Agenda and minutes

Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 10 November 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Julie Dean, Tel: 07393 001089  Email:

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Ian Hudspeth


The Chairman extended a welcome to members of the Board.


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies were received from Cllr Anna Badcock and Jim Leivers. Kate Terroni attended in place of John Jackson.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note opposite


There were no declarations of interest submitted.


Petitions and Public Address


Cllr Liz Brighouse, speaking as Chairman of the County Council’s Performance Scrutiny Committee, addressed the meeting, expressing the Committee’s concern that there was little Member engagement with, or lack of accountability of the partnerships, such as the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership; or little understanding of general partnership activity and their performance across Oxfordshire. This, she understood, was due to budget cuts, the outcome of which had impeded already overstretched officers from giving the support they would like, and to not making as big a difference as they would wish.


Mr David Hartley, speaking on behalf of ‘Keep our NHS Public’, quoted a senior NHS Director (recently resigned) and a Chief Executive who had publicly denounced the national Sustainability & Transformation Plans process as not deliverable. He stated that it was his belief that patients and public wanted to be involved, engaged and consulted with in relation to the substantial change and variation of the Health service and provision in Oxfordshire contained in the Plan. He also expressed his concern that the Oxfordshire Transformation Plan was allowing Trusts, steered by the OCCG to ‘make and implement questionable and in some cases dangerous removal or limit appropriate health care, with the approval of the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC).’  He therefore requested that the Board and HOSC:


·         Should demand receipt of the BOB STP and to make it public;

·         Enforce and ensure that they operated to their six principles of consultation;

·         They genuinely involve , engage and consult with the primary stakeholders, the patients and public; and

·         That the current provider contracts under the Oxfordshire STP that were to be completed by 23 December 2016 be urgently reviewed in light of ‘as yet undiscovered impacts and details of the BOB STP’.



Note of Decisions of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To approve the Note of Decisions of the meeting held on 14 July 2016                    (HWB5) and to receive information arising from them.


The note of the last meeting which took place on 14 July 2016, was approved and signed as a correct record.


Performance Report 2016/17 - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 435 KB


15 minutes



Persons Responsible:                    Director of Public Health, Director for Adult Social Services, Director for Children’s Services, OCC, Chief Executive, OCCG


Person co-ordinating reports:        Director of Public Health


To receive an update on performance against the outcomes in the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy set for 2016-17 (HWB6).


Action Required: to note the report.


The Director of Public Health introduced the Performance Report (HWB6) 2016/17 – Quarter 1, and in doing so noting that the Care Quality Commission had rated a third care home in the county as outstanding.


It was AGREED to note the report.


Future Arrangements for the Children's Trust pdf icon PDF 116 KB


20 minutes


Persons Responsible:                    The Children’s Trust Board

Persons co-ordinating report:        Director for Children’s Services/Chairman of Children’s Trust


To note the future working arrangements for the Children’s Trust Board following a review of its role in July 2016 (HWB7).


(The Board should note that each of the Boards will be required to review their Terms of Reference for discussion and approval at the next meeting on 23 March 2017).


Action Required: The Board is asked to note the key change in focus for the Children’s Trust Board and the intention to strengthen strategic partnership links between the Children’s Trust Board and the Health & Wellbeing Board.


The Board considered a report requesting approval to the future working arrangements for the Children’s Trust Board (HWB7) following a review of its role, function and purpose. Its particular focus would be on:


·         Effective multi-agency working at a strategic level across children’s services by prioritising three key shared areas which all agencies agree that they could commit to actively working in partnership, in order to exercise influence and ensure positive outcomes for children;

·         Enabling children, young people, their families and carers to shape and inform Children’s Trust Board discussions and decisions; and

·         Developing the Children’s Trust Board as a strategic body, able to influence policy and plans where they impact on children and young people.


With regard to bullet point 2 above, the Board heard an address from Rowan Ibbotson, a young person and member of the Youth Parliament, supported by officers Tan Lea, James Collins and Hannah Farncombe, on how the new working arrangements would involve more young people, via the Youth Forum. The Youth Forum would facilitate the communication of views, ideas and issues of young people in order that they could have their say and also hold the Children’s Trust to account. The Forum would, in turn, communicate with other organisations in order to lessen any overlap and give more co-ordination and accuracy. Hannah Farncombe and Tan Lea further explained that the voice of young people would also be brought to the Health & Wellbeing Board, pointing out also that this would partly address Cllr Brighouse’s concerns voiced earlier.


The Board discussed the benefits of the cross references to, and synergy with Safeguarding which the new working arrangements offered. By refreshing the Trust in this way it would enable all partners to be more assertive and clearer about how partners should work together so addressing issues of vulnerability and identifying new areas of risk.


Cllr Mrs Judith Heathcoat commented that the refresh would bring in a valuable link between children and young adulthood, as safeguarding issues for adults could be just as harmful. Tan Lea reported that the Strategic Transition Group was already well established but the outcomes of the review would help to develop issues and areas that required development.


