Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 19 July 2007


To Members of the Transport Decisions Committee
Notice of a Meeting of the
Transport Decisions Committee


Thursday 19 July 2007 at 10.00


County Hall, Oxford



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Service (Democratic)                                                                                            


July 2007


Contact officer:          Graham Warrington

                                    Tel: 01865 815321; E-Mail:





Chairman – Councillor Ian Hudspeth



David Robertson





Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective

at the end of the working day on 27 July 2007

unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.






·         Date of next meeting: 6 September 2007

·         Please switch off mobile phones




If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.





1.                 Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


2.                 Declarations of Interest see guidance note

3.                 Minutes


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2007 (TD3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


4.                 Petitions and Public Address

(See Addenda)


5.                 Progress of Approved Schemes – July 2007 Update

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/072

Contact: Amrik Manku: Project Management (01865 815921)


Report by Head of Transport (TD5).


This is the eleventh update report of regular quarterly reports since December 2002 giving the progress status of schemes approved by the former Transport implementation Committee and more recently the Cabinet Member for Transport.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the report and progress on each scheme.


6.                 Capital Programme – Additional

Developer Funded Schemes

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/128

Contact: Jacqui Cox, Principal Transport Planner (01865 815713)


Report by Head of Transport (TD6).


The report seeks agreement to the addition of schemes in Abingdon, Banbury and Carterton to this year’s capital programme, to be fully funded from developer contributions.  This follows a review of the developer contributions available in these towns and prioritisation of outstanding schemes. A decision is required so that assessment work can be carried out at the earliest opportunity so that implementation of the schemes can be undertaken next financial year.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise the addition of the following developer funded schemes for inclusion in the capital programme for development this year and implementation over 2007/08 and 2008/09: 


(a)               Abingdon secondary cycle network;


(b)              Abingdon secure cycle parking facilities;


(c)               Cothill, Abingdon weight limit signs;


(d)              identification of pedestrian and cyclist facilities along Broughton Road , Banbury; and


(e)               on-line improvements to the B4477 from Monahan Way/Minster Road roundabout, Carterton to the A40. 


7.                 Oxfordshire County Council (Bicester

Various Roads) (Parking) Order 200*

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/079

Contact: Louise Harrison, Senior Traffic Technician (0845 310 11 11)


Report by Head of Transport (TD7).


Oxfordshire County Council entered into an Agency Agreement with Cherwell District Council in April 2007 to provide a residents parking scheme in selected streets in Bicester.  The scheme was promoted in response to requests from residents and led by local District Councillors.  Streets were selected according to proximity to the town centre and available parking and of the streets consulted informally only 7 showed sufficient interest to carry forward into the scheme. Cherwell District Council carried out a formal consultation between 27 April 2007 and 25 May 2007 and have included amendments, where required, to the existing Traffic Regulation Order in consultation with Oxfordshire County Council staff. The  report considers the objections and representations received in response to that consultation. Cherwell District Council have agreed to implement the Scheme as advertised and are seeking to review the scheme 12 months after implementation.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads Bicester)(Parking) Order 200* as advertised subject to minor variations referred to in the Annex to the report and to the addition of properties at 60(a) and 62(a) North Street as referred to in paragraph 3(a) of the report TD7;


(b)       endorse the decision by Cherwell District Council to review the scheme 12 months after implementation.


8.                 Implementation of New Bus Stop on

Premium Bus Route - Buckingham Road , Bicester

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/125

Contact: Stuart Timms, Trainee Transport Planner (01865 815655)


Report by Head of Transport (TD8) (download as .pdf file)


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve installation of a new bus stop on Buckingham Road , Bicester as shown at Annex to the report TD8.


9.                 Headington Roundabout – Proposed Permanent

Closure of the Access Gap Outside Macdonalds

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/089

Contact: Colin Baird, Principal Engineer (01865 815536)


Report by Head of Transport (TD9).


The report explains the proposal to implement a permanent closue of the access gap between the westbound A40 and the service road outside McDonalds at Headington Roundabout and examines the responses to a consultation carried out in March to May 2007.  Responses were received both in favour of, and opposed to, the permanent gap closure.


