Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13 December 2005

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rationalise leadership work across Governor services and Oxfordshire Quality Schools Association1,3 & 47Foundation, Primary & Transition - Green Book Pay Award`School Development - Funding released through vacancies used to refocus work and fund priorities1Secondary Advisers arising from Best Value ReviewAdvisory TeachersAdviser Vacancies0IMAGINE with Modern Art Oxford - matched funding+Duke of Edinburgh Award to match Amey grant'Manage pressures within existing budget%LESS: SAVINGS TO MEET SAVINGS TARGET School Development Pressures$School Development ReprioritisationsChildren's Services1Children's Services Staffing underlying pressure gChildren's Services Central Staffing - reorganising services to reduce posts and not filling vacancies.1 & 3;Children's Services Central Staffing - Green Book Pay Award8Special Educational Needs (SEN) - not filling vacancies.'Social Inclusion - Green Book Pay Award3SEN & Social Inclusion - Split across service areasChildren's Services Pressures%Children's Services Reprioritisations(Community Learning - Pay award pressuresYouth service Admin Review>Community Learning Support Unit - Additional income generationÁYouth Service - Need to bring budget more closely in line with current levels of staffing in order to reduce dependence on short-term external funding and meet increasing community expectationsgStudent Support - Need to safeguard existing staffing levels in order to avoid service failure in 06/07!Student support - reduce staffingReduce central costs(Reduce central costs for Head of ServiceCommunity Learning Pressures$Community Learning Reprioritisations ResourcesGreen Book Pay AwardIncrease vacancy factor‹HR Staffing: Underfunding of current provision and cessation of Teacher Training Agency Grant on core services (teachers recruitment grant) Ex Gratia Payments - discontinueUnison RechargeTraining - reduce provision-Joint Use Sports - reduce provision for works3Health & Safety Works - meet from capital programmeMIS/SAP support - savingsResources PressuresResources ReprioritisationsSOCIAL & HEALTHCAREChildren & Families7Green book pay award. 0.45% above 2.5% funding per MTFPChildren & Families Pressures%Children & Families Reprioritisations%TOTAL SAVINGS TO MEET SAVINGS TARGET „* where service savings are greater than target, efficiencies identified have been shown to contribute towards Directorate pressures"Key to Types of Reprioritisations:%1 : Efficiency Saving: Cash Releasing)2 : Efficiency Saving: Non Cash Releasing3 : Service Reduction4 : Income Generation 5 : Other;Children & Families Net Reprioritisations to meet pressures@LEARNING & CULTURE (excl. Cultural Services and Adult