Dr McManners welcomed the refresh as a good opportunity for other organisations to engage with the Trust and to engage with the Youth Forum. He added the OCCG’s commitment to helping from a Health point of view, as did Healthwatch Oxfordshire. Cllr Melinda Tilley added the Trust Board’s aspiration to include the voice of primary school children and the Children in Care Council in the future.


Dr McWilliam reported that the other Partnership Boards were also considering a refresh of their Terms of Reference and therefore all would be bringing them to the next meeting in March.


The Board AGREED to approve the proposals subject to approval of the revised Terms of Reference at its next meeting on 23 March 2017


Director of Public Health's Annual Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 4 MB


15 minutes


Person Responsible:                      Director of Public Health

Person giving report:                       Director of Public Health


The Director of Public Health will present his Annual Report for 2015/16 (HWB8).


This is the 9th Director of Public Health Annual Report for Oxfordshire. The purpose of the Director is to improve the Health and wellbeing of the people of the county. This is done by reporting publicly and independently on trends and gaps in the health and wellbeing of the population and by making recommendations for improvement to a wide range of organisations. It is a statutory duty of a Director of Public Health to produce this report.


The Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 15 September 2016, discussed the report and congratulated Dr McWilliam on a very interesting, easy to read and comprehensive report. The Committee was pleased to see more documentation on actions taken, and campaigns undertaken by the Team during the year. In particular they welcomed the section on Health Checks. The Committee also commented that they would welcome even further information on these in the future, together with a view on what had been achieved.


Action Required: to consider the report and to advise Cabinet of any comments accordingly.


The Director of Public Health presented his Annual Report for 2015/16 (HWB8) at the same time thanking all the bodies who had submitted comments to date.


The Chairman requested that it be submitted to the new Growth Board in order to ensure the information contained within the Report had as wide a circulation as possible. Cllr Hilary Biles reported that Public Health had organised a Planning seminar to which the district councils had been invited, with the aim of enabling health improvement through the planning system.


Both Dr McManners and Cllr Turner were happy to support this, both expressing the urgent need for Health to be embedded in the planning of both rural and urban developments to ensure the proper sustainability of communities. Councillor Turner commented that discussions had taken place within central Oxford in light of plan for significant growth in the area, leading to pressure on local primary care services. He offered to include experiences from these discussions into any conversation. Dr McManners commented that if Health organisations could be involved at an early stage when plans were considered, then integration of Health services within an area could be implemented.


The Board AGREED to thank Dr McWilliam for his report.


Health Inequalities Commission Report pdf icon PDF 433 KB


30 minutes


Person Responsible:                      OCCG & Chair of Health Inequalities Commission

Persons giving report:                     Chair of OCCG, Dr Joe McManners & Independent Chair of Health Inequalities Commission, Professor Sian Griffiths OBE


The headline report and full report of the Independent Health Inequalities Commission is attached at HWB9.


Action Required: to


(a)  to receive and note the findings and recommendations of the Health Inequalities Commission;

(b)to consider how other sectors and communities not represented on the Board can be engaged in a meaningful discussion /action on health inequalities;

(c)  as part of this, to particularly consider encouraging investment in community based programmes which increase residents’ income and/or reduce their expenditure, such as debt, benefits or employment advice; and

(d) to discuss and agree a strategy for the Health & Wellbeing Board to monitor and assess progress against these recommendations.


Additional documents:


The headline report and full report of the Independent Health Inequalities Commission, which had been commissioned by the OCCG, was before the Board at HWB9.


Dr McManners introduced Professor Sian Griffiths OBE, independent Chair of the Health Inequalities Commission. He thanked her for all her hard work and for the very valuable experience given to all who had participated in it. Professor Griffiths gave her thanks to the OCCG and to the County Council for all their help and support; to patients and public for their participation; and for the significant amount of written factual evidence received from a number of organisations. She also thanked fellow commissioners and the secretariat for their support in producing the report. Members of the Board thanked Professor Griffiths for volunteering her services for the good of Oxfordshire and for such a constructive piece of work.


During the course of the discussion that ensued, Professor Griffiths was asked which aspects of the report she would most like to see prioritised. She responded that all the recommendations should be considered and she would particularly like to see:


·         The concept of an Innovation Fund put forward – which would not necessarily have to be in the form of money, but in other activity;

·         Support and encouragement given to people who do not take up benefits to which they were entitled, or grants to reduce Fuel Poverty. Increased uptake would in turn benefit the NHS and OCC for example;

·         Better recording of data on black and ethnic minorities in order to help and support these groups better.


The Board AGREED:


(a)  to receive and note the findings and recommendations of the Health Inequalities Commission;


(b)  to refer the report to the sub groups (Children’s Trust Board, the Joint Management Group for Adults and the Health Improvement Partnership Board), OCC’s Performance Scrutiny Committee and the OCCG Board for consideration;


(c)  to request the Director of Public Health to work with senior officers from other sectors and communities not represented on the Board with the aim of engaging them in a meaningful discussion/action on the issues relation to health inequalities;


(d)  that this Board monitors progress regularly, and then invites Professor Griffiths to make an assessment of this progress. In the meantime, the Director of Public Health be asked to give an update on progress in a year’s time.




Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (OSCB)/Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) - Annual Reports for 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 17 MