Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 6 September 2007 commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 11.55 am




Voting Members:                Councillor Ian Hudspeth - in the chair


Councillor David Robertson


Other Members in               Councillor Bob Johnston (for Agenda Item 6)

Attendance:                         Councillor Roz Smith (for Agenda Items 7 and 8)

Councillor John Sanders (for Agenda Item 7)

Councillor Anne Purse (Item 11)

Councillor Charles Mathew (for Agenda Item 12)




Whole of meeting:           Graham Warrington (Corporate Core); Steve Howell (Environment & Economy)


Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


David Clough (Environment & Economy)


John Cramer (Environment & Economy)


Craig Rossington (Environment & Economy)


Stuart Timms and Paul Fermer (Environment & Economy)


Mike Ruse (Environment & Economy)

10 and 11

Lee Turner (Environment & Economy)


Charlie Benner and Julian Hartless (Environment & Economy)



The Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting, and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.



22/07         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 July 2007 were approved and signed.




The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:-


Request from


Agenda Item

Richard Barlow (Oxford & District Private Hire Association)

Councillor Bob Johnston


) 6. Use of Bus Lanes by Private Hire

) Vehicles


Patrick Coulter (Highfield Residents Association)

Alex Cochrane (West Waddy ADP)

Rex Knight (Oxford Brookes University)

Councillor Roz Smith *

Councillor John Sanders

) 7.
Oxford London Road Corridor

) Improvements


Councillor Roz Smith

8. Implementation of Bus Stop Clearways on Premium Bus Route – Barton

Georgina Glenny (Wheatley resident)

Councillor Anne Purse

) Proposed Amendments to Waiting )Restrictions – Church Road and High )Street, Wheatley

Ted Talbot

Terry Kirkpatrick (Standlake and Northmoor Parish Councils)

West Oxfordshire District Councillor Brenda Smith



) A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing





* With regard to Item 7 Councillor Roz Smith presented a petition containing approximately 300 signatures in the following terms:


“We, the undersigned call on the County Council to remove as soon as possible the proposal to close Headington underpass from their plans for the London Road



(Agenda Item 5)


The Committee considered a report (TD5) detailing comments received in response to a consultation on installation of parking bays and yellow lines along the Banbury Western Corridor route south of Warwick Road.


Mr Clough advised that one minor issue remained unresolved with regard to residents at the Kennedy House Flats but that all other concerns had been addressed.


The Committee thanked him for his efforts in resolving the issues raised in response to the public consultation.  


RESOLVED:         to approve the implementation of parking proposals along the Banbury Western Corridor as shown on plans B025450B3300/B3301 and B3302 subject to authorising the Head of Transport to resolve any concerns or comments resulting from the Road Safety Audit process, should any arise.



(Agenda Item 6)


The Committee considered (TD6) responses received to a formal consultation on a proposal to amend relevant traffic regulation orders and permit access to bus lanes by private hire vehicles.


Mr Barlow referred to the considerable efforts made to persuade the County Council to allow private hire vehicles access to bus lanes.  Current restrictions affected trade and he called for private hire vehicles to be afforded the same rights as hackney carriages.  He considered that further survey work would be a waste of resources and suggested that private hire vehicles be allowed access from October for an initial period of six months and the position monitored and reviewed after that period. He advised that Oxford City Council and Andrew Smith MP supported access for private hire vehicles.  If the Committee could not support that alternative proposal then a decision should be deferred to the October meeting to allow further consultation.


Mr Cramer confirmed that no response had been received from the City Council and advised that the officer recommendation had been based on the responses received to the consultation as set out in the report.


Councillor Johnston and supported the officer recommendation.


Councillor Fooks also supported the officer recommendation (as set out in the addenda sheet)


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          agree to survey work being undertaken to quantify the potential effect of permitting PHV access to bus lane; and


(b)          defer a decision on permitting PHV access to bus lanes until March 2008 so that the survey work referred to in (a) above could be considered.



