Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 1 May 2007


Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

Tuesday 1 May 2007 at 12.00 noon

County Hall, Oxford

Items for Decision

The items for decision under individual Cabinet Members’ delegated powers are listed overleaf, with indicative timings, and the related reports are attached.  Decisions taken will become effective at the end of the working day on Thursday 10 May 2007 unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of the reports are circulated (by e-mail) to all members of the County Council.

These proceedings are open to the public.

Tony Cloke
Assistant Head of Service (Democratic)                                                         

20 April 2007

Contact officers:

§         Kath Coldwell

Tel: (01865) 815902; E-Mail:

Note:  Date of next meeting: 5 June 2007

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named above, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.

Items for Decision

1.                 Petitions and Public Address

2.                 Education Project Appraisal – St Andrews CE School, Chinnor

Forward Plan Ref: 2006/130
Contact: Kevin Griffin, Service Manager, Property & Assets (01865 816455)

12.00 noon

Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families.

The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to approve the attached project appraisal ED646.

Statement of Decision (download as .doc file)

3.                 Education Project Appraisal – Wheatley Park School

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/78
Contact: Kevin Griffin, Service Manager – Capital Planning, Property & Assets, (01865 816457)

12.05 pm

Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families.

The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to approve the attached project appraisal ED644

Statement of Decision (download as .doc file)

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