Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 7 June 2007

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MINUTES of the meeting held on 26 April 2007 commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 10.45 am




Voting Members:          Councillor Ian Hudspeth and Councillor David Robertson




Whole of meeting:           G. Warrington (Corporate Core); P. Mann, R. Kingshott, S. Fleming, C. Rossington, (Environment & Economy)


                                           G. Foster (Jacobs Babtie)


Agenda Item

Officer Attending



Amrik Manku (Environment & Economy)


The Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting, and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.





RESOLVED:          that Councillor Ian Hudspeth (Conservative) be elected Chairman of the Committee for the current Council Year.




RESOLVED:          that Councillor David Robertson (Conservative) be elected Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the current Council Year.




The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:-


Request from

Agenda Item

Mr T. Sanderson

7. North Summertown CPZ



(Agenda Item 6)


The Committee considered a tenth quarterly report (TD6) setting out progress on and status of schemes approved since December 2002 by the former Transport Implementation Committee and more recently the Cabinet Member for Transport.


Mr Manku advised that further action would be taken in order to progress Scheme 10/06 Eynsham Premium Bus Route – Land Acquisition.


RESOLVED:         to note the report and progress on the schemes.



(Agenda Item 7)


The Committee considered a report (CA7) which set out the outcome of a statutory consultation on the proposed North Summertown Controlled Parking Zone. Elaine Steane a resident of Harpes Road and Chairman of the Sunnymead Environmental Group, had also submitted further representations and these had been included in the addenda sheet.


Mr Sanderson referred to the clear majority against the proposals which considered completely unnecessary, particularly in view of the two park & ride sites in close proximity and frequent and accessible bus services.  He was confident that the scheme would have no real benefit for residents.  


Councillor Roaf and Councillor Fooks supported the proposals but presented a case for the exclusion of three roads in the Sunnymead area – Harpes Road, Islip Road and Water Eaton Road.  These roads bordered the proposed area, were adjacent to the existing Summertown CPZ and  sufficiently far enough away from main routes as to discourage commuters.  There had been little displacement following the introduction of the Summertown CPZ and any further displacement was considered unlikely.


Councillor Fooks also referred an apparent anomaly in the Order relating to 18 Scot Road which was occupied by a resident with mobility problems.


Mr Kingshott advised that exclusion of the three roads as proposed by Councillor Fooks and Councillor Roaf would constitute a substantial change to the Order and therefore require reconsultation.  He accepted that the majority of responses received to the Order had opposed the proposals but he also considered it probable that a large majority of householders had not responded because they supported the proposals.  With regard to 18 Scot Road he advised that parking restrictions had been imposed because there was no dropped kerb outside that property. An application would need to be submitted for a dropped kerb and authority given to modifying the Order.


Councillor Hudspeth, supported by Councillor Robertson, was reluctant to support any changes to the Order which would necessitate yet another round of consultation and highlighted potential problems for areas of North Summertown when the old Oxfam headquarters were relet.  He supported moves to encourage homeowners to adopt more environmentally friendly schemes when concreting gardens to provide off-street parking.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the “North Summertown” Controlled Parking Zone for implementation subject to incorporating the following amendments to the advertised draft Traffic Regulation Order as shown on Plan Nos. BPN1073/A3006-C and BPN1073/A3007-C:


(i)                             Aldrich Road:  Change the restriction outside the access to No 28 Aldrich Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(ii)                           Banbury Road: Amend Banbury Road in Schedule 4 Part A, Postal Addresses for Eligibility to Apply for Permits, by deleting ‘Odd numbers: 347 – 367, 371, 393 – 399, 403 – 409’ and inserting ‘Odd numbers 351 - 367, 371, 393 – 399, 403 - 409’.


(iii)                         Bladon Close: Amend Schedule 4 Part A, Postal Addresses for Eligibility to Apply for Permits, by inserting ‘Bladon Close The whole road’.


(iv)                          Blandford Avenue: Change the restriction adjacent to No 372 Woodstock Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit with No Waiting at Any Time outside the access to No 372 Woodstock Road.


(v)                            Blandford Avenue: Change the restriction outside Nos. 32a and 34c Blandford Avenue from No Waiting at Any Time, to Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(vi)                          Blandford Avenue: Change the restriction outside Nos. 34a and 34b Blandford Avenue from No Waiting at Any Time, to Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(vii)                        Blandford Avenue: Change the restriction outside No 55 Blandford Avenue from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to No Waiting at Any Time.


(viii)                      Blenheim Drive: Change the restriction outside No 35 Blenheim Drive from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(ix)                          Blenheim Drive: Change the restriction outside No 28 Blenheim Drive from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to No Waiting at Any Time.


