Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families
Tuesday, 5 May 2009


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Young

People & Families – 5 May 2009


Statement of Decision


Improving and Extending Provision for Children and Young People in Oxfordshire - Chill Out Bids for 2009/10




Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families : Councillor Louise Chapman


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Ruth Ashwell (Children, Young People & Families)


Also in attendance: 

Public Address:

 Rita Atkinson (Abingdon Damascus Youth Project)


Documentation considered:


Improving and Extending Provision for Children and Young People in Oxfordshire - Chill Out Bids for 2009/10


A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Declarations of interest:

Councillor  Chapman

Personal interest in the following applications:


Freeland Village Hall Management Committee and Hanborough Playing Fields Association – Local Member .

Improvements to Leys Skate Park - Member of Witney Town Council


She advised that she had not taken an active part in either of the applications


Summary of representations in person


Ms Atkinson outlined the Abingdon Damascus Youth Project’s significant development and invited the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families to visit the project.


Ruth Ashwell presented each application.


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Councillor Chapman congratulated the various applicants and stressed the importance of their work in the development of children and young people.


With regard to the applications from:


·                    Freeland Village Hall Councillor Chapman felt that there had been more than limited use of the Hall and felt that support should be given subject to efforts being made to secure and encourage use by a wider age range.

·                    Hanborough Playing Fields Association she considered that the application should be supported but subject to match funding being realised.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions as follows


to approve the following applications for revenue grant (or capital where indicated):


(1)              Fusion Arts (£4984) subject to the project seeking to work with schools and other support agencies to ensure young people who should be at school were reengaged and that for all the young people involved that there was sustainability of the work after the project end.

(2)              Abingdon Damascus Youth Project (£5,000)

(3)              Witney Town Council Leys Skate Park Improvements     (£5,000)

(4)              Cumnor Parish Youth Project (£5,000)

(5)              OFVM Film Oxford (£4,500)

(6)              Goring and Cholsey Parish Councils Youth Provision      (£8570)

(7)              Oxford Cricket Club (£2,500 revenue and £500 capital)

(8)              Watlington, Chinnor, Chalgrove Parish Councils Youth Provision (£8326) and to highlight the benefits of joint working by the three Parish Councils.

(9)              Bladon Junior Church (£1392 capital)

(10)          Chipping Norton Lido (£1369) subject to match funding being realised.

(11)          Rose Hill Youth Centre Holiday Provision (£5,000)

(12)          Rose Hill Youth Centre Cycling Activities Residential (£2585) in 2009/10 but to suggest that the applicants undertake some self support funding in future years.

(13)          Woodcote Youth Development Group (September to March)     (£4272)

(14)          Woodcote Youth Development Group (April to September) (£4272)

(15)          Henley Youth Centre (£2,500)

(16)          Freeland Village Hall management Committee (£5,000) subject to efforts being made to secure and encourage use by a wider age range.

(17)          Hanborough Playing Fields Association (£5,000) subject to match funding being realised.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families

Date ………………………………….


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