Learning):School Development Net Reprioritisations to meet pressures;Children's Services Net Reprioritisations to meet pressures:Community Learning Net Reprioritisations to meet pressuresPTOTAL LEARNING & CULTURE PRESSURES (excl. Cultural Services and Adult Learning) *Macclesfield House running costs - savings…Spend on initiatives to underpin the Placement Strategy (per Modernisation Fund Bid: note that exact plans are still being finalised)WPlacement strategy - to reduce out of county spend and strengthen local family support.JPlacement Strategy - Re-investment of savings in Family Support Services. HUnit Manager £50k to meet pressures from rising number of service users.MAssessment Teams -Balance of pressure not included in "non discretionary" bidZContinuing care increased health contribution to placements of children with complex needsNCapitalisation of staffing costs against building projects to achieve savings.xRedesign of residential service - to deliver savings over and above those that have been assumed in placement strategy.mTOTAL LEARNING & CULTURE (excl. Cultural Services and Adult Learning) NET REPRIORITISATIONS TO MEET PRESSURES(Community Learning (excl Adult Learning)1Resources Net Reprioritisations to meet pressuresHModernisation Funding with payback in 2008/09 (includes £50k in 2005/06)ÍIncreased numbers of children looked after - making the placement strategy difficult to achieve in 2006/07. Reduction in future pressure supported by work undertaken in the Modernisation Fund bid proposal.6TOTAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE PRESSURESTTOTAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE NET REPRIORITISATIONS TO MEET PRESSURES`School Development - Soulbury Pay Award and back pay on Structured Professional Assessment (SPA)#Ethnic Minority Achievement ServiceXSocial Inclusion - There are budget pressures totalling £117,000 for 2005/06 for social inclusion due to: - increased costs of home tuition - the requirement to find £60,000 efficiency savings in 2005/06 - requirement to make full education available for excluded pupils, increasing costs to Pupil Referral Unit & Integration Service (PRUIS).i j>Additional Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) grant.QSpecial Educational Needs (SEN) - Green Book Pay Award & Soulbury Pay Award (SPA);Youth Service - reduce management and support service posts‘Social Inclusion - reorganising services to reduce posts, further increasing the threshold for access to home tuition and not filling vacancies._Youth Service - possible funding from additional resources for Children and Young People's PlanÿjO ã ×ž[Ãr/XЍ ΋ 2!ï s#0N& á(ž |'ÍÉ@  jY2 D·XÑnÏq  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ%G+(&CCH6(a) - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"ANNEX 4 &L&8&Fƒ„&¬ÕjµZ­Ö?'