Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13 December 2005

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Cultural Services) PRESSURESETOTAL LEARNING & CULTURE (excl. Cultural Services) REPRIORITISATIONS%LESS: SAVINGS TO MEET SAVINGS TARGET %Children & Families Reprioritisations:TOTAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMUNITY NET PRESSURES&Education Development Plan Commitmentsla) increase in time taken to complete statements. b) reduction in quality of SEN casework and risk of increased out-county placements and SEN tribunals. c) reduction in time for budget monitoring of high risk, volatile budgets ( including Transport). d) reduction in quality of casework to maintain children in school or organise planned transfer to another schoolta) increase in time taken to organise education for pupils out of school. b) reduction in quality of casework to maintain children in school or organise planned transfer to another school. This, in turn could increase costs of home tuition and PRUIS. c) reduced time for budget monitoring of high risk, volatile budgets. d) increase in exclusions. e) increase in truancy.m"a) increase in time taken to complete statements. b) reduction in quality of SEN casework and risk of increased out-county placements and SEN tribunals. c) reduction in time for budget monitoring of high risk, volatile budgets (including Transport). d) reduction in quality of casework to maintain children in school or organise planned transfer to another school.None3Impact on viability and quality of service provided7May result in insufficient budget to meet overall costs|Savings from other service areas within Community Learning either not possible for technical reasons or even less acceptable*See previous comments in pressures sectionNone specifically¡SEN & Social Inclusion - Split across Service Areas including, education, social work, children looked after, PRUIS, educational psychology, SEN support service.†Allocating the savings across fewer services has been considered but rejected as this would increase the impact on individual servicesŠReduction in direct support to children and families and potential for increased out-county placements, exclusion from schools and truancy‘No national benchmarks. Cost per applicant lower in 05/06 (£31.58) than in 1999/2000 (£32.84). Overall performance rated internally as 'good'”The home tuition budget is projected to overspend by £32,000 in 2006/7 as a result of increased pupil numbers and increased costs of home tuition. There are underlying pressures of £25,000 in 2005/6 on the PRUIS budget as a result of reduction in income for permanently excluded pupils. There is an underlying pressure of £60,000 in 2006/7 on social inclusion budgets (behaviour support, education social workers, travellers service) as a result of the requirement to make efficiency savings in Children's Services overall of £256,800 in 2005/6. This is being contained in the current year by reorganising services to reduce posts and not filling vacancies.%Limiting range of service rejected because of priority to increase governors leadership capacity and in order to avoid damaging Charter Mark status and national reputation. Increase of fees rejected as scheme very recently revised and published following review of statutory/core requirementsJReduction in intervention strategies considered but rejected because of detrimental effect on increasing schools' capacity for improvement. Increase to income target rejected here but used to address other pressures - limit on increase to income earning affected by reduction in size of team and therefore income-earning capacity,Decreased buy back from schools using delegated funds. Surplus of staff but these needed to provide support to increasing number of isolated learners in Oxfordshire - 10 fold increase. We therefore have the staff to manage the changed situation but do not have equivalent funding for their salaries./"a) increase in time taken to organise education for pupils out of school. b) reduction in quality of casework to maintain children in school or organise planned transfer to another school. This, in turn could increase costs of home tuition and PRUIS. c) increase in exclusions. d) increase in truancy.JParticipation in future Arts Council Projects threatened. Contribution of the Arts to improving outcomes for children and young people to raise their achievement limited. Opportunity for Oxfordshire to participate in high profile event which shows Oxfordshire as a leading promoter of culture