Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007


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Division(s): Henley (South)








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report details responses received to a formal advertisement of a proposal to extend the 30 miles per hour speed limit on Station Road, Shiplake-on- Thames to include the railway level crossing.


2.                  The existing 30 miles per hour speed limit on Station Road terminates at the limit of the system of street lighting at the junction with Northfield Avenue, Northfield Road and Mill Road.


3.                  Station Road and the public highway extend as far as the eastern boundary of the level crossing.  The roads to the east of the crossing, Lashbrook Road, Basmore Lane and Bolney Road are private.


Reasons for the Proposal


4.                  An investigation was carried out by the Railway Inspectorate following a collision between a car and a passenger train on the level crossing.  The Inspector’s report recommended that the present speed limit be extended to cover the level crossing.


5.                  The views of residents of the private roads, together with local stakeholders were sought to explore the possibility of including part of the private roads east of the crossing.  The consensus was that the proposal should only include the public highway within the formal proposal.


Advertisement and Consultation


6.                  Formal advertisement and consultation on the proposal was carried out between 10 August - 5 September, 2007.  A Public Notice was placed in the local press and on site with full details sent to statutory bodies and local stakeholders.


7.                  It was noted that a typographical error appeared on the Notice which indicated that the extension proposed extended for 115 miles rather than 115 metres.  Advice was sought from the County Council’s Legal section which advised that the error was not sufficient to require a re-advertisement of the proposal.  It is permissible to implement an Order which imposes a reduction in the length of the proposal.


Comments Received


8.                  A total of 4 responses were received.  Shiplake-on-Thames Parish Council and Thames Valley Police offered no objection to the proposal.  One response indicated support for the proposal but indicated that the introduction of the proposal was unlikely to be adequately effective.  One letter of objection was received.  The responses are summarised at Annex 2 (download as .doc file)

(Annex 1 - download as .doc file)




9.                  The proposal will bring the short stretch of Station Road, including the level crossing, which is not subject to a speed restriction in line with the remainder of the public highway within the village.  It conforms to a recommendation made by the Railway Inspectorate which seeks to reduce the risk of collisions at the level crossing.


Financial and Staff Implications


10.             The costs of the proposal and associated works are to be met in full by Network Rail.




11.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the making of an Order to extend the 30 miles per hour speed limit on Station Road, Shiplake on Thames from its junction with Northfield Avenue/Northfield Road and Mill Road for a distance of 115 metres east; and


(b)              authorise any works necessary to implement the Order.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Malcolm Bowler, Senior Traffic Technician,

Tel: (01235) 466119


September, 2007.


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