Issue - decisions

CCaaS Platform Procurement.

14/05/2024 - Re procurement of CCaaS platform

The Cabinet member considered a report, which indicated that the council used a management system known as Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platform, that is currently used by the Customer Service Centre, to manage the flow of calls from members of the public and OCC staff to the appropriate team within the council. A CCaaS platform is fundamental to the efficient and effective running of a contact centre.


The existing contract is due to expire on 15 November 2024.The transition from existing commercial arrangements may require both contracts to run in parallel to ensure operational continuity. Budget provision for the new solution had been forecasted from the Capital Budget to cover implementation and transition costs.




(a) Authorise the procurement and delivery of a suitable supplier to provide the council a Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platform that can expand and contract as necessary; and


(b) Delegate authority to the Director IT Innovation and Digital Services, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Deputy Monitoring Officer and the Head of Procurement, to award a contract following the conclusion of the procurement exercise.