Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 27 February 2007

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Division(s): N/A




The subject as a whole is very broad and the Committee will need to focus upon specific areas within the topic. The Select Committee style questioning will in effect skim the surface of the subject area by speaking to individual witnesses who represent certain groups within the community, voluntary sector and public sector.

It is hoped that the investigation will illustrate how well information is being communicated and where this could be more effective.

General Discussion:-

The Committee need to be aware of the various types of Special Educational Needs and the different types of services that parents need to access, this will provided by Ms Janet Johnson at the beginning of the meeting. The witnesses called also need to be able to represent the different types of services to gain a balanced view, not individually, but as a group or collectively.

The investigation should focus on what information is currently available to parents from all organisations and how effective the sign posts are for parents to additional support, as opposed to the quality and content of this information (Due to the sheer quantity available).

The investigation should not seek to locate any gaps within the provision of information to parents, but rather to establish how well the information is being communicated and where this could be more effective.

Approximately 12% of the population do not have access to the internet, this group are some of the most likely to be in the greatest need of assistance when attempting to access and interpret information about SEN.

There will always be individuals who have had bad experiences while trying to access information for their child in relation to SEN. It is hoped that through the witnesses interviewed (especially the representatives of parent groups) we will be able to achieve an overview of any issues that there maybe in relation to the communication of information from Oxfordshire County Council, the Voluntary Sector and the Health Service.


Oxfordshire County Council

Ms Janet JohnsonService Manager (SEN Lead) - to present an overview of developments on locality working, information sharing and the role of the lead professional.

Councillor Louise Chapman – Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families

Ms Wendy Cliffe - Oxfordshire Parent Partnership

Ms Sarah Ainsworth – Service Manager, Disabilities

Health Professionals

Ms Ann Lowe- Children's Services Manager,  Ridgeway Trust

Parent Groups

Mr Nick Dunster, Barnado’s


Mr Eric Nash - Scope

Ms Jan Surman - Mencap

A representative from Connexions


Special School- Kevin Griffiths- Head Teacher, Frank Wise School.

Lines of Enquiry:-

For all Witnesses-

How did you first communicate to the parent/guardian the services that are available to them and the links to other services?

What are the perceived barriers to parents/carers accessing information? E.g. access to computer, confidence to ask for help, too much information, confusing information etc..

Are parents receiving effective and accessible information and help when they most need to access it?

To charities/service providers- How do you integrate your communications services with other providers?

Do you have any examples of good practice from your organisation in terms of effective communication to parents?

Do you currently work with other partners/organisations in order to effectively communicate with parents of children with SEN?

Do you feel that there are instances where your organisation could work with partners in order to achieve improved communication with parents of children with SEN?

Health Professionals-

What information does the NHS provide for parents after diagnosis of SEN? How is signposted to parents and carers?

Is there any follow-up communication with parents after their child has been diagnosed as having Special Educational Needs?

Do they signpost parents to other organisations?

What are parents experiences of the information received from the NHS?

Is there anyway in which you feel the NHS or Oxfordshire County Council could improve the quality and timing of information provided to parents?


What information is given to parents? How is this signposted to parents and carers?

Is the flow of SEN information continual throughout a child’s education?

Does the quality and quantity of information given to parents in relation to SEN depend upon the individual school?

What information is provided at each of the school transition phases? (Primary, Secondary, Special and post-16).

What feedback have you had from parent groups in terms of information received at each school transition point and in general?

Do schools communicate with parents on a regular basis about their child’s educational needs and general school activities?

Parent Support Groups:

What is the general impression from members of your groups in relation to their experiences of communication with Oxfordshire County Council and other agencies?

How does the geographical location of the group affect their response?

Do the political circumstances or events at the moment of questioning have any bearings on the group’s answers? E.g. Closure of services in a geographical area.

What feedback have you had from parent groups in terms of information received at each school transition point?

February 2007

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