Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13 December 2005


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5. ‘Select Committee style’ investigation for Achieving Education for Children with Learning Disabilities

Members are asked to note that the witnesses appearing at CH5 on the face of the agenda have been amended and are now as follows:

    • Simon Adams – Learning & Culture
    • Cllr Michael Waine
    • Sarah Rusby, Executive Director Learning & Skills Council
    • Cynthia Bartlett, Headteacher, Bicester Community College
    • Sally Dicketts, Principal and Chief Executive, Oxford & Cherwell Valley College
    • Linda Hulin and Elaine Evers from CHOICE
    • A primary school SENco and a secondary school SENco Maralina Roxborough, St Josephs and Kim James, Gillotts School, Henley

6. Service and Financial Planning 2006/07 – 2010/11 and Budget Scrutiny of Occupational Health and the Youth Service

Members are asked to note that with the agreement of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman this item has now been allocated an extra 30 minutes. Lunch will be served at 12.30 pm and there will be a 15 minute comfort break at that time.

7. Children’s Inspection Report

Members are asked to note that this item will now commence at 1.35 pm rather than the publicised time of 1.05 pm.

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