for children and young people lostêDo not bid for funding in future - cease to participate in Arts Council Projects - rejected because of significance of status of event and contribution to the outcomes for children and young people and lives of citizens of Oxfordshire Ex Gratia Payments - discontinue3Health & Safety Works - meet from capital programme-Joint Use Sports - reduce provision for worksTraining - reduce provisionMIS/SAP support - savings'Social Inclusion - Green Book Pay Award_Three options - of which this is one - are set out on page 2 of the accompanying briefing note KThe service's establishment and associated costs exceed its current budget As abovehReduce staffing (not advisable) Combine staffing with other sections (complex to achieve)N/A¿Increasing stress and sickness amongst staff leading to failure to meet national benchmarks for 'reach' and recorded and accredited work with young people. Community demands left unfulfilled.)Inflationary pressures from pay agreementNUnavoidable in HR/payroll/planning/ finance sections which are tightly staffeduSerious potential implications, including very real prospect of not all agreed capital funding being able to be spentNo comparable unitŠReal loss if involvement in key worker housing ceases. Ditto supply agency Recruitment fares: difficult to draw clear cause & effect lines9The suggested "solution" is the most cost-effective known+New activity, so not an answerable question+Risk of discord & lack of union cooperation¬Adviser work reviewed and range narrowed to take account of increased workload and ensure detrimental effect on school support and challenge to raise achievement is limitedÓUnable to meet all the priorities originally identified in EDP - refocusing on priorities within CYPP, linking with other SDS support programmes to maximise benefits of joint working and limit negative impact Green Book pay award1Funding of post no longer included in core budget¾Need to ensure continuation of Secondary Adviser posts (where funding has ceased) to ensure appropriate support, challenge and intervention to increase schools' capacity to raise achievement­Post needing to be retained to cover core work, including health and safety checks. Risk to Council of legal action if school residential visits not appropriately monitored`No County Council funding in core budget to match grant funding from Arts Council (South East) ýNo core funding from Oxfordshire County Council to match £30K Amey Grant. 50% of matched funding provided in kind by providing office base and admin support within current resources. Agreed in discussion with portfolio holders to manage this pressure.No comparators availablexMatched funding is a requirement of grant funding and the assumption is that all/most LAs would meet this requirement. iRedundancy of staff - rejected as specialist staff needed for other growth areas - see previous column. )Quality impact on statutory requirements.šIt is not possible to meet the efficiency savings from schools block items. Every effort has been made to protect front line direct services to children.‡The recent Ofsted inspection of the LEA noted that the SEN and Social Inclusion services were good services, providing value for money.*Inflationary pressures from pay agreement. Unavailable UnavoidablePRIORITY0IMAGINE with Modern Art Oxford - matched fundingFTESchool Development PressuresChildren's Services Pressures`School Development - Funding released through vacancies used to refocus work and fund prioritiesYouth service Admin Review< Reduce central costs1Children's Services Staffing underlying pressure gChildren's Services Central Staffing - reorganising services to reduce posts and not filling vacancies.School DevelopmentChildren's ServicesCommunity Learning1,3 & 41&3£000 PRESSURES ResourcesAdvisory Teachers+Duke of Edinburgh Award to match Amey grant7Foundation, Primary & Transition - Green Book Pay Award;Children's Services Central Staffing - Green Book Pay AwardgStudent Support - Need to safeguard existing staffing levels in order to avoid service failure in 06/07ÁYouth Service - Need to bring budget more closely in line with current levels of staffing in order to reduce dependence on short-term external funding and meet increasing community expectations(Community Learning - Pay award pressuresUnison RechargeRef.% of 2005/06 Budget2004/05 Outturn2005/06 Projected OutturnNWhat alternative options have been considered and why have they been rejected?