Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007



To Members of the Transport Decisions Committee
Notice of a Meeting of the
Transport Decisions Committee


Thursday 4 October 2007 at 10:00 am


County Hall, Oxford



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Service (Democratic)                                                                                            


September 2007


Contact officer:          Graham Warrington

                                    Tel: 01865 815321; E-Mail:





Chairman – Councillor Ian Hudspeth



David Robertson





The agenda is attached.  Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective

at the end of the working day on 12 October 2007

unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.






·         Date of next meeting: 22 November 2007

·         Please switch off mobile phones



If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.





1.                 Apologies for Ab sence and Substitutions


2.                 Declarations of Interest see guidance note


3.                 Minutes


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2007 (TD3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


4.                 Petitions and Public Address


(See also Addenda)


5.                 A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/217

Contact: Julian Hartless, Principal Project Manager for Design and Implementation (01865 815097)/Matt Bayliss, Committee Officer (01865 815384)


Report by Head of Transport/Assistant Head of Service (Democratic) (TD5).


The decision of the Transport Decisions Committee on 6 September 2007 in respect of the A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing (see Minute 30/07 Item 3 with this Agenda) was called in in the following terms:


“We, the undersigned, ask that the decision on the A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing be called in for the following reasons:

·                    inadequate local consultation with local residents, many of whom oppose the decision;

·                    lack of consideration of the traffic consequences on surrounding villages, particularly from HGVs; and

·                    consequent noise and disturbance.”


The Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee considered the call in on 19 September 2007 and agreed to accept the Transport Decisions Committee decision as set out in Minute 30/07 but with the following comment that during the debate on the item there had been a sense among the Committee members that more formal consultation/discussion on the proposals in the report with those in the affected area would have been helpful prior to consideration by the Transport Decisions Committee.


The Committee are RECOMMENDED to note the decision and comment of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee.


6.                 Progress of Approved Schemes – October 2007 Update


(See also Addenda)


Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/073

Contact: Amrik Manku: Project Management (01865 815921)


Report by Head of Transport (TD6).


The report is the twelfth update report of regular quarterly reports giving the progress status of schemes approved since December 2002.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the report and progress on the schemes.


7.                 Banbury Middleton Road and Waterloo Drive Parking Restrictions

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/191

Contact: David Clough, Assistant Principal Engineer (01865 815743)


Report by Head of Transport (TD7).


The report details comments received in response to a formal consultation on the installation of yellow lines in Waterloo Drive near Middleton Road and seeks authority for implementation.            The measures which were requested by the Local Member for Grimsbury and the Banbury Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) seek to remove hazardous,  rail day time commuter parking occurring in the area of Waterloo Drive nearest Banbury Rail Station.

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of the parking proposals in Waterloo Drive as shown on the drawing attached at Annex 1 to the report TD7.


8.                 Oxfordshire County Council (Abingdon Road,Oxford) – (Traffic Management) Order 200*

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/115

Contact: Peter Egawhary, Traffic Regulation Officer (01865 815857)


Report by Head of Transport (TD8).


Following major reconstruction works along Abingdon Road which were completed in December 2005, the reinstatement of the carriageway road–markings highlighted several areas of discrepancy with the various Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) which governed waiting restrictions and parking controls along its length. Surveys have now been carried out to identify these and the schedules have been redrafted in the proposed TRO to take into account these and new vehicular access requirements introduced with the works.  In addition some minor alterations have been incorporated to assist traffic along the Abingdon Road to flow more freely, especially, at peak-hour times.  The opportunity was also taken to consolidate all the various existing TROs into one parent Order.  


The report considers comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on amendments to the waiting restrictions and peak-hour clearway times operating along the Abingdon Road as well as the Old Abingdon Road in Oxford.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Abingdon Road, Oxford)(Traffic Management) Order 200* as advertised.


9.                 Oxford, Relocation of Bus Stop from Wentworth Road to Aldrich Road

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/203

Contact: Dean Gildea, Senior Traffic Technician (01865 815724)


Report by Head of Transport (TD9).


The report sets out a proposal to relocate the bus stop and considers comments received to a public consultation.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the relocation of the bus stop from Wentworth Road to Aldrich Road as shown at Annex 1 to the report TD9.


10.             Henley Integrated Transport Strategy - Town Centre Scheme – Traffic Regulation Orders

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/123

Contact: Mark Bostock, Senior Engineer (Design & Implementation), (01865 815789)


Report by Head of Transport (TD10).


The implementation of Environmental Improvements in Henley town centre is being carried out in phases between September 2007 and April 2008.  As part of the works revisions to Traffic Regulation Orders are required to make changes to the existing parking and waiting and loading restrictions in Bell Street.  The report also considers comments received to a public consultation on the proposals.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve an amendment to the Henley-on-Thames Traffic Regulation Order 1983 as revised to secure parking restrictions in Bell Street as set out in this report and as shown on drawing number D&I/A3/0023.


11.             Proposed Extension of 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit- Station Road, Shiplake-on-Thames

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/207

Contact: Malcolm Bowler, Senior Traffic Technician (0845 310 11 11)


Report by Head of Transport (TD11).


An investigation was carried out by the Railway Inspectorate following a collision between a motor car and a train at the Railway Level Crossing located on Station Road, Shiplake.  The Inspector's Report recommended that the existing 30 miles per hour speed limit on Station Road be extended east from the junction with Mill Road/Northfield Road/Northfield Avenue to cover the full extent of the level crossing.  The report considers comments received on a consultation to extend the speed limit in line with the Inspector's Report.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              approve the making of an Order to extend the 30 miles per hour speed limit on Station Road, Shiplake on Thames from its junction with Northfield Avenue/Northfield Road and Mill Road for a distance of 115 metres east; and


(b)              authorise any works necessary to implement the Order.


