Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 26 February 2008



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- 26 FEBRUARY 2008




Report by Head of Early Learning and Childcare




1.                  This report asks members to contribute to the consultation on the draft Childcare Market Assessment.  We have prepared this document in line with the requirements of Section 11 of the Childcare Act 2006.


2.                  The assessment surveys childcare supply and demand for 0-14s across Oxfordshire, and up to 18 where the young person has a disability.  The detailed reports (see ‘background papers’) also provide information at locality level.


3.                  The aim of the Childcare Act is to offer choice and flexibility to parents, enabling them to have greater choice about balancing family and work life.  In order to be able to do this childcare will need to be high quality, affordable, and flexible to meet their needs.


4.                  Ensuring sufficient childcare within Oxfordshire helps meet the county council’s overall challenges by contributing to:


·        infrastructure which supports economic growth, by enabling parents to work and train for work;

·        strong and diverse local communities - childcare providers come from the private, voluntary, independent and maintained sectors and are part of most communities across the county including smaller rural settlements.


Main Findings


Summary and Progress to Action Plan


5.                  This Assessment has been carried out by Cordis Bright Consultants on behalf of the Council.  Cordis Bright have prepared an Executive Summary which is attached to this report as Appendix A.  The full set of reports are available at

(Appendix A - download as .pdf file)


6.                  Cordis Bright consulted with parents, children and childcare providers across Oxfordshire and accessed data on registered childcare provision and population trends.


7.                  The assessment finds a healthy stock of childcare in Oxfordshire overall.  However, the most notable issues raised through the research are:


·        an apparent shortage of places available in school holiday periods


·        demand for additional breakfast and after-school club provision


·        childcare places not meeting the needs of many children with disabilities


·        childcare insufficiently affordable.


8.                  The Childcare Development Team is preparing an action plan to tackle the gaps identified in the Childcare Market Assessment and target resources on areas with the greatest need.  This plan will allow the county council to respond to its duty under the Childcare Act to secure sufficient childcare from April 2008.  Actions are likely to fall into three main groups:


·        activities to develop additional childcare places where they are needed


·        activities to sustain existing childcare places


·        further research to clarify issues raised by the assessment.


Links to Other Initiatives


9.                  Findings from the assessment could helpfully feed into the Primary Review in relation to capital issues and using schools for extended services.


10.             Childcare is part of the extended schools core offer so further partnership work with schools will be a crucial part of meeting the demand for out of school hours provision, including holiday periods.




11.             We already have a multi-agency group and a project officer looking at
supporting better access to childcare for children with disabilities.

12.             The Early Years Census 2008 will provide more information about actual take-up of early education by different ethnic groups which will give further context to the information in the assessment about these groups’ needs.


Next steps


13.             The county council must publish its final Childcare Market Assessment by 31 March 2008.  We intend to do this as an annex to the Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011.


14.             The Childcare Development Manager will review the way this Childcare Market Assessment has been carried out so that lessons learned can be included in planning for future assessments and updates.


15.             The Childcare Act requires us to carry out a full assessment at least every three years and to consider updating it at least annually.  We anticipate that updates will take account of changed supply information and any specific pieces of additional research carried out during the year.


Financial and Staff Implications


16.             Any further work and commissioning will be funded from the ring-fenced Sure Start grant.




17.             The Scrutiny Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the contents of the Childcare Market Assessment and proposed next steps, and contribute any additional information or responses.




Head of Early Learning and Childcare

Children, Young People & Families


Background papers:             The complete Childcare Market Assessment Report prepared for Oxfordshire County Council by Cordis Bright is available at


Contact Officer:                     Fergus Campbell (Childcare Development Manager) (Children, Young People & Families) Tel: (01865) 815102


February 2008


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