 July 2010; and


(b)              authorise the Director for Children, Young People & Families to  approve the deferred projects, in accordance with the outlined follow-up process.




Director for Children, Young People & Families


Contact Officer:         Marion Evans, Early Education Development Manager,

Children & Families Tel: 01865 815115


July 2009


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