(x)                            Blenheim Drive: Change the restriction outside the access to No 23 Blenheim Drive from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xi)                          Blenheim Drive: Change the restriction outside No 2 Blenheim Drive from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xii)                        Davenant Road: Change the restriction outside No 52 Davenant Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xiii)                      Davenant Road: Change the restriction outside No 17 Davenant Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xiv)                      First Turn: Change the restriction adjacent to No 385 Woodstock Road from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xv)                        Harpes Road: Change the restriction opposite Nos. 24 – 28 Harpes Road from One Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday), to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xvi)                      Harpes Road: Change the restriction outside Nos. 35 and 37 Harpes Road from Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xvii)                    Hawksmoor Road: Change the restriction outside Nos. 1 – 6 Hawksmoor Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xviii)                  Islip Road: Change the restriction outside the access of No 24 Islip Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xix)                      Islip Road: Change the restriction outside Islip Place from Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xx)                        Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 19 Islip Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxi)                      Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 21 Islip Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxii)                    Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 23 Islip Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxiii)                  Islip Road: Change the restriction outside the access of No 32 Islip Road from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit from Time Limit, to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xxiv)                   Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 104 (unoccupied building) from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xxv)                     Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 91 Islip Road (Initial Textile Services) from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxvi)                   Islip Road: Change the restriction outside No 104a Islip Road from Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit, to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxvii)                 Salisbury Crescent: Change the restriction outside Nos. 40 and 42 Salisbury Crescent from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xxviii)               Southdale Road: Change the restriction outside the access of No 2 Southdale Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xxix)                   Southdale Road: Change the restriction outside Nos. 23 and 25 Southdale Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xxx)                     Southdale Road: Change the restriction outside the access of Nos. 39 and 41 Southdale Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xxxi)                   Water Eaton Road:  Change the restriction outside No 2 Water Eaton Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday)


(xxxii)                 Wolsey Road: Change the restriction outside the access of No 60 Wolsey Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to No Waiting at Any Time.


(xxxiii)               Woodstock Road: Amend Woodstock Road in Schedule 4 Part A, Postal Addresses for Eligibility to Apply for Permits, by inserting ‘Even numbers 318 - 394’.


(xxxiv)               Wren Road: Change the restriction outside No 27 Wren Road from Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), to Four Hour parking (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxxv)                 Wren Road: Change the restriction outside Nos. 9 – 13 Wren Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Two Hour parking (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) Permit Holders Exempt from Time Limit.


(xxxvi)               Wren Road: Change the restriction outside Nos. 13 – 17 Wren Road from No Waiting at Any Time, to Permit Holder Only parking (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).


(xxxvii)             Wren Road: Subject to further consultation of those affected, provide a Coach Parking Bay Fridays 10am – 2pm within the extent of the 4-hour shared use parking bay outside the Adventure Playground.


(xxxviii)           Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part 1 General, Definitions, 3. “Resident (Short Term)”, by inserting ‘for a minimum of a month’ after ‘work purposes’.


(xxxix)               Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part 1 General, Definitions, 3. by inserting ‘“Renewal Date” means or such other date as specified by the Council from time to time in each year.


(xl)                          Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Terms, 34. (2), by deleting ‘blocks’ and inserting ‘allocations’ and by deleting ‘(with each block…sheet containing 5 permits)’ and inserting ‘(each allocation being 25 Visitor’s Permits)’.


(xli)                        Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Terms, 34. (3) (a) by deleting ‘block’ and inserting ‘allocation’.


(xlii)                      Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Terms, 34. (3) (b) by deleting ‘block’ and inserting ‘allocation’.


(xliii)                    Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Application Process, 35. (6) by deleting ‘block’ and inserting ‘allocation’.


(xliv)                     Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (1) by deleting ‘A sheet of’.


(xlv)                       Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (1) (a) by deleting ‘sheet’ and inserting ‘Visitors Permits’.


(xlvi)                     Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (1) (b) by deleting ‘sheet of’.


(xlvii)                   Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (2) by deleting ‘A single sheet of’.


(xlviii)                 Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (3) by deleting ‘in the first available section on the face of the sheet of Visitors Permits’ and inserting ‘on the face of the Visitors Permit’ and by deleting ‘in that section’ and inserting ‘on that Visitors Permit’.


(xlix)                     Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part VII Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Permit Formalities, 36. (4) by deleting ‘in the first available section on the face of the sheet of Visitors Permits’ and inserting ‘on the face of the Visitors Permit’ and by deleting ‘in that section’ and inserting ‘on that Visitors Permit’.


(l)                              Draft TRO Amendment: Amend TRO, Part X Hotel Visitors’ Permit Scheme, Application Process, 48. (3), by inserting ‘provided always that the issue of such permits may be subject to 28 days prior notice’ at the end of the final sentence;


(li)                            Scot Road:  officers to contact the resident of 18 Scot Road regarding provision of a dropped kerb outside that property and to authorise the Head of Transport to modify the traffic Order as necessary;


(b)          authorise the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Strategic Transport Policy and Transport Implementation to carry out further minor amendments to the scheme and the Traffic Regulation Order that may be required when implementing the proposed parking zone;


(c)          ask officers to issue a copy of the Royal Horticultural Society’s booklet referring to paving front gardens when future permissions for dropped kerbs were issued and to request the Oxford City Council to support that initiative whenever possible.






................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007

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