Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 12 December 2006

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'TOTAL PRESSURES CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE%TOTAL SAVINGS CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLENET PRESSURES/SAVINGSEducational Effectiveness+Shared Services Efficiency - procure to pay-Contribution to specialist e-procurement post'Set against vacancy factor and/or grant)TOTAL PRESSURES EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS'TOTAL SAVINGS EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESSKey:Early Years and Family SupportFamily Group conference service,TOTAL PRESSURES EARLY YEARS & FAMILY SUPPORTStrategy and Performance&TOTAL PRESSURES STRATEGY & PERFORMANCE'Improved commissioning of external care7Increase staff turnover factor based on historic trendsReview of Legal Fees*TOTAL SAVINGS EARLY YEARS & FAMILY SUPPORT*Reduce Directorate general expenses budget$TOTAL SAVINGS STRATEGY & PERFORMANCEHAnnex 3: Pressures met by Efficiency Savings & Service ReprioritisationsYEAR ON YEAR VARIATIONYouth Offending Service'Children's Fund budget future uncertain'Prevention Fund budget future uncertain'TOTAL PRESSURES YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICE%TOTAL SAVINGS YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICErChildren's Act Complaints Officer - New regulations introduced in 2006 requiring dedicated complaints officer roleEfficiency Savings Target áExit strategy for management of reduction in staff. Impacts on ability to intervene appropriately in schools of concern and to support school improvement and development in specialist secondary areas. Potential for redundancy&Children's Services Scrutiny Committee7TOTAL PRESSURES CHILDREN' S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE4TOTAL SAVINGS CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEEPEfficiency Savings target for Special Educational Needs and Disability Service. @Home to School Transport inflation over 3% allowed for in budget8Special Educational Needs Standards Fund all out in 2008%Children's Fund grant fallout in 20083Connexions Service - Delivery of existing contractsƒTransport efficiency savings - savings to be identified but difficult to see how these can be achieved within the transport budget.&Connexions Funding transferring to OCCSavings of £66,000 will be achieved in 2007/08 by reducing expenditure on administrative support and reducing one training post. There will be further detailed work during 2007/8 to determine how savings will be achieved in future years across the Children & Young People Service.Savings of £83,000 will be achieved in 2007/08 by reducing expenditure on out of county placements and meeting more children's needs in county. There will be further detailed work during 2007/08 to determine how savings will be achieved in future years across the CYP Service.`Savings will be allocated as follows in 2007/08: Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (£33,750); Exclusions team (£33,750); Education Social Work Service (£22,500) and Student Support (£10,000). There will be further detailed work during 2007/08 to determine how savings will be achieved in future years across the Children & Young People Service.ÎSet against vacancy factor in 2007/08. Plan reductions in staff from 2008/09 if grant funding not replicated through Dedicated Schools Grant/Revenue Support Grant and utilise grant funding where appropriatecSet against vacancy factor in 2007/08. Rationalise admin support from 2008/09. Reduce agency staffIReduction in Secondary National Strategy Standards Fund grant in 2007/08.Set against Local Capacity Building Grant up to 2007/08. Reduce 14 - 19 staff by one 0.5 fte Strategy Manager and one full time Project Manager from 2008/09 if grant funding not replaced. Inability to implement 14 -19 Strategy including introduction of New Specialised Diplomas. vLoss of £1.3m to support implementation of 14 -19 Area-wide Inspection Action Plan. Funding jointly managed by OCC/Learning & Skills Council through 14 -19 Strategy Group (Does not appear in OCC Accounts). Funds provision across services. Pressure on Educational Effectiveness Service budget is shown but the total impact on the Council of loss of £1.3m needs to be noted.