Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 10 July 2007



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MINUTES of the meeting held on 22 May 2007 commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 1.05 pm





Voting Members:                Councillor Sue Haffenden - in the chair


Councillor Marilyn Badcock

Councillor Ann Bonner

Councillor Nick Carter (part of meeting)

Councillor Jean Fooks

Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor

Councillor Deborah Glass-Woodin (part of meeting)

Councillor Lesley Legge (in place of Councillor David Turner )

Councillor David Nimmo Smith

Councillor Val Smith

Councillor Lawrie Stratford (part of meeting)

Councillor Carol Viney


Mr Chris Bevan

Mr Ben Jackson

Mrs Sue Matthew (part of meeting)

Ms Bernadine Spencer


Other Members in               Cabinet Member for Schools’ Improvement

Attendance:                         Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families


By Invitation:                       Mrs Carole Thomson , Oxfordshire Governors’ Association

Mrs Brenda Williams , COTO

Dr Tony Eaude (Agenda Item 9)




Whole of meeting:           K. Coldwell (Corporate Core).


Agenda Item

Officer Attending




J. Johnson (Children, Young People & Families)


A. Davy (Children, Young People & Families)


G. Tee (Children, Young People & Families)



The Scrutiny Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and the following additional document:


  • A paper detailing suggested amendments to the recommendations in relation to Agenda Item 8


and agreed as set out below.  Copies of the agenda, reports, schedule and additional document are attached to the signed Minutes.





RESOLVED:          that Councillor Sue Haffenden be elected Chairman of the Committee for the current Council Year.




Councillor Haffenden paid tribute to Councillor Keith Stone on behalf of this Committee.




RESOLVED:          that Councillor Ann Bonner be elected Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the current Council Year.




Apologies for absence and temporary appointments were received as follows:


Apology from

Temporary Appointments

Councillor David Turner

Councillor Lesley Legge




Mr Ben Jackson declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item 7 by virtue of being a Member of CHOICE, a parent of a child with special educational needs, and the husband of a review witness.


Ms Bernadine Spencer declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item 7 by virtue of being a parent of a child with special educational needs and on the grounds that she worked with children with special educational needs.

15/07         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27 February 2007 were approved and signed.


Matters Arising from the Minutes


Minute 5/07 – Effective Communication to Parents of Children with SEN


Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor stated that she wished to make a public apology to Mr Ben Jackson for previously querying his participation in the Task Group as she had not intended to question his integrity.



(Agenda Item 7)


At the October 2006 meeting of this Committee, it had been agreed that the Committee undertake an investigation into ‘How Effective Communication to Parents of Children with SEN’ is in Oxfordshire’. The aim of the investigation was to explore areas such as parents’ awareness of SEN activities and newsletters, how parents could communicate with each other on this subject and whether the Council supplied services were the correct avenues for the dissemination of information.


Having collected a wide variety of evidence, the Review Group presented its findings in a draft report for the Committee’s consideration.


The Committee also had before it an amended copy of the draft report from Mrs Janet Johnson (Service Manager – SEN lead) which included some corrections to factual errors, together with a number of suggestions for the Committee’s consideration.


Following debate, the Committee AGREED that the following changes should be made to the draft report:


To the Recommendations


-          a)3. – amended as indicated in bold italics and strikethrough:

-          from existing staff resources a  single central  point of contact for all parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs should be appointed. i.e. to provide background information and to direct them to relevant organisations and the role of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator should be explained as parents did not understand the term ‘SENCO’’;


-          b) amended as indicated in bold italics and strikethrough: ‘The Oxfordshire Parent Partnership should remove the The size of  the Oxfordshire County Council logo from on all publicity and information produced by the Oxfordshire Parent Partnership should be reduced in size and the size of the statement of impartiality should be increased in size in order to remain impartial and avoid being ‘badged’ alongside the County Council;emphasise its impartiality;


