Agenda item

Report of the Cabinet

Report from Leader of the Council.


The report summarises the decisions from the Cabinet meetings on 19 December 2023, 23 January 2024, 30 January 2024, 27 February 2024 and 19 March 2024.




Council received the report of Cabinet covering the meetings held on 19 December 2023, 23 January 2024, 30 January 2024, 27 February 2024 and 19 March 2024.


In response to queries raised by Councillors on item 1, Future Council Governance Group – Final Report, regarding the amount of public participation and involvement during the decision making process as part of the future of transport in central Oxford, the Leader of the Council responded that a wider review of transport policies across the County would be sought, and participation of such would be agreed as part of the citizens’ panel.  She emphasised the need to focus this review across the County, rather than just on travel initiatives within the city.


On item 2, the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Functions, Transition Arrangements, Councillor Phillips asked the Leader of the Council how well the Council has assimilated the responsibilities of the LEP since taking on the LEP functions with specific reference to the commercial strategy.  The Leader of the Council responded that the LEP functions had been assimilated in their existing format and would be reviewed over the next six months to determine how the commercial strategy would be reviewed as part of the Council’s economic development.


On item 3, Award for All-Age Advocacy Contracts, Councillor Pressel asked the Cabinet Member regarding procurement for the future provision of the All-Age Advocacy Contracts on progress made since the contract commenced on 1 April 2024.  The Leader of the Council advised that she would request that Councillor Bearder provide further details on progress made since its implementation.


On item 4, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) 5G Innovation Region Funding, Councillor Pressel asked if future reports could include information on addressing the gap between those residents that were less connected and the actions that could be taken to address this.  Councillor Fawcett outlined the Council’s current schemes under the Council’s digital strategy including those developed as part of the work done around the rail corridor and how technology could be utilised to expand access to technology.


On item 5, the Workforce Report and Staffing Data – Quarter 2 – July to September 2023, Councillor Pressel asked if information could be provided on the data analysis undertaken to ascertain if the Council’s workforce represented the communities in which it served.  Councillor Fawcett responded that detailed information was included within the report but noted that improvement had been shown in gender analysis, however more work was required to address the disparity in different ethnic groups. 


On item 6, People and Culture Strategy, Councillor van Mierlo asked if the Council policies regarding paternity leave would be reviewed to attract more employees to the Council.  Councillor Fawcett responded that policies were currently being reviewed by Officers, however the Council’s current policies were above the national standard.


On item 8, Workforce Report and Staffing Data – Q3 October – December 2023, Councillor Phillips asked what was being done to increase the number of non-white staff working at the Council.  Councillor Fawcett responded that whilst small improvements had been made, work was underway to move this forward which would be reported in future Workforce Reports.


Councillor Baines requested the Cabinet Member outline the number of full-time equivalent posts removed as part of the staff cuts committed to by the administration.  Councillor Fawcett responded that a full consultation with staff was underway with no set target for staff cuts, however this would be reviewed as part of the wider restructure in consultation with the Trade Unions.


In response to a question from Councillor Mallon regarding the representation of ‘white working-class males’ in the workforce, Councillor Fawcett highlighted that ‘class’ was not recognised as a fixed group, as advances were possible for individuals and drew the Council’s attention to strategies that could be undertaken by employees, including the positive work of the apprenticeship scheme.


On item 9, Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23, Councillor Enright asked if the statement demonstrated if the Council was delivering the infrastructure required for new development.  Councillor Roberts responded that the statement was a factual report, however improvements to efficiencies had been made, especially in respect to the reporting of S106 funding.


On item 11, Business Management & Monitoring Report – October/November 2023, Councillor Baines asked if the budgeted savings identified for agency staff had been incorporated into the savings specified for staff cuts, and if the Council had given up on reducing the amount spent on agency staff.  Councillor Levy responded that the Council would continue to limit the amount of spend on agency staff and were determined to continue to make the Council as efficient as possible.


On item 13, Freehold Disposal Chilterns End Former Care Home, Henley on Thames, Councillor Baines asked if the Council was opposed to an asset disposal policy that would ensure that Officers could evaluate assets for disposal against a pre-described list of future social value uses.  Councillor Levy responded that the Council was legally obliged to obtain the best value for disposal of assets, however where possible, the Council would always seek to assist to do so in the most socially valuable way.


On item 14, Oxford City Centre Accommodation Strategy, Councillor Bartholomew asked if reconsideration would be given to the removal of parking spaces for Councillors as part of the property strategy, particularly the move to Speedwell House.  Councillor Levy responded that the Oxford City Centre Accommodation Strategy aimed to ensure that parking spaces be reduced in line with the net zero carbon initiatives, and like residents of Oxford city, full use should be made of the wide range of public transport available.


In response to a question from Councillor Pressel regarding an update to the market engagement exercise, Councillor Levy advised that further discussions were taking place and would update Councillors when appropriate.


On item 15, Budget & Business Planning Report – 2024/25 – January 2024, Councillor Baines asked the Cabinet Member to outline the proposed approach to close the £14M gap for 2025/26 identified in the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).  Councillor Levy responded that the Council would seek to close any budget gap by ensuring efficiencies were identified and implemented.


On item 17, Commercial Strategy, Councillor O’Connor asked for greater clarification on the strategy and assurances that the needs of Oxfordshire’s residents would be paramount to any future decision-making.  Councillor Levy advised that as a Local Authority, the Council was not a profit-making organisation and any funds raised would be transferred to running public services.


In response to queries raised by Councillors Brighouse, Reeves, Lygo and Pressel regarding the land identified for development of a stadium in Kidlington, Councillor Levy advised that the Heads of Terms had not yet been agreed, however they would be signed prior to any planning application being undertaken.  However, due to commercial confidentiality, he could not confirm any further information to the Council at this stage.


On item 19, Business Management & Monitoring Report – January 2024, Councillor Baines asked if information could be provided on the projected number of Education, Health & Care Plan’s issued over the MTFS period.  Councillor Levy advised that he would provide a response to this following the meeting.


In response to a question from Councillor Elphinstone regarding the expansion of Mabel Pritchard School, Councillor Levy replied that a timeline would be provided to Councillors.


On item 21, Reports received from Scrutiny Committees, Councillor Baines asked if the Council had committed to delivering a comprehensive social value and community welfare strategy as recommended by the Performance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Leader of the Council advised that a report would come back to Cabinet as Council progressed through the current financial year.



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