Agenda item

Middle Barton and Westcot Barton Proposed 20mph and 30mph Speed Limits

Report by Corporate Director, Environment and Place

1.     The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve as advertised:

a.     The proposed 20mph speed limit at The Bartons,

b.     The proposed 30mph ‘buffer’ speed limit at the B4030 Enstone/Middle Barton Road,

c.     The proposed 40mph ‘buffer’ speed limit at B4030 North Street, and Duns Tew Road,

d.     The proposed 50mph speed limit on the B4030 between Enstone & Hopcrofts Holt, replacing the existing sections of 60mph National Speed Limit which are not affected by the above proposals for buffer speed limits,

e.     The traffic calming features on the B4030 Enstone/Middle Barton Road at the western end of the village, outside the Rectory at St Edwards Church, and at the bridge over the River Dorn.




The Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Cllr Gant, considered a report by the Corporate Director, Environment & Place, recommending approval, as advertised:

a.     The proposed 20mph speed limit at The Bartons;

b.     The proposed 30mph buffer speed limit at the B4030 Enstone/Middle Barton Road;

c.     The proposed 40mph buffer speed limit at B4030 North Street, and Duns Tew Road;

d.     The proposed 50mph speed limit on the B4030 between Enstone & Hopcrofts Holt, replacing the existing sections of 60mph National Speed Limit which are not affected by the above proposals for buffer speed limits; and

e.     The traffic calming features on the B4030 Enstone/Middle Barton Road at the western end of the village, outside the Rectory at St Edwards Church, and at the bridge over the River Dorn.

Having heard a presentation in support of the proposals by Cllr Andy Graham, Cllr Gant stated he wished to address two points made by His Honour, Judge Charles Harris,QC in his written representations, as follows –

(i)    Where Judge Harris stated –

Most accidents are caused by inattention, not speed, and the slower vehicles go the less is the perceived need to concentrate.”

Cllr Gant stated that he did not know what statistical data there may be on the correlation between accidents caused by inattention and those caused by speed. However, he was satisfied that most, if not all, accidents were made worse the faster the vehicle or vehicles were travelling. In addition, there was significant statistical data on the distance and time it took a vehicle to stop the faster it was travelling, and the incidence of serious injury and death as a result. Therefore, respectfully, he did not agree with the point made by Judge Harris.

(ii)   However, he did agree with Judge Harris when he stated –

“[One] of the factors we in The Bartons have always had in mind was a reluctance to see a rash of suburbanising signs The proliferation of signs has a most unhappy effect…”.

Although, not related to issues of speed, as a County with a lot of  historic towns and villages, it was important to be aware of the nature of signage and to ensure that this did not detract from the beauty and character of these towns and villages. In response, officers stated there was a working group which was reviewing the requirement for, and consistency of road sign design, in heritage areas.

Cllr Gant, confirming his support for the proposals, referred to Paragraph 14 of the report where it was stated that –

“The Parish Council have conducted local surveys and the results state… We conducted our initial village survey, which included a leaflet drop into every household within both parishes and a public meeting open to all, outlining the proposed measures, and there was an 80% majority of the respondents broadly in support of the traffic calming initiatives. As we serve as officers on behalf of the community, we wholeheartedly support the proposals.’.

In conclusion, Cllr Gant heard a brief presentation by Steeple Barton Parish Councillor, Roger Tyers, who thanked the Cabinet Member for Highway Management and County Council officers for their support for the proposals.


RESOLVED: To approve the report’s recommendations.



Signed …………………………………………………………………………



Dated  …………………………………………………………………………


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