Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Eddie Reeves

This Council acknowledges the difficulties experienced by certain parents and students in the delivery of its SEND service and pays tribute to the testimonies of parents heard at Full Council on 1 November 2022.


This Council places on public record the importance of delivering timely assessments, reviews and information-sharing to parents and resolves to improve its service delivery and working practices as soon as reasonably practicable.


This Council resolves to recommend the Cabinet to  include as wide a range of consultees as possible in drawing up such improvement plans which may include a politically proportionate, cross-party advisory group of Councillors, together with parent-guardian delegates with direct experience of the Council's SEND service. 


To ensure that this matter is kept front of mind, Council resolves to ask, via the Chairman of the People Overview and scrutiny committee, that said committee make it a priority of the utmost importance and urgency to place this as standing item on the agenda.



With the consent of Council, Councillor Eddie Reeves moved and Councillor Arash Fatemian seconded the following motion:-


“This Council acknowledges the difficulties experienced by certain parents and students in the delivery of its SEND service and pays tribute to the testimonies of parents heard at Full Council on 1 November 2022.


This Council places on public record the importance of delivering timely assessments, reviews and information-sharing to parents and resolves to improve its service delivery and working practices as soon as reasonably practicable.


This Council resolves to recommend the Cabinet to  include as wide a range of consultees as possible in drawing up such improvement plans which may include a politically proportionate, cross-party advisory group of Councillors, together with parent-guardian delegates with direct experience of the Council's SEND service. 


To ensure that this matter is kept front of mind, Council resolves to ask, via the Chairman of the People Overview and scrutiny committee, that said committee make it a priority of the utmost importance and urgency to place this as standing item on the agenda.”



Councillor Richard Webber moved and Councillor Ian Middleton seconded  the following amendment to the Motion as shown in bold italics and strikethrough below:-



This Council acknowledges the difficulties experienced by certain parents and students in the delivery of its SEND service and pays tribute to the testimonies of parents heard at Full Council on 1 November 2022.   


This Council places on public record the importance of delivering timely assessments, reviews and information-sharing to parents and resolves to improve its service delivery and working practices as soon as reasonably practicable.   


This Council resolves to recommend the Cabinet to include as wide a range of consultees as possible in drawing up such improvement plans which may include a politically proportionate, cross-party advisory group of Councillors, together with parent-guardian delegates with direct experience of the Council's SEND service.    


To ensure that this matter is kept front of mind, Council resolves to ask, via the Chairman of the People Overview and scrutiny committee, that said committee make it a priority of the utmost importance and urgency to place this as standing item on the agenda.


This Council recalls its motion, adopted on 7 October, that noted the systemic underfunding of SEND by national government. It renews its call for adequate funding of these essential services.”


Following debate, the amendment by Councillor Richard Webber was put to the vote and was carried by 28 votes to 20 with 2 abstentions.


The substantive motion, as amended, was carried by 32 votes to 0 with 17 abstentions.


RESOLVED (32 to 0 with 17 abstentions):-


This Council acknowledges the difficulties experienced by certain parents and students in the delivery of its SEND service and pays tribute to the testimonies of parents heard at Full Council on 1 November 2022.   


This Council places on public record the importance of delivering timely assessments, reviews and information-sharing to parents and resolves to improve its service delivery and working practices as soon as reasonably practicable.   


This Council resolves to recommend the Cabinet to include as wide a range of consultees as possible in drawing up such improvement plans which may include a politically proportionate, cross-party advisory group of Councillors, together with parent-guardian delegates with direct experience of the Council's SEND service.    


To ensure that this matter is kept front of mind, Council resolves to ask, via the Chairman of the People Overview and scrutiny committee, that said committee make it a priority of the utmost importance and urgency to place this as standing item on the agenda.


This Council recalls its motion, adopted on 7 October, that noted the systemic underfunding of SEND by national government. It renews its call for adequate funding of these essential services.”