-          c)i) to re-word this recommendation given that there was some unease regarding setting a target date to ensure that all the appropriate lead professionals to support children with Special Educational Needs were in post countywide; and in recognition that this recommendation could only be actioned if their workload was not excessive;


-          c)ii) to re-word this recommendation in order to emphasise that methods of communication to parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs needed to be improved;

-          e) to expand this recommendation in order to state that professionals must check that the parents or carers of children with Special Educational Needs understood the information that had been provided to them;


To the Text


-          to amend the review title as indicated in bold italics and strikethrough ‘Effective Communication With To  Parents of Children With Special Educational Needs’;


-          to make a number of grammatical changes throughout the report as suggested by Members of this Committee.


The final report would be submitted to this Committee’s July meeting.



(Agenda Item 8)


On 27 September, this Committee had agreed as part of its work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of Healthy Schools and had appointed Councillors Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Keith Stone and Jean Fooks to the Lead Member Review Group. Having collected a wide variety of evidence, Members of the Review Group presented their findings to the Committee.  


Members of the Committee also had before them a paper setting out suggested amendments to the recommendations.


Following a lengthy debate, the Committee AGREED to submit the report to Cabinet subject to the following amendments:


To the Recommendations


-          R2) to reword this recommendation as follows: “to draw attention to the need to identify the resources (from whichever agencies are appropriate - the Council and its partners) to meet the particular emotional, behavioural and personal, social and health issues that schools were having difficulties in managing, at the times when the problems occurred, as central support services were not always available."


-          R3) to amend as indicated in strikethrough and bold italics:

‘that there must be robust monitoring by the Children and Young People’s Board of the effectiveness of various external agencies that might be called upon in relation to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) issues in schools …’


-          R5) to amend as indicated in strikethrough and bold italics:

‘to consider how to help schools, particularly secondary schools, to accord a high priority in their capital expenditure to improveing their lavatory facilities, as a basic health need; if there are specific problems in finding the necessary capital, then to refer the schools to the relevant officers for further discussions.



(Agenda Item 9)


On 12 December 2006 , this Committee had agreed as part of its work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of ‘Workforce Remodelling’ and had appointed Councillor Sue Haffenden, Mrs Sue Matthew and Mrs Brenda Williams to the Lead Member Review Group.


Dr Tony Eaude (Educational Research Consultant) had been invited before the Committee in order to present the report and to answer any questions which Members may have wished to ask. Dr Eaude reported that a few additions needed to be made to the report, as could be seen from the annotations in the text.


Following debate, the Committee AGREED that the following changes should be made to the draft report:


To the Recommendations


-          to add an additional bullet point to Recommendation 2 to request that staff’s immediate situation regarding accommodation be addressed now (as the other bullet points were longer term actions);

-          to amend Recommendation 10, as School Governors were a collective body and therefore it was not appropriate for an individual governor to be tasked with monitoring the impact of the model used to provide PPA time on staff morale and workload and on the range and quality of the curriculum.


To the Text


-       to make it clear that there were many demands on standards and personalised learning funding;

-          the comment on Governor Training would be inserted where indicated;

-          a comment would be added to state that there had been more training for higher level Teaching Assistants in Oxfordshire than in comparable authorities; and

-          Dr Eaude would check a few other minor points of detail.


The final report would be submitted to this Committee’s July meeting.


The Cabinet Member for Schools’ Improvement undertook to immediately action Recommendation 11 (‘urge the DfES to conduct a wide-ranging, independent survey of the actual cost of successful and sustainable models of implementation of PPA time in primary and nursery schools with a view to this informing the grant settlement for 2008/9 if possible, or 2008/9 if possible, or 2009/10 and future years’) in light of the current funding review - County Council’s response to the consultation due to Government by 2 June – and to send a copy of this draft report to all local MPs and the relevant Minister as a matter of urgency.