Consultation on measures associated with the roundabout improvements took place in May 2004, and the results were reported to The Executive in September 2004. The decision on whether or not to effect a permanent closure of the gap was postponed until the works had been completed and traffic levels had stabilised. A temporary closure was put in place during the works and remains in force at present.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to confirm that the access gap between the Roundway and the A40 should remain closed and authorise the making of a Traffic Order to achieve permanent closure.


10.             Oxford , Phipps Road - Proposed

Relocation of Highway Gate

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/096

Contact: Andrew Vidovic, Assistant Engineer (01865 810437)


Report by Head of Transport (TD10) (download as .pdf file).


(See also Addenda)


Requests have been received, through Oxford City Council for the highway gate located in Bailey Road to be relocated to Phipps Road . The reason put forward for the relocation of the gate was to remove the rat-running traffic from these roads, it has been observed approximately 64 vehicles in the am peak and 75 vehicles in the pm peak are using this route at speeds which are considered to be dangerous.  The report considers the responses received to a public consultation on the proposal.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED not to approve the relocation of the highway gate from Bailey Road to Phipps Road as illustrated in Annex 1 to this report TD10.


11.             Oxford , Summertown Shopping Area –

Street Environment Scheme

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/101

Contact: Paul Fermer, Senior Transport Planner, (01865 815764)


Report by Head of Transport (TD11) (download as .pdf file).


On 29 March 2007 the Summertown shopping area street environment enhancement scheme was approved. A fundamental aspect of the design was the southbound bus lay-by and associated footpath.  The March report explained that the lay-by encroached on to private land and would possibly require acquisition through compulsory purchase.  The report details the private land required for the County Council scheme on Banbury Road in Summertown and seeks authority to acquire the land by compulsory purchase, should that prove necessary.


The COMMITTEE is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of the land shown coloured on drawing number G4200 & G4201 and to authorise officers to undertake all necessary procedures in connection with the making and publication of the order and its confirmation by the Secretary of State or (if the Secretary of State issues a notice to that effect) by the Council as an unopposed order.


12.             Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads,

Goring) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting)

(Amendment No.3) Order 2007

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/095

Contact: Malcolm Bowler, Senior Traffic Technician (0845 310 11 11)


Report by Head of Transport (TD12) (download as .pdf file).



13.             Great Haseley - Stopping Up of part of an

Classified Unnumbered Highway Adjacent to A329.

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/104

Contact: Caren O’Sullivan, Senior Highway Procedures Officer (01865 815916)

(See also Addenda)


Report by Head of Transport (TD13). (download as .pdf file)

The report seeks approval for an application by Countax Ltd to the Magistrates for the stopping up of a section of the public highway adjacent to A329 Great Haseley which has been identified as being surplus to highway requirements and, therefore, unnecessary as highway.

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               authorise the Solicitor to the Council to make application to the Magistrates under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 for the stopping up of the highway as shown on drawing No. 786/G174 on the grounds that it is unnecessary as highway subject to:


(1)               the reservation of footpath rights over the two areas shown on drawing no. 786/G174 which are to be permanently marked on the ground all at the expense of Countax Ltd;


(2)               the dedication and satisfactory provision of the connecting footpath with any associated signage, stiles etc. by and at the expense of Countax Ltd. as shown on drawing No. 786/G174;


(3)               the satisfactory provision of the alternative field access and signage all at the expense of Countax Ltd;


(b)              declare surplus to the County Council’s requirements as local highway authority any interest the Council may have in the area of land (404sq. m. or thereabouts) shown small cross hatched on drawing no. 786/G175 subject to the road being stopped up by the Magistrates.


14.             Policies Regarding Use of Highway


(a)     Placement of Tables and Chairs on the Highway

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/146

Contact: Katherine Powley, Assistant Network Manager (01865 815342)


Report by Head of Transport (TD14(a)) (download as .doc file).


The report seeks agreement to introduce a policy to govern the placement of tables and chairs on the highway.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to adopt the Policy as set out at Annex 1 to the report TD14(a).


            (b)     Filming on the Highway

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/146

Contact: Katherine Powley, Assistant Network Manager (01865 815342)


Report by Head of Transport (TD14(b)). (download as .doc file)


The report seeks agreement to introduce a policy to provide a consistent approach to dealing with enquiries to film on or in the vicinity of the highway.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to adopt the Policy attached at Annex 1 to the report TD14(b).


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