Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 14 July 2009


Notice of Meeting                                                                                                           


Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee

Tuesday 14 July 2009 at 10.00 am

at County Hall, Oxford


Chairman: Councillor Ann Bonner

Deputy Chairman: Councillor Neil Owen



Marilyn Badcock

Roger Belson

Anda Fitzgerald -O’Connor


Janet Godden

Pete Handley

Tony Harbour


Mohammed Altaf-Khan

Dave Sexon

Val Smith





Co-opted Members

Mr Chris Bevan

Mrs Sue Matthew

Dr Hojjat Ramzy (Ramezanzadeh)


One vacancy




Notes:            Date of next meeting: Tuesday 22 September 2009


What does this Committee review or scrutinise?

·                     Services for children, young people and families; preventative services; child protection; family support; educational policy; youth service; youth justice; breaking the cycle of deprivation

·                     Primary & secondary schools; special education; pupil services; school transport; music service

·                     Conduct of best value reviews


How can I have my say?

We welcome the views of the community on any issues in relation to the responsibilities of this Committee.  Members of the public may ask to speak on any item on the agenda or may suggest matters which they would like the Committee to look at.  Requests to speak must be submitted to the Committee Officer below no later than 9 am on the working day before the date of the meeting.


For more information about this Committee please contact:

Chairman                                                 -        Councillor Ann Bonner


Committee Officer                                  -        Julie Dean, Tel: (01865) 815322



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services                                                                          

6 July 2009

About the County Council

The Oxfordshire County Council is made up of 74 councillors who are democratically elected every four years. The Council provides a range of services to Oxfordshire’s 630,000 residents. These include:

  • schools
  • social & health care

·        libraries and museums

  • the fire service
  • roads

·        trading standards

  • land use
  • transport planning

·        waste management

Each year the Council manages £0.9 billion of public money in providing these services. Most decisions are taken by a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, which makes decisions about service priorities and spending. Some decisions will now be delegated to individual members of the Cabinet.


About Scrutiny

Scrutiny is about:

·        Providing a challenge to the Cabinet

·        Examining how well the Cabinet and the Authority are performing

·        Influencing the Cabinet on decisions that affect local people

·        Helping the Cabinet to develop Council policies

·        Representing the community in Council decision making

·        Promoting joined up working across the authority’s work and with partners

Scrutiny is NOT about:

·        Making day to day service decisions

·        Investigating individual complaints.

What does this Committee do?

The Committee meets up to 6 times a year, developing a work programme and carrying out the projects it wishes to investigate. Once an investigation is complete, the Committee will provide its advice to the Cabinet, full Council, or to the relevant strategic partnership bodies. All of its meetings are open to the public and its agenda and reports are available on the County Council’s website.



1.                 Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


2.                 Declarations of Interest see guidance note


3.                 Minutes


To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 18 March 2009 (CH3(a)) and 16 June 2009 (CH3(b)) and to note for information any matters arising on them.


4.                 Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


5.                 2008/09 Scrutiny Work Programme


Reducing Teenage Conceptions in Oxfordshire


(1)               To receive a joint report from the Children, Young People & Families Directorate and Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust (CH5); and


(2)               To ask for two volunteers from the Committee to form a Working Group to take this work forward, in conjunction with two members from the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee.



(To consider future work items for the Committee)


6.                 Annual Scrutiny Work Programme July 2009 – July 2010




(a)        This item will begin with an explanation of the scrutiny work processes, to be given by Lisa Michelson, Corporate Performance & Review Officer.


Presentation from Children, Young People & Families field


(b)        As a preliminary to the Committee setting its work programme in the coming months, the Cabinet members for Children, Young People & Families and Schools Improvement, respectively, together with officers from the Children, Young People & Families Directorate have agreed to attend the meeting to inform the Scrutiny Committee about the challenges and priorities facing this area for the period 2009/10.


Discussion by Committee on next year’s Scrutiny Work Programme


(c)     Ongoing Education Attainment review – reforming of the Working Group and the way ahead.


(d)       The Committee are asked to consider items that they might like to see included within the Committee’s Work Programme for July 2009 – July 2010. Suggestions will then be worked up as proposals during the summer by the Corporate Policy & Performance Team and a report submitted to the 22 September meeting for decision.



(To take evidence, receive progress updates and consider tracking reports)


7.                 Lead Member/Task Group Reports

11. 55

Tracking report from 21 April 2009 Cabinet with regard to Educational Attainment – Module 1


Relationship Between Leadership And Improving Attainment In Schools


The Cabinet considered a report by the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee (CA8) setting out the findings of a review that considered whether anything specific could be done to raise attainment in Oxfordshire’s schools to the level that is expected of them. The report ( the first of four) addressed the subject of how the leadership of a school, including the Governing Body, headteacher, deputy head, supporting management team and the Governing Body, could affect attainment levels. The Cabinet also considered the response of the Cabinet Member for School’s Improvement (please note that this has been attached to the end of this Agenda (download as .doc file).


Councillor Sue Haffenden, Lead Member of the Review introduced the report, setting out the background and referring to the delays in the work due to shortages in staff resources. The Review had been a small focussed review that had sought to avoid duplication with officer work that was underway. She referred to the recommendations and in particular highlighted those in relation to the central list of businesses willing to be involved with schools, the concept of federation.


Councillor Val Smith, Review Member, expressed the hope that the three remaining elements of the review could be undertaken.


Councillor David Turner, Shadow Cabinet Member for School’s Improvement referred to a booklet on governorship produced by Martin Pounce and asked that consideration be given to supplying each governing body with a single copy.


The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement thanked the Lead Member of the Review and fellow review members for their efforts. In response to comments made he noted that federation was being discussed as recommended in recommendation 11; it was not the role of SIP’s to interpret their school’s performance data; and he would take up the question of the booklet with Governor Services.


8.                 Forward Plan


The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken, together with details of what it thinks could be achieved by looking at any items.


(Please bring to the meeting the latest copy of the Forward Plan which at the time of writing covers June – September 2009).


(Members are asked to contact the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and/or the Committee Officer at least 3 days before the meeting should they wish to raise an item on the Forward Plan for possible consideration).



12:05  Close of Meeting


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