(Agenda Item 10)


Oxfordshire schools are funded to offer half-time places for children from the September after their fourth birthday until the term after their fifth birthday, when the funding becomes full time. The current position of part-time admission generates an increasing number of complaints from parents on the grounds of quality and equity.  Many other authorities now offer full time education from the beginning of the reception year.


Oxfordshire County Council has undertaken a cost benefit analysis on proposals to change the current admission arrangements to offer full time education to all reception aged pupils. As part of this process the Council has commissioned an independent survey of the views of parents on this issue.  It has also undertaken full consultation with other stakeholders such as schools and  private, voluntary and independent early years settings.


A report to Cabinet on 20 June would give a full analysis of consultation responses so that it could make a decision on whether to implement a change to full-time admission from January 2009.


This item had been placed on the Agenda to enable Members of the Committee to provide comment to the Cabinet on the admission proposals.


Members of the Committee also had before them a summary of headline results from the provider and stakeholder survey.


The Cabinet Member for Schools’ Improvement, together with Ms Annie Davy (Head of Early Years & Childcare) had been invited before the Committee in order to answer any questions which Members of the Committee may have wished to ask.


The Committee conducted a question and answer session. A selection of their questions, together with the officer responses are listed below:


·        What would the cost implications be as some schools would not benefit financially and how would this be addressed?


Mr Andrew Tagg (Interim Strategic Finance Manager) had done some analysis of this.  However, the formula might change in future so it was difficult to be precise about the impact.  The majority of the County’s Schools would benefit significantly under the proposals as there would be increased resource from the Department for Education  & Skills.  The four junior schools without reception aged-children could lose out financially under the proposals.  This would need to be considered when establishing the formula for 2008/09 and beyond.


·        The financial implications section of the report stated that the picture would also change for the Voluntary Aided schools if they adopted the County Admission Policy as a result of the change but did not provide any further information.


Ms Davy responded that she had spoken to financial officers. If a number of Voluntary Aided schools had chosen not to accept children before the age of five then there would be no additional benefits for the schools and they might lose resources as with the junior schools.


·        How could adequate quality be maintained when a number of schools might provide nursery nurses rather than teachers?


The County Council expected very high standards to be provided whether in nursery provision or at foundation stage.  The increased resources would enable schools to provide greater quality, especially in terms of continuity of staffing, which was one of the principles behind the proposals.  The proposals advocated a rich play-based curriculum and care appropriate for the child’s age and stage of development.


·         A set number of places were now offered in a part-time capacity. What effect did this have on younger children?


It was not anticipated that the proposals would reduce the number of part-time places.  There should be sufficient provision in place to ensure that children did not miss out.   Particular attention would need to be given to Partnership Foundation Stage Units and split funding to sustain their current good working relationships.


The Committee then AGREED to forward the following advice to Cabinet :


-          this Committee supports the right of parents to defer entry until the term after their child’s fifth birthday as choice must be provided;

-          this Committee supports full - time foundation stage provision if good quality provision can be assured county-wide;

-          it will be difficult for teachers to plan the curriculum if their classes contain a mix of part-time and full-time pupils;

-          constructive learning around play, should be provided as the children are very young to be entering full-time education;

-          this should fulfil the Children & Young People’s Plan target of ‘Enjoy and Achieve’;

-          it is important that rest breaks are provided for children after lunch as they will find the move to full-time provision very tiring;

-          officers are advised to look at transport issues in relation to this policy;

-          this Committee expresses concern that parents might use the earlier entry point as  a free child care option; and

-          this Committee expresses concern regarding the four junior schools who will lose out financially if the proposals are agreed.



(Agenda Item 11)


Oxfordshire’s first Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) was produced in April 2006.  There is a new statutory requirement to carry out an annual review of the CYPP and to publish the outcomes.


The aim of the review was to focus on the impact of the Plan on outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families and to inform the development of priorities for Year 2 of the Plan.


The review had focused on:


-        strengths and achievements in Year 1 of the Plan with a focus on improvements in outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families;

-        areas for further development to address needs; and

-        priorities for Year 2 of the Plan.