12.             Review of Grants for Provision of Transport Services for People with Mobility Impairments and Locally Organised Transport  Schemes

Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/178

Contact: Neil Timberlake, Assistant Public Transport Officer (01865 815585)


Report by Head of Transport (TD12).


The report invites the Committee to consider future funding for the Swindon Dial-a-Ride Friday shoppers' service from parishes in the far west of the Vale of White Horse for people with mobility impairments, and for future funding for two locally-organised community transport schemes, the volunteer car scheme organised by the Wantage Independent Advice Centre, and a Wednesday 'shared-taxi' shoppers' service for the infirm and mobility-impaired residents of three residential homes in Grove and Wantage, organised by Grove Parish Council.   In each case the current funding arrangements come to an end on 7 December 2007 and the report considers the performance and value of the three schemes and makes recommendations as to future action by Oxfordshire County Council.   The bus services for the general public in the same area are also under review at this meeting and have shared the same consultation process.  Memebers of the Committee have the opportunity to refer to the separate report (Item 13E) for details of these bus services. 


The Committee is RECOMMENDED:


(a)              to pay Swindon Dial-a-Ride up to £5,000.00 (but with annual adjustments for inflation) to secure the continuation of the Dial-a-Ride Shoppers’ service between Watchfield and Swindon for a period of four years commencing 8 December 2007 and concluding on 9 December 2011, or on whatever date the scheduled Area Review of bus services in the Wantage/Faringdon/ Cumnor area is implemented;


(b)              to pay Wantage Independent Advice Centre up to £5,318.00 (but with annual adjustments for inflation) to secure the continuation of the Wantage/Grove Community Car Scheme for a period of four years commencing 8 December 2007 and concluding on 9 December 2011, or on whatever date the scheduled Area Review of bus services in the Wantage/Faringdon/Cumnor area is implemented; and


(c)               to pay Grove Parish Council up to £1,003.10 (but with annual adjustments for inflation) to secure the continuation of the Grove Shopperbus shoppers’ shared taxi service for a period of four years commencing 8 December 2007 and concluding on 9 December 2011, or on whatever date the scheduled Area Review of bus services in the Wantage/Faringdon/Cumnor area is implemented.


Exempt Item


The meeting will be invited to resolve to exclude the public for the consideration of the following exempt item (marked 13E) by passing a resolution in relation to that item in the following terms:


"that the public be excluded during the consideration of the following item in the Agenda since it is likely that if they were present during that item there would be a disclosure of "exempt" information as described in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 and specified below the item in the Agenda". 


NOTE: The report itself does not contain exempt information and is thus available to the public.  The exempt information is contained either in a confidential annex which is to be circulated only to members and officers entitled to receive it.




13.E       Bus Service Subsidies


(See also Addenda)


Cabinet Member: Transport

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/033

Contact: Tim Darch, Public Transport Assistant/Allan Field, Bus Services Manager (01865 815826/5587)


Report by Head of Transport (TD13E) (download as .doc file).


(The information in this case to be outlined in Annex 2 to be circulated subsequently is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:

3    –    information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)

It is considered that in this case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of discussions between Oxfordshire County Council and/or other local authorities and organisations with regard to contract prices for services and the need to protect those prices.)


The report describes bus services for which subsidy agreements are due to terminate in December 2007 and mainly covering services in the Wantage and Faringdon area.  In all cases tenders have been specified for the continuation of the services concerned on broadly the present basis, together with, in some cases, alternative or revised operations arising from the review, changes to other services in the intervening period since they were last reviewed or following consultation with the parishes affected.  In view of the current financial position, options for lower levels of service have also been specified in many cases, involving either reduced frequencies or combination of routes to provide a more efficient operation.  A number of smaller hamlets may see their public transport facilities withdrawn completely where usage and/or high cost cannot justify continuation. The result of the tendering exercise, together with officer recommendations and local member comments on those recommendations, will be reported to the Committee as E.


Two further contracts outside the review area have also been reviewed, both of which are for contributions towards other authorities' subsidy costs for services which extend into Oxfordshire.  These are services 6 and 9 from Newbury to Didcot (contracted by West Berkshire Unitary Authority), and service 50 from Stratford-upon-Avon to Chipping Norton (contracted by Warwickshire County Council).  During the course of the review, West Berkshire decided that services 6 and 9 would cease to operate beyond their county boundary into Oxfordshire from December 2007: as a result, tenders have been invited for various options to provide a replacement service and the outcome of this, along with the result of negotiations with Warwickshire concerning service 50 will be reported to the Committee.


The financial position of the bus subsidy budget is also described in the report.  Recent commercial withdrawals combined with continued tender price rises and only a small increase in the bus subsidy budget mean that some reductions in service are likely as a result of this review.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              in view of planned restrictions on the bus subsidy budget in forthcoming years, aim for a subsidy cost increase, on the contracts under review at this meeting, not exceeding £13,000;


(b)              make its decisions on subsidy for the services described in this report on the basis of the tender prices (and the periods of time) as set out in Exempt Annex 2 to be reported subsequently;


(c)               authorise officers to negotiate with Swindon Borough Council and/or West Berkshire Unitary Authority as appropriate for a continuation of a service between Ashbury and Swindon after May 2008 if necessary; and


(d)              record that in the opinion of the Cabinet Members for Transport Implementation and Strategic Transport Policy the decisions made in (c) above are urgent in that any delay likely to be caused by the call in process would result in service discontinuity and in accordance with the requirements of Scrutiny Procedure Rule 17(b) those decisions should not be subject to the call in process.


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