<Implications of not funding in terms of outputs and outcomesNHow does the service compare with others in terms of unit cost and performance:Implications of reduction in terms of outputs and outcomes*3 : Service Reductions4 : Income Generation 5 : Other2006/07 PressureLCosts of PRUIS and home tuition are line with the median for shire counties.Adviser Vacancies1,3&4#Reducing the amount of home tuition per pupil is not possible in the context of government guidance to increase the level of home tuition provided. Reduction in places at PRUIS is not possible in the context of a new statutory requirement to provide full time education for excluded pupils.There is an underlying pressure of £95,000 on the central staffing budget in 2006/7 as a result of the requirement to meet efficiency savings in Children's Services overall of £256,800 in 2005-6. This pressure is being met in the current year by reorganising services to reduce posts and by not filling vacancies. This pressure will continue in future years and the actions taken in 2005/6 will need to continue in 2006/7 in order to contain the pressure. A further efficiency saving of £20,000 is required in 2006/7.ÀOption 1: Cease activity - difficult to do without negative effect on services Option 2: Schools to fund activity - very unlikely to be acceptable to schools as benefits are "indirect"Not appropriate - see previous%Minor activity: no alternative soughtDNeed to ensure continuation of Secondary Adviser posts (where funding has ceased) by taking decision not to fill a number of other adviser vacancies allowing continuation of posts no longer in receipt of core funding and creating opportunities to contract staff for particular tasks or functions on more cost-effective basis1Secondary Advisers arising from Best Value Review6Soulbury Pay Award and back pay on Soulbury Pay AwardsUFunding for advisers arising from Best Value Review no longer included in base budget˜Governor Services - Review balance of core/traded work; rationalise leadership work across Governor services and Oxfordshire Quality Schools Association>Difficulty meeting all Education Development Plan requirements8Special Educational Needs (SEN) - not filling vacancies.Green Book Pay Award'Manage pressures within existing budget>Community Learning Support Unit - Additional income generation(Reduce central costs for Head of Service!Student support - reduce staffingService ImpactsPolicy Choice ReprioritisationsType of Reprior-itisation2006/07 Reprior-itisation$School Development Reprioritisations%Children's Services Reprioritisations!Key to Types of Reprioritisation:%1 : Efficiency Saving: Cash Releasing)2 : Efficiency Saving: Non Cash ReleasingREPRIORITISATIONSChildren & Families7Green book pay award. 0.45% above 2.5% funding per MTFPHUnit Manager £50k to meet pressures from rising number of service users.MAssessment Teams -Balance of pressure not included in "non discretionary" bidZContinuing care increased health contribution to placements of children with complex needsxRedesign of residential service - to deliver savings over and above those that have been assumed in placement strategy.Children & Families PressuresSHC1ÉThis pressure was forecast as part of the Placement Matters Strategy and agreed at, Executive in April 2005. Future years of the strategy provide potential for re-investment in Family Support ServicesŸConsidered further cutting placements but this could destabilise outcomes for children. Also more foster placements are not yet available as per the strategy.Placements costs are on a par with other Local Authorities. Plans are in place however for 2006/07 to reduce costs by smarter commissioning. Children's social care (at the 15th centile) is the lowest comparative spend in the authority on recent Audit Commission analysisMReduced outcomes for children, impact on performance targets and APA and JAR. SHC1.6-10J3 year agreed pay award not fully funded throughout the life of the award.nReduction of two professional staff rejected on the grounds of capacity issues (see CSCI Inspection) and risk.OChildren's Services in Oxfordshire are low funded on all comparator indicators.:Risks to children's outcomes and departmental performance. SHC1.13-14ÅUnit Managers are seen as critical in safeguarding children and maintaining performance. There is a lack of management capacity currently, which is impacting unfavourably on service users and PIs.