Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007


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4.         Petitions and Public Address





Frank Dumbleton, Resident of Chilton*

Councillor Jim Moley (Local Member)*

Councillor Zoe Patrick (Local Member)


)13E. Bus service Subsidies



·        As this item will be taken in exempt session Mr Dumbleton will speak at Item 4

·        Councillor Moley has indicated that he will also speak at Item 4.


6.         A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing


            Councillor Bob Johnston (Shadow Member for Strategic Transport Policy) is unable to attend the meeting and has asked for the following comments to be considered by the Committee:


“I am pleased that the matter is being considered again.  I think that there are two key points.


1.         The local people should be fully consulted as the project is worked up.

2.         What consideration will be given to sparing the inhabitants of Standlake in particular from the worst effects (or indeed all) of the increased HGV traffic which must surely follow the building of a new bridge which as I understand it will be able to take HGVs without restriction?”


13E     Bus Service Subsidies


            The Chilton Parish Council have submitted the following comments with regard to Service 32/33:


“Whilst the Parish Council regret the loss of service to Newbury, they understand the reasons.   The Parish Council would wish to see an extension of the 32/33 route into Chilton Village so that there will be a service to Didcot.


This is very necessary because there is a small but not insignificant number of Chilton residents (mainly pensioners equipped with bus passes) who use a bus service to travel to Didcot for the hospital, the Woodlands Medical Centre, the library, civic hall and CAB, the Didcot Health Centre, the Orchard Centre and the railway station.  Some provision must be made for this community to travel to Didcot for these purposes and return at reasonable times.”


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