Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13 December 2005

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Bicester & Ploughley - improvement of traffic and pedestrian management by introducing a one way system with the loss of multi-use games area, refurbishment of internal areas and addition of ten pin bowling. Spiceball - complete rebuild either on current site or nearby site to remove flooding problem. All would be managed under a single operating agreement in the form of a private sector hybrid trust or a not-for-profit distributing organisation. The Kidlington and Bicester Centres provide the sports halls for Gosford Hill School and Bicester Community College and schools in the Cherwell area use the pools at all three centres under joint use agreements. Cherwell plan to invest £10 million capital and additional revenue to a total project cost of around £17 million of which around £6 million will be spent at œKidlington and Bicester and are seeking between £1 - £1.5 million (inflation protected) from the County Council. Cherwell need to have confirmation of the County Council's contribution now in order to progress to detailed planning as they need certainty on the resources available even though work on site may not occur until later years. The greatest improvement for school use will be at Kidlington. The refurbishment at Bicester will not significantly improve school use as no new facilities of use to schools will be provided and use will be diminished by the potential loss of the games area. The rebuild of Spiceball will simply allow current use for swimming to continue without interruption from closures due to flood. There are no available finances in the Authority's Forward Plan up to 2008 as all of the sums available have been allocated against approved projects. A bid for £1 million over 2 years was submitted for unallocated capital last year for this project but was not successful. The same amount is requested. While Cherwell envisages revenue savings from this project the County Council is unlikely to benefit as the funding package assumes that the County 2006/072007/08£000TOTALSUPPORTING INFORMATIONPriority Order2008/09PriorityOrderScheme Description Priority ($)($) Service & Budget PrioritiesGCSE AttainmentEarly Years ProvisionChild ProtectionDelayed Discharges Elderly CarePublic Transport0Improve maintenance of local roads and pavements!Waste minimisation and re-cyclingYouth crime reductionBetter use of our property:Ranked Options and Priorities 2006/07 to 2009/10 (Capital)oRanked Expenditure Proposals 2006/07 to 2009/10 (Capital schemes without Funding and/or Cash Flow Implications)9Capital Expenditure Proposals (at 2006/07 Outturn Prices)2009/10lContribution to modernising the Kidlington & Gosford, Bicester & Ploughley & Spiceball Park Sports Centres ÂContribution as requested by Cherwell District Council towards refurbishment and rebuilding of three jointly used sports centres at Kidlington & Gosford, Bicester & Ploughley and Spiceball Park extended schools initiative.