ÚThis is a new post. Only other options are for Service Managers to 'act down' with a resultant drop in performance of their own targets, or to use agency staff with consequent additional costs and lack of consistency. (1)Children's Services Inspection 2005 highlighted a lack of capacity in Assessment Teams in Oxfordshire. (2)Increasing number of referrals and those with no recourse to public funds. (3)Increase in Domestic violence, substance misuse and conduct disorder cases.GRaise thresholds even more but CSCI would criticise this approach and could call into question our ability to safeguard children effectively. Reduce numbers of Prevention and Intervention Team professional staff to meet running costs but this could lead to more children entering the care system, as has happened historically.µChildren's Services in Oxfordshire are low funded on all comparator indicators. (CSCI recommended setting realistic budgets for the future to meet government and national targets).=(1)Increased risk to children (2)Difficulty in harnessing the co-operation of other agencies and therefore a reduction in multi-agency safeguarding (3)Those families with no recourse to public funds potentially having children taken into care with resultant further costs. (4)Failing to meet legislative requirements.Lwill be challenging to achieve, but will not adversely impact on performance‚currently a relatively low contribution from health, so should be room for improvement; however all health budgets under pressure no impactMcould be challenging to achieve, but will not adversely impact on performanceLreduction in staff in front line teams: not safe to reduce or cost effectiveMinternal placement cost is lower than Private and voluntary sector placementsSHC1.26uunit costs: near the bottom of the third quartile for all LAs. Performance: very good (Ofsted 2004) ?LHR/Payroll - subject to structural change in 2003/04 & is efficient c.f comparable units Finance - section subject to reorganisation & growth 2004: not timely to reverse this is parallel with realignment. Planning Development (Premises) subject to scrutiny & reorganisation 2003, at same time as corporate premises & agreed establishment deferred great difficulty in services capital programme Y `Í áPolicy Choice Pressures&Children's Services Scrutiny Committee‹HR Staffing: Underfunding of current provision and cessation of Teacher Training Agency Grant on core services (teachers recruitment grant)Increase vacancy factor*Macclesfield House running costs - savings<§Community Learning Pressures *Resources Pressures *% of 2005/06 Budget, 2004/05 Outturn and 2005/06 Projected Outturn figures exclude Adult Services and City Schools ReorganisationSHC1.1-5$Underlying reasons for the pressure %Community Learning Reprioritisations*WPlacement strategy - to reduce out of county spend and strengthen local family support.…Spend on initiatives to underpin the Placement Strategy (per Modernisation Fund Bid: note that exact plans are still being finalised)JPlacement Strategy - Re-investment of savings in Family Support Services. NCapitalisation of staffing costs against building projects to achieve savings.>Additional Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) grant.*Underlying impact of the reprioritisation 6TOTAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE PRESSURES0Pressure managed (See reprioritisations section)0Pressure managed (see reprioritisations section)`School Development - Soulbury Pay Award and back pay on Structured Professional Assessment (SPA)#Ethnic Minority Achievement ServiceXSocial Inclusion - There are budget pressures totalling £117,000 for 2005/06 for social inclusion due to: - increased costs of home tuition - the requirement to find £60,000 efficiency savings in 2005/06 - requirement to make full education available for excluded pupils, increasing costs to Pupil Referral Unit & Integration Service (PRUIS).ijHModernisation Funding with payback in 2008/09 (includes £50k in 2005/06)ÍIncreased numbers of children looked after - making the placement strategy difficult to achieve in 2006/07. Reduction in future pressure supported by work undertaken in the Modernisation Fund bid proposal.>TOTAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE REPRIORITISATIONSAGovernor Services - Education Development Plan (EDP) Commitments Unable to meet all the priorities originally identified in EDP - refocusing on priorities within Children and Young People s Plan (CYPP), linking with other Schools Development Service (SDS) support programmes to maximise benefits of joint working and limit negative impact ÍPublic Service Agreement (PSA) targets for ethnic minority achievement not met. Council open to accusations of inequalities in support for children. Raising of achievement of vulnerable groups threatened.