(Agenda Item 7)


The Committee considered a report (TD7) detailing progress made on the design for a scheme for transport improvements on the Headington and London Roads in Oxford including changes proposed to the design as a result of consultation on the scheme carried out in the spring and summer 2007. 


Councillor Roz Smith declared a personal interest insofar as she was an employee of Oxford Brookes University.


Referring to current problems with regard to traffic in the Highfield area Mr Coulter expected the situation to deteriorate during construction and afterwards unless other measures were introduced first. He asked for the Highfield area traffic management scheme to be implemented before the London Road proposals and called for introduction of 20 mph zones in adjacent areas.  The Local community would welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with County officers on aspects of design.


Mr Knight welcomed the scheme which reflected the ambitions and aspirations of the Oxford Brookes University.  However, he asked the Committee for an opportunity for the University to review and remodel certain aspects of the scheme opposite the University’s Darcy building.  Mr Cochrane then outlined a proposal by the University to provide an additional crossing facility across Headington Road at the proposed new entrance to the Gypsy Lane campus.  He advised that a second pedestrian refuge would not affect traffic flow and asked the Committee to allow time for Oxford Brookes to submit road safety audited amendments.


Councillor Smith expressed concerns over the overall strategy for Headington of which the London Road scheme would be a part, displacement of traffic on surrounding areas and whether adequate funding could be guaranteed.  The scheme did not address problems on Headington Hill and she called for consideration to be given to possible dual use of the existing footpath.  She supported calls for the local community and councillors to be involved in design work and referred to the importance of the Headington underpass as evidenced by the level of support in the petition.


Councillor Sanders referred to the high level of general support for the scheme but drew attention to specific aspects of the scheme namely potential problems of access to 194 – 196 Headington Road because of proposals to site a new bus stop and the loss of a mature tree because of proposals for a new bus layby (opposite Headington School).  With regard to the underpass he thought it unlikely that it enjoyed the levels of use indicated by the number of petitioners.


Mr Rossington addressed the comments made.  He advised that officers would, wherever possible, involve stakeholder groups in the development of the detailed design (particularly on the section through Headington Shops).  With regard to the proposal by Oxford Brookes for an additional pedestrian crossing refuge even minor amendments could at this stage have a significant delay consequence.  Officers felt that they had got the overall strategy right but were willing to look again at Headington Hill and options for the subway.  Officers would be looking at layout and access as part of the detailed design and that would give an opportunity to consider the effect of the proposed bus stop on adjacent properties and to verify whether or not it was necessary to remove a tree as part of the bus layby proposals (opposite Headington School). He confirmed that if it was then replacement planting would be carried out.


Councillor Robertson asked officers to advise on the consequences of acceding to the request proposed by Brookes University for an additional pedestrian refuge.


Mr Rossington and Mr Collins reaffirmed that officers considered the scheme as proposed to be the most appropriate but that whilst programming was extremely tight any changes necessary as a result of the proposal by Brookes University could be accommodated if a decision was reached in 4 weeks.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          authorise officers to proceed with the detailed design of the scheme as consulted on but to incorporate the suggested changes as a result of that consultation as set out in Annex 6 to the report TD7;


(b)          approve the phasing of the scheme construction as Pullens Lane to Osler Road during 2008/09 and Osler Road to Wharton Road during 2009/10;


(c)          note that the elements of the approved design agreed with Oxford Brookes as set out at Annex 3 to the report TD7 would need to be fully funded by the university including a commuted sum towards their maintenance; and


(d)          authorise officers to promote and make any order necessary for the safe operation of the scheme subject to any objections being reported back to the Transport Decisions Committee.


(e)     authorise a deadline period of two weeks from the date of this Committee for Oxford Brookes University to come forward with a feasible alteration to the scheme opposite the University’s Darcy building and to authorise the Head of Transport following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Transport Implementation and Strategic Transport Policy to either accept or reject the proposed change.