ŽCouncil will continue to contribute at the current level, for which there is budget provision. A capital sum contribution is Cherwell's preferred option although they would consider revenue and/or capital/revenue alternatives. This contribution would be in line with the Council's value of serving the people and the local communities in Oxfordshire by contributing to improving their sporting opportunities and contributing to improving health and wellbeing (Oxfordshire Community Strategy). The modernisation is in response to the District's wish to promote the health benefits for Cherwell residents of exercise and to meet the expectations for leisure opportunities and healthy lifestyles which are not fulfilled by the current facilities. It also meets other County Council Objectives: Helping people to fulfil their potential in terms of contributing to educational attainment and Better Use of our Property by reducing repair items at Kidlington and bringing buildings up to standard. It contributes to the Education Asset Management Plan priority of Building Learning Communities in respect of improving community access to sports facilities in line with the2 (P)&Children's Services Scrutiny Committeeÿ*ž ! ” ]Ë ˆ |'ÍÉ€ '°&p.0  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ+(&CCH6(a) - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"ANNEX 6 &L&8&Fƒ„&i4F£á?'i4F£á?(àï÷ûý~ï?)àï÷ûý~ï?M–\\TREAS-SERVER2\CE-COMSERV-LJ40ܸ?€ dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62ˆ†xœeËKQÆÏ7sõší4¥T|”¶‹é(±…fáBë ‘ "âBˆÍ$™6œf"(¢­‹.tэþ1Ò×?äƝڪñδÁ³ø¾Ë{Îw8Qt¿,P'0VÃWÒ›xLÎTñCCÂ-gÒ/7jˆt@¤Ûc•&ñ0ìïh6e{¸{Üžµäx <~~y Ó²^ÒŸãÞú.x²>é5•¦©€ƒ¨p…ä‡â’"³ˆ@Qì1 ;…U’3â+ ÿ_÷CÎIþ_“ô€{ÁY°y» %ânÈCÈØãø’mñôq²þÓDŸ%zJFÛA¶Eÿë›{û2Xµðá]ÜÖÂG-lÆ]Ð#²'°bÙ“FêïÃYt‘¤ÁàŒÉQÈw*N+I)ù­´Vñ™D™¼Ò?íEZ*†¿á€~øΙ)8óÅÈç ÌycžóúŸ-ä óoòÕúzÙóF+n©VË/ûa;9wô­ÿrs#^rÊOÐæ¬&ê¬ÄbJ¡" d€XX ƒÁ`à? ƒÁ`à?U} m€} ’C€} ¶€} ¶ €} m€} I€'  ; £@ ÿ@ Y@ ð@     ÿÀ ÑÀ ÿ€ €  ÿ€ @ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ   €P  ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿý Q$ý \¾UUUUUU¾7ý T¾UUUSSS¾¾ý V,ý X¾XXYý  Wý ]¾ZZZ[ý * ¾ !^ý +ý "ý " ý 4 ¾ #$_ý %ý &ý 'ý 5 ¾ !!CDDEý ý 6 ~ !$@ F~ G@@¾ GH¾ ((IJJHý  #¾((IJJH¾ ((IJJH¾ ((IJJH¾ ((IJJH¾ ((IJJH¾ ((FGGH¾ ((FGGH¾ ((FGGH¾ ((FGGH¾ ((FGGH¾ ((FGGHKý --#LHý % ÀÀ í#M@@ÿ % ÀÀ^@#Mÿ % ÀÀ^@#Nþ % ÀÀ^@¾ OO¾ABB))))ý 2ý 3~ ð?ý ~ @ý ~ @ý ×@HD$$D<^RT(Ì* ÿ!ÿ"ÿ#ÿ$ÿ%ÿ&ÿ~ @ý ~ !@ý !~ "@ý "~ #@ý #~ $ @ý $~ %"@ý %~ &$@ý &×Pxì°ð¨ððð( ð ððX² ð S 𿁠¿À@¿ðc„ð]`¸ƒ>¶@<då* ï7 |'ÍÉ€ !7Ã;+<  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ+(&CCH6(a) - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"ANNEX 6 &L&8&Fƒ„&üý~¿ßïç?'îv»Ýn·ë?(M&“Éd2é?)M&“Éd2é?M–\\TREAS-SERVER2\CE-COMSERV-LJ40ܸ?€ dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62††xœeOKQÅï™yñiŒÚ ÕRµ¢.¦£¤š… M0E$ˆˆ+!6“dj¸7̤P)muÑE»è¦ý0Ŷ~wîZÿÔøfÔ xç<~¼{ÏåFÑý²@uÃXŸI¿Ã 9…òë–„{β_-¿m´"Ò)€HwÅ*m⧰ÑnË,p74x\´d¼žÏ‚§ 30-ï1DúSÜÛüþùþ ÒÛ*M…€ƒ¨pä—âŠ"³ˆ@Qìo÷@þÿ§ðŒø‚x òäœø’äx< v a÷¡BÜy€½ˆýŒh‹Ç¡&Ë?It$Ñ2Ú²-º©oîíË`ÕÁßïâTÿè`3î”’½„-Ë^6ÒÌ#†Eô‘¤Á½àŒÉQ&îUœVÒ£äHi­â=2‰þ1ys¤Ûë´Qk~Ë)…·üð¥³RrVË‘¾20ë=÷œg׶–+-­.äê͝ªçÍ×ÜJ£‘ÛôÃ(v²îü 7þåfç¼ä»Ðæ¨&ê gðbW¡" XXX ƒÁ`à? 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