The review of the Plan would have to be submitted to the Department for Education and Skills in June 2007 and would form the self assessment for the Joint Area Review of Services for Children and Young People in Oxfordshire in December 2007.


This item had been placed on the Agenda to enable Members of the Committee to:


(a)          comment on the draft document Oxfordshire’s Children & Young People’s Plan: Review of Year One prior to Cabinet consideration on 20 June; and

(b)          consider setting up a task group to work with officers to review implementation of the Children & Young People’s Plan over the coming year and feed into the review of Year 2 of the Plan in 2008.


The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families together with Ms Gillian Tee (Head of Children & Young People’s Service) attended before the Committee in order to answer any questions which Members of the Committee may have wished to ask.


Following debate, the Committee AGREED to forward the following advice to Cabinet :


-          this Committee endorses the priority to raise the educational aspiration, achievement and enjoyment of all pupils, with a particular focus on vulnerable and/or underachieving groups of children and young people (Children Looked After (CLA) and Children from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities (BME Children)) and wishes for it to be given priority over the other targets;

-          this Committee expresses concern that CLA and BME children and young people are still underachieving at secondary level;

-          large class sizes in many of Oxfordshire’s  primary schools affect teachers’ ability to facilitate enjoyment;

-          more emphasis should be given to enjoyment rather than to achievement as all children and young people need to develop a strong sense of self worth which is not dependent upon achievement;

-          this Committee welcomes the vocational achievement of young people in Oxfordshire as this is good for morale and therefore often enhances academic achievement;

-          there should be a greater emphasis on combating bullying in ‘Stay Safe’;

-          there appears to be no reference to young carers. The Committee wishes the same data as for Looked After Children to be produced for this group of children;

-          there should be more of a link between the outstanding issues for each area in the report and how the next steps relate to them.


Members of this Committee were asked to forward any typographical, formatting and other suggested amendments to the Review document to Mr Simm.


Members of the Committee AGREED to the setting up of a task group to work with officers to review implementation of the Children & Young People’s Plan over the coming year and feed into the review of Year 2 of the Plan in 2008.


This would be discussed further at this Committee’s next meeting.



(Agenda Item 12)


The Committee was asked to nominate a Councillor to track progress regarding the Charging in Schools Investigation and lead on evaluating this item at this Committee’s July meeting.


Councillor Haffenden undertook to fulfil this role.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Committee was asked to review/update its Work Programme.


Members of the Committee were invited to suggest topics for possible inclusion in their future work programme and to allocate a priority order to them (high/medium/low).

The Committee AGREED to put forward the following items for possible inclusion within their work programme:


-          a review into young carers as suggested by Members of the Social & Community Services Scrutiny Committee;

-          the effectiveness of the various external agencies that might be called upon in relation to Personal, Social and Health issues in schools;

-          a question and answer session on the effectiveness of project management arrangements regarding Maltfield House;

-          consultation procedures – for example, on moves to Academies – are proper procedures followed?;

-          Oxfordshire’s Secondary School Provision – equality for all? (if real/perceived inequality);

-          schools for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties – why 95% boys – (why) is the system failing them?;

-          recruitment and retention of Headteachers;

-          setting up a task group to work with officers to review implementation of the Children & Young People’s Plan over the coming year and feed into the review of Year 2 of the Plan in 2008. Carole Thomson , Sue Matthew, Bernadine Spencer and Councillors Haffenden, Fooks and Glass-Woodin (depending on time commitment), all expressed an interest.


Members of this Committee were invited to send any further suggestions to Councillor Haffenden and Kath Coldwell.


All suggestions received would be discussed at this Committee’s July meeting.



(Agenda Item 14)


Report back on advice by this Committee to the Cabinet or Council.


There was nothing to report.


24/07         FORWARD PLAN

(Agenda Item 15)


The Committee was asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it might have wished to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision was taken.


No items had been identified for consideration.


................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007

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