(Agenda Item 8)


The Committee considered a report (TD8) which detailed objections received from frontagers affected by proposals to upgrade Premium Route bus stops in the Barton area.


Raising concerns regarding the adequacy of consultation on this proposal Councillor Roz Smith felt that many interested parties had been denied an opportunity to comment and asked the Committee to delay a decision in order to undertake additional consultation.


Mr Fermer confirmed that two bus stops already existed at the two sites.


RESOLVED:         to agree installation of bus stop clearways at Humfrey Road and Barton Village Road bus stops as set out at Annex 1 to the report TD8.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Committee considered a report (TD9) which considered the proposed provision of 46 new Disabled Persons' Parking Places (DPPPs), the formalisation of 2 "advisory" DPPPs and the removal of 42 DPPPs in Oxford City following the publication of the draft Order - the Oxfordshire County Council  (Disabled Persons' Parking Places - Oxford) (Amendment) Order 20**.


Mr Ruse explained why there had been a backlog of applications as referred to by Councillor Jean Fooks in the tabled addenda sheet.




(a)         to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places – Oxford) (Amendment) Order 20** as published in order to provide for:


(i)                 forty-six new DPPPs in Abbey Road, Aldrich Road, Allam Street, Arnold Road, Balfour Road, Bath Street, Bernwood Road, Blackbird Leys Road, Boundary Brook Road, Butterwort Place, Cardinal Close, Cranham Street, Cross Street, Crotch Crescent, Cuddesdon Way, Divinity Road, Ferry Pool Road, Fairacres Road, Gladstone Road, Hayfield Road, Hendred Street (outside the Co-op funeral parlour), Holley Crescent, Howard Street, Hurst Street, Jordan Hill Road, Liddell Road, Mather Road, Magdalen Road, Marlborough Road, Masons Road, Old High Street, Osberton Road, Peat Moors (2 DPPPs) Poulton Place (widening existing DPPP), Princes Street, Rewley Road, Russell Street, Sandy Lane, Stratfield Road,  St Mary’s Road, St Thomas’ Street, Taverner Place (2 DPPPs), Ulfgar Road, and Weldon Road as specified in the report TD9;


(ii)               formalisation of two existing advisory DPPPs at Cowley Road, Littlemore;


(iii)             removal of  forty-two DPPPs in Abbey Road, Aston Street, Bartlemas Road, Barton Road (3 DPPPs), Campbell Road, Cardigan Street, Cavell Road, Chilswell Road, Claymond Road, Copse Lane (2 DPPPs), Court Farm Road, Crotch Crescent, Divinity Road, East Avenue (2 DPPPs), Gorse Leas, Hayfield Road, Henry Road, Hurst Street (2 DPPPs), Jordan Hill Road, Junction Road, Leafield Road, Leckford Road, Middle Way, Milne Place, Pegasus Road, Plantation Road, Shelford Place, St Bernard’s Road (3 DPPPs), Stratford Street (2 DPPPs), Temple Road, Tyndale Road, Vicarage Road, Webbs Close, and Winchester Road;


(b)          not to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places-Oxford)(Amendment)Order 20** as published in respect of:


(i)                 six new DPPPs in Hendred street, Highfield Avenue, Hurst Street, Leiden Road, Quarry High Street and Victor Street;


(ii)               the removal of four DPPPs in Harley Road, Leckford Road, St Margaret’s Road and Winchester Road.  



(Agenda Item 10)


The Committee considered a report (TD10) setting out comments/objections received in response to a formal advertisement of a proposal to implement a weight restriction on the bridge over the Railway at Foxhall Road, Didcot in response to an assessment of the bridge by Network Rail which had indicated that in order to protect the fabric of the structure it had become necessary to restrict the weight of vehicles permitted to travel over the bridge to a maximum gross weight of 18 tonnes.


As this was now a structural issue Councillor Robertson supported the proposal.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the making of an 18 tonne weight restriction order over the railway bridge at Foxhall Road, Didcot; and


(b)         authorise any works necessary to implement the Order



(Agenda Item 11)


The Committee considered a report (TD11) setting out comments received to a consultation on proposals to amend waiting restrictions in Church Road and High Street.