éLikely delays for applicants and failure to meet the requirements of service level agreement with Department for Education & Skills, leading to possible service failure and withdrawal of the service franchise from the County Council.HPrincipal factor is withdrawal of Teacher Training Agency grant. Work will so need to be done via OCC funding, or activity reduced. Work at risk: running OCC presence at recruitment fares; L&C involvement in key worker housing projects; L&C "client" role in supply agency; running "taster" courses & "return to teaching" coursesÏManagement capacity at greater risk. This is already low. (See Children Looked After Service Manager and Placements Service Managers span of control, noted by Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)).Dimpact on numbers of Looked After Children placed locally and budget¡For the past 18 months all trade unions have had the statutory right to appoint Union Learning Representatives (ULRs) whose responsibility is to advise union members about learning opportunities. ULRs are entitled to time, during their working day, to carry out their duties. For ULRs in schools, this entitlement will involve paying for supply cover, because there are a number of unions which represent school employees, the cost could potentially be very large indeed. However, our trade union representatives have been willing to agree a reasonable and practicable level of provision and to wait until April 2006 before demanding this, on the understanding that we would need to make a budget bid. Proposed is a 1day a week per union during term time model, i.e. 5 unions @ 0.2 a week x 39 weeks a year. This is the minimum which could be regarded as reasonable for dealing with all school employees throughout the county. äThere is no scope in the existing Trade Union Duties budget to fund the new statutory entitlement because that budget is already insufficient to cover the existing costs. If we did not reach an agreement with the teaching unions, in particular, for a reasonable level of provision, there is potential for greater demands from them. For example, each union could claim separately for the cost of carrying out Health & Safety inspections in every school, rather than co-operating with the Council's "roving representatives" approach, which is much more cost-effective. The ULR approach could well be of great benefit to our employees in terms of continuing professional development and access to learning budgets set up by the TUC and others.LC1.8LC1.2LC1LC1.3LC1.7LC1.4LC1.4 transferred from LC2.3.5LC2.1LC2.2LC2.3 excl. LC2.3.12LC3LC3.4LC3.5LC5LC5.3LC5.3.7LC2 excl. LC2.3.12LC3.2LC3.1LC5.3.3LC5.4.2LC5.4.4LC5.5.2LC5.6.1QSpecial Educational Needs (SEN) - Green Book Pay Award & Soulbury Pay Award (SPA);Youth Service - reduce management and support service postsSocial Inclusion - reorganising services to reduce posts, further increasing the threshold for access to home tuition and not filling vacancies._Youth Service - possible funding from additional resources for Children and Young People's PlanResources Reprioritisations*ÿêh ‹/Ö"zí+‘/¸1#¶4Zk8~:"Å;O’<±>;ï?yã@m£F- ÍHW ×IaNKØO¨)R³§W1M[ׯ\ _uÊb6žo õoaBp®™p |'ÍÉ@ 9yjŠ•—  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ  ÿÿ $ÿ)ÿ,)&CCH6(a) - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"ANNEX 5 &L&8&Fƒ„&¬ÕjµZ­Ö?'¬ÕjµZ­Ö?(M&“Éd2é?)º\.—Ëåâ?M–\\TREAS-SERVER2\CE-COMSERV-LJ40ܸ?€dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62ˆ†xœeËKQÆÏ7sõší4¥T|”¶‹é(±…fáBë ‘ "âBˆÍ$™6œf"(¢­‹.tэþ1Ò×?äƝڪñδÁ³ø¾Ë{Îw8Qt¿,P'0VÃWÒ›xLÎTñCCÂ-gÒ/7jˆt@¤Ûc•&ñ0ìïh6e{¸{Üžµäx <~~y Ó²^ÒŸãÞú.x²>é5•¦©€ƒ¨p…ä‡â’"³ˆ@Qì1 ;…U’3â+ ÿ_÷CÎIþ_“ô€{ÁY°y» %ânÈCÈØãø’mñôq²þÓDŸ%zJFÛA¶Eÿë›{û2Xµðá]ÜÖÂG-lÆ]Ð#²'°bÙ“FêïÃYt‘¤ÁàŒÉQÈw*N+I)ù­´Vñ™D™¼Ò?íEZ*†¿á€~øΙ)8óÅÈç ÌycžóúŸ-ä óoòÕúzÙóF+n©VË/ûa;9wô­ÿrs#^rÊOÐæ¬&ê¬ÄbJ¡"B €XX ƒÁ`à? ƒÁ`à?U} m€} I€} )€} ’€} ¶€} ’¢€} ¶€} m €} ’(€} $€} $ €9  ; ; ÿ ý ÿ ÿ ÿ ÷€ž þ€ž ý€ž ù€ž ú€ž õ €ž ú€ž ø€ž ÿ ÿ ÿ ó €ž þ€ž þ€ž û ñ€ž ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ€ž ù€ž ø€ž ÿ ÿý ”¦¾œ68z6666 ý •¥¾œ68z6666 ¾6>zý èz¾  èèè ý æ?ý ?Yý Oý AAý Beý {Zý C[ý C\ý B®ý  B]ý  B_ý  B^¾çDEFý |Ný }Ný |Ný |N¾HHHH ¾#K~LLLL ¾ #ý OI¾~2222 eý SÈý S¿&~ R>@ú~j¼t“Ð?½R€F@R€V@ý Sý  €· Sý  SÀeý SÉý \S&~ R€@ü©ñÒMb`?½R.@R0Àý S0ý  S¸¾  SS  eý SÊý S¹ &# RÍÌÌÌÌÌ/@ÿ ÍÌÌÌÌÌ%@ ü©ñÒMbP?½ RXÀR z@ý Spý S¸¾ SS  eý SËý So &~ R@Q@ Zd;ßO§?½ R @R;Àý Sqý S¸ Sý €2 eý SÌý SQ &~ R@@ ú~j¼t“˜?½ RÀP@RÀi@ý S1ý S·ý S6ý €3 Æý iÍý i@ Â~ À;@ ĺI +‡†? 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