Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 7 June 2007

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Division(s): Headington & Marston









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The above new Zone was formally consulted upon with the provision for permit charges if approved by Cabinet. Residents of Marston South were also formally consulted as part of the separate Permit Charging Consultation. Combining both consultation results, there was a 28% response from the Marston South Zone. In reply to the question as to whether there is a case for introducing permit charges 250 (64%) residents of Marston South who responded replied No; 106 (27%) replied Yes and the remaining 31 (8%) did not answer.


2.                  The report to Cabinet on 19 September 2006 included full information on the permit charging responses from existing and proposed new zones which also included the residents of Marston South. It also set out fully matters for consideration in relation to charging for permits.


3.                  The Cabinet approved the introduction of permit parking charges for all parking Zones within Oxford City and authorised amendment of TROs (made  or authorised before 19 September 2006) to include relevant provisions. Due to the ‘call-in’ of the permit charging decision, Cabinet Member for Transport (CMfT) on 6 October 2006 could not consider permit charges for the Marston South Zone. Therefore, confirmation of the permit charges for the Zone is now required.




4.                  On 19 September 2006, the Cabinet approved the introduction of charges for parking permits in Oxford. However, due to concerns about the consultation process, this decision was ‘called in’ by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee who met on 6 October 2006.


5.                  That meeting also coincided with the presentation of the Marston South CPZ report to the Cabinet Member for Transport on the same date. In view of ‘the call-in’ a recommendation to postpone consideration of the introduction of Permit Parking Charges within the zone as advertised, pending the outcome of a final Cabinet decision on the introduction of charges for parking permits in Oxford was added to the report and agreed. The new zone was approved for implementation.


6.                  Having considered the permit charging issue the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee decided to accept the Cabinet’s decision, subject to asking Cabinet to provide full and comprehensive publicity on all aspects of the parking scheme, with particular emphasis on the discretionary availability of extra visitor permits provided by way of a Carer Permit for those with a proven medical need.


7.                  At the time of the original Cabinet decision of 19 September 2006 no made order for Marston South existed nor was there any resolution to make an order for Marston South. Therefore the Cabinet decision to introduce charges for parking permits in Oxford could not and did not apply to authorise TRO provisions for charging for permits in that zone. This is why a separate decision is required for their introduction in Marston South.


LTP2, Financial and Staff Implications


8.                  The place of residents parking schemes in our Transport policies and the possibility of introducing charges in Oxford are explicitly mentioned in the Local Transport Plan. The basis of the permit charge is the elimination of the deficit on the residents parking operations in the On-Street Parking Accounts. Permit charges for all Zones will be collected by staff in our new Payments Shop when it is opened.




9.                  The Committee is RECOMMENDED to confirm the introduction of permit charges for the Marston South Zone as detailed in the report to Cabinet on 19 September 2006.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background Papers:            (a) Document A, Marston South Formal Consultation 2006 Results which includes Part B, Responses from CPZ Charging Consultation

(b) Analysis of Responses to Consultations on the Proposed Introduction of Charges foe Residents and Visitors Parking Permits in Oxford


Contact Officer:                     Richard Kingshott, Assistant Principal Engineer, Controlled Parking Zones Tel: (01865) 815716


May 2007

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