Georgina Glenny, speaking on behalf of 15 residents of Church Road called for a systemic review of proposals in Wheatley and referred to the harm caused by the introduction of incremental ad hoc proposals.  There were a number of issues in Church Road and this proposal in isolation did not help that situation.  The alternative parking option was not a realistic one for residents due to the limited size of the car park and the risk of damage to vehicles at night.


Endorsing the comments regarding unsuitability of alternative parking options Councillor Purse referred to the vibrancy of Wheatley village and whilst recognising that the proposal had been promoted for reasons of road safety it was also important to try and maintain that vibrancy by maintaining access to shops and services and to recognise the needs of residents who had no garaging facilities. 


Councillor Hudspeth recognised the problems but stressed that the scheme had been sponsored because of road safety vision issues.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve amendments to waiting restrictions in Church Road and High Street, Wheatley as advertised; and


(b)          authorise any works necessary to implement the proposals.



(Agenda Item 12)


The Committee considered a report (TD12) which considered options for a new crossing for the A415 in the vicinity of Newbridge.


Ted Talbot referred to considerable local concern over the proposed option as set out in the report and to a number of items of communication to the County Council which had remained unanswered.


Speaking on behalf of Standlake and Northmoor Parish Councils Terry Kirkpatrick asked the Committee to delay its decision.  Too few options had been considered at this preliminary stage and there had been insufficient local consultation. Issues such as the requirement of English Heritage to protect the setting of the ancient monument and heritage site of Newbridge by positioning any replacement at least 1 km from the exisiting bridge needed to be addressed.  He referred to HM Treasury Green Book Guidance which required a Do Nothing or Do Minimum Option which meant repair, conserve and maintain the existing bridge and down grade A415 diverting traffic as necessary. He listed alternative routes between Abingdon and Witney and their respective distances – via Newbridge (14.9 miles), Tadpole Bridge (20.1 miles) and Swinford Bridge (14.9 miles).  There had been little consultation undertaken with the Parishes Joint Committee and in view of the need to protect this site and the needs of local communities he asked the Committee to defer its decision and instruct County officers to consult Parish Councils on 2 additional options to either protect the Newbridge setting or do nothing.


West Oxfordshire District Councillor Brenda Smith endorsed all Mr Kirkpatrick had said and supported calls for deferral.  The County Council appeared to be rushing ahead without full consultation on all options and on a proposal to purchase land which might not be required.


Responding to the points made, Mr Benner advised that officers did not consider that there was a do nothing or do minimum option available for Newbridge as it was not feasible to adequately strengthen the existing structure and not appropriate to rely on a low structural weight limit as a safe long term solution for a weak bridge on the A415.  He indicated that English Heritage generally discouraged interference with the fabric of any Ancient Monument, except as a last resort, and that he was not aware of any requirement by them to provide a replacement bridge 1 km away out of sight of Newbridge, which in any event would increase the costs to such an extent as to jeopardise the scheme.  The land referred to in recommendation (b) represented an opportunity purchase and could be resold if not required. Future public consultation on the single route corridor would include information on the other options considered and deal with issues such as removal of traffic lights on A415 and other restrictions for A415 as part of any agreed scheme.


Mr Howell confirmed that although a do nothing option was not considered feasible it would form part of the consultation process.  The bridge could not be strengthened and therefore needed to be replaced and although it would be required to carry hgv traffic such as buses and emergency vehicles it was not intended to upgrade the A415.  He asked Mr Talbot to let him have details of any outstanding correspondence.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the single route corridor indicated on plan BNP1080/B3901 for the development of a replacement bridge over the River Thames; and


(b)          authorise the Head of Transport in consultation with the Head of Property to enter into negotiations with the landowner’s agent Cluttons to purchase the section of land within the sale document referred to as Lot 6.



................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007


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