ÙImplementation of New Relationship with Schools, including School Improvement Partners. Funding of 2 fte advisers from Grant from 2008/09 or reduction in 2 fte if grant not replicated through Dedicated Schools Grant. +Special Guardianship - Increased assessmentLLegal Recharges Budget - Currently overspend position in 2006/07 of £100,000ºPlacements for Looked After Children - Transferred Budget shortfall of £1m following realignment to address current commitments. In addition, £600,000 of pressure funded - see Annex 2.ƒIncrease the establishment of Social Workers - The number of children s social workers per 10,000 population is also 10th lowest nationally, at 14.7, compared with an England average 27.2, and Institute of Public Finance (IPF) average of 19.1 (to be funded from the contribution from Dedicated Schools Grant to placement budgets). In addition, £100,000 of pressure funded - see Annex 2.PEfficiency Savings Target. Target of £411,000 for 2006/07 funded - see Annex 2.MIn house residential provision - unachievable efficiency savings from 2006/07Efficiency savings targetASupport for Joint Commissioning and Children's Trust arrangements'Former Health and Safety revenue budget(Increased income generation from schoolsiUnion Facilities Time - fully fund current arrangements as agreed by Teachers Joint Committee in May 2006fTo be met from an extension in the supply insurance package in Quality Education Services Team (QuEST)Use of PSA Reward GrantCuts to base budget[Contribution from Dedicated Schools Grant - Allocation of Headroom funding over three years~Increased efficiency savings through improved commissioning and contracting arrangements through placements and external care.HSavings generated from improved purchasing and commissioning of ServicesYPost 16 Transport - Potentially detrimental effect on the staying on rates in rural areas¼A more accurate income target of £900,000 was set based on the actual income earning capacity of the professional staff employed , this results in a pressure on the EES budget of £219,000 ÿr '´ÍZÁNAδAÍZþ‹QÞ³@ ¬!9)§`.í™0&fNfð8ð@ñÿÿÿ€€€÷ (.ÍÉ€ J¯8Ldúj  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ&;ÿÿ+(&CCH5 - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"&12ANNEX 3&L&Fƒ„&Çãñx<Î?'i4F£Ñ?(º\.—Ëåâ?)º\.—Ëåâ?M–\\Treas-server3\CE-COMSERV-4050ܸ?€ dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62†xœeÍOSQÅç¼wáJiAc$Þ(tñ|Š‰]˜X‰bS•イ¶WZ¨3Í{%Ð?ºÔD7úÇüø›L\øZï{BCÂ,ιùåÎÌÉÄññò@ |‡³Þ’ÞÁ­tÛÖ°Ý6÷¶šµMóÀv WŸZÓ°‘%=éáD¥O<ý¾\@ÏŸ@Oƒ§ÀËžÌAºàið%ð,ä"\Ë3äI¿LzÛ/ÀÏ!¯Áo@zMiºQ›µ˜ä“âº"H (ñ Ü‚?‚G$?ˆÿPô›xŸøä'Éñ_’Sàÿ€|?þ€1~ 5@ý 4*½ 6;@6;@6;@6;@ I~ 5@ý 4Sý 5ý 5½ 6;À6;À6;À6;À~ !5@ý !4+½!6$@6$@6$@6$@!I~ !5@ý !4,ý ! 5ý ! 5½! 6$À6$À6$À6$À~ "5@ý "4T½"60t@60t@60t@60t@"I~ "5@ý "4Dý " 5ý " 5½" 60tÀ60tÀ60tÀ60tÀ~ #@ý #V½#o@R@o@R@o@R@o@R@#I~ #@ý #Uý # ý # ½# @RÀ@RÀ@RÀ@RÀ~ $@ý $j½$`k@`k@`k@`k@$I~ $@ý $Wý $ ý $ ½$ `kÀ`kÀ`kÀ`kÀ%/ý %+-#%)ð†@:ÿ %$ÀÀ#%)€‰@3ÿ %$ÀÀ!#%)ˆ‹@3ÿ %$ÀÀ!#%)€Œ@3ÿ %$ÀÀ!¾ %0/ý %+.¾ % // #% )ð†À: ÿ %$ À Àd#% )€‰À ÿ %$ À À°#% )ˆ‹À ÿ %$ À À°#%)€ŒÀ ÿ %$ÀÀ°%1¾$&pppppp*qppppppp'mý 'W0¾'*****rý 'W0¾' VV****~ (5ð?ý (4Z(6Àr@ ÿ„X(6Àr@(ÿ„X(6i@(ÿ X(6Y@(ÿ¼X(*~ (O@ý (fý ( ý ( ½( ÀrÀÀ‚À ŒÀ ŒÀ~ )5ð?ý )4\!)6(ÿ ‚›!)6ðw@)ÿ ›!)6h…@)ÿ /›!)6à‰@)ÿ ¾›¾)*JJJJJJJJ~ *5@ý *4[*6)ÿdd*6Y@*ÿÈd*6Y@*ÿÈd*6Y@*ÿÈd¾**JJJJJJJJ~ +ð?ý +X+9@*ÿ+9@+ÿ+9@+ÿ+9@+ÿ¾+*JJJJJJJJ~ ,Fð?ý ,s]½,GÀb@GÀb@GÀb@GÀb@,*~ ,@ý ,K5ý , ý , ½, KÀbÀKÀbÀKÀbÀKÀbÀ¾-*~ -F@ý -L6ý - Fý - F#- L€KÀ3 ÿ >À#- L€KÀ- ÿ >À#- L€KÀ- ÿ >À#-L€KÀ- ÿ >À¾.JJJJJJ*~ .@ý .gý . ý . . . 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