¬ÕjµZ­Ö?(àï÷ûý~ï?)º\.—Ëåâ?M–\\TREAS-SERVER2\CE-COMSERV-LJ40ܸ?€dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62ˆ†xœeËKQÆÏ7sõší4¥T|”¶‹é(±…fáBë ‘ "âBˆÍ$™6œf"(¢­‹.tэþ1Ò×?äƝڪñδÁ³ø¾Ë{Îw8Qt¿,P'0VÃWÒ›xLÎTñCCÂ-gÒ/7jˆt@¤Ûc•&ñ0ìïh6e{¸{Üžµäx <~~y Ó²^ÒŸãÞú.x²>é5•¦©€ƒ¨p…ä‡â’"³ˆ@Qì1 ;…U’3â+ ÿ_÷CÎIþ_“ô€{ÁY°y» %ânÈCÈØãø’mñôq²þÓDŸ%zJFÛA¶Eÿë›{û2Xµðá]ÜÖÂG-lÆ]Ð#²'°bÙ“FêïÃYt‘¤ÁàŒÉQÈw*N+I)ù­´Vñ™D™¼Ò?íEZ*†¿á€~øΙ)8óÅÈç ÌycžóúŸ-ä óoòÕúzÙóF+n©VË/ûa;9wô­ÿrs#^rÊOÐæ¬&ê¬ÄbJ¡"> €XX ƒÁ`à? ƒÁ`à?U} Û€} m<€} $q€} m €}  €} ’€} Û€} $;€} m €} I€} ’ €} $ €Column AXjÿÿÿýÿÿþÿ ÿ ý ÿ þ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþÿúÿÿý |!ý ý ¬ý "ý #ý $ý $ý $ý $ý ¬ý  % ý  $ ý  #ý  &ý  &ý &ý &¾ ­'(ý ) ý ) ý ) ý ) ¾­*+, ý  - ý  - ý - ý - ¾2>45555¾20.1////2ý 3I¾A5555¾26275555¾23A5555¾26275555 2ý B ¾ A5555¾ 26275555 2ý 8  9½ C>@C>@C>@C>@ 2ý 8ý D E½ :>À:>À:>À:>À 2ý 8 9½ C€@C€@C€@C€@¾ 2KeE:::: 2ý 8^ 9# CÍÌÌÌÌÌ/@ÿ ÍÌÌÌÌÌ%@# CÍÌÌÌÌÌ/@ÿ ÍÌÌÌÌÌ%@# CÍÌÌÌÌÌ/@ÿ ÍÌÌÌÌÌ%@# CÍÌÌÌÌÌ/@ÿ ÍÌÌÌÌÌ%@ 2ý 8½* Fð?GÀ:À^À:À^À:À^À:À^À 2ý 8 9½ C@Q@C@Q@C@Q@C@Q@¾ 2KeE::::2ý 89½C@@C@@C@@C@@2ý  Hý  I½$ ITÀJJÀJJÀJJÀJJÀ2ý 89½:€;@:€;@:€;@:€;@¾2KeE::::2ý 89½:.@:.@:.@:.@2ý  K¾  eE ½ :@UÀ:@UÀ:@UÀ:@UÀ2ý K_9½C€F@C€F@C€F@C€F@¾26275555¾264LLLL2ý  O N# PffffffÀRÿ %  À À# Q rÀ ÿ % À À# Q rÀ ÿ % À À^@#Q rÀÿ %ÀÀ^@#Q rÀÿ %ÀÀ^@¾264LLLL¾26275555¾264LLLL2ý  3¾  27 ½ MI@MI@MI@MI@¾23A5555¾26275555Ný O#PFÿ % ÀÀ#Qn@Fÿ % ÀÀsp#Qn@Fÿ % ÀÀ#Qn@Fÿ % ÀÀ#Qn@Fÿ % ÀÀNý  OJ N# PffffffÀF ÿ %  À À# QnÀF ÿ % À Àà# QnÀÿ % À Àà#QnÀÿ %ÀÀà#QnÀ ÿ %ÀÀà¾23A5555¾262755552ý B¾A5555¾262755552ý V9½CÀW@CÀW@CÀW@CÀW@2ý  ®ý  R S½ =ZÀ=ZÀ=ZÀ=ZÀ2ý 89½C"@C"@C"@C"@¾2®TU????2ý 8b9C€@@$ÿ C€@@$ÿ C€@@$ÿ C€@@$ÿ 2ý  V ¾  DE ½ :€@À:€@À:€@À:€@À2ý V!9½C@C@C@C@2ý  ®d~  R@ S½ =@^À=@^À=@^À=@^À2ý `9½C@]@C@]@C@]@C@]@¾2®TU????¾2W4LLLL2ý  H"~  I@ I½ J€VÀJ€VÀJ€VÀJ€VÀ¾2W4LLLL¾2XYYZZZZ×BÇX,"Ò’2F2F–^^’^Œ^ý2`2À2F–^î–^j ÿ!ÿ"ÿ#ÿ$ÿ%ÿ&ÿ'ÿ(ÿ)ÿ@*ýÀ+ÿ,þ-ÿ.ÿ/ÿ0ÿ1ÿ2ÿ3ÿ4ÿ5ÿ6ÿ€7ÿ€8ý9ÿ:ÿ;ÿ<ÿ=ÿ>ÿ?ÿ¾ 2W4LLLL 2ý O$ N# \$ ÿ % À Àà# ]ÀuÀ$ ÿ % À Àà# ]ÀuÀ$ ÿ % À Àà# ]ÀuÀ$ÿ %ÀÀà# ]ÀuÀ$ÿ %ÀÀà¾!2W4LLLL¾!2XYYZZZZ¾"2W4LLLL"2ý " 3¾ " 27 ½" M€V@M€V@M€V@M€V@¾#2W4LLLL¾#26YYZZZZ$Ný $O##$\ÿ %ÀÀ#$] p@ ÿ %ÀÀsp#$] p@ ÿ %ÀÀ#$] p@ ÿ %ÀÀ#$] p@ ÿ %ÀÀ$Ný $ OK$ N#$ \ ÿ % " À À#$ ] pÀ ÿ % " À À#$ ] pÀ ÿ % " À À#$] pÀ ÿ % "ÀÀ#$] pÀ ÿ % "ÀÀ¾%2W4LLLL¾%26275555&2ý &^X¾&4LLLL¾&26275555'2ý '8%'9½'C€D@C€D@C€D@C€D@¾'28DE::::¾(2;<¦¦¦¦(2ý ( 8&~ ( Dð?( E#( :@UÀKÿ €CÀ.#( :@UÀ( ÿ €CÀ.#(:@UÀ( ÿ €CÀ.#(:@UÀ(þ €CÀ.)2ý )ª()<½)¦Àb@¦Àb@¦Àb@¦Àb@)2ý ) ;c~ ) R@) S½) =IÀ=IÀ=IÀ=IÀ¾*2«¨©©©©*2ý * §e¾ * TU ½* ?YÀ?YÀ?YÀ?YÀ¾+289CCCC+2ý + H'~ + I@+ I#+ JÀ0 ÿ ð¿#+ •À0 ÿ ð¿#+•À0ÿ ð¿#+•À0ÿ ð¿,2ý ,;),<,¦"@4ÿ,¦"@4ÿ,¦"@4ÿ,¦"@4ÿ,2ý , Ÿ*~ ,  @,  ½, ¡À¡À¡À¡À¾-2>4____-2ý - >+~ - ¢@- 7½- 5ð¿5ð¿5ð¿5ð¿¾.2§¨©©©©.2ý . £,~ . ¤@. ¤½. ¥À¥À¥À¥À¾/2>4LLLL¾/2XYYZZZZ¾02>4LLLL02ý 0 O.0 p#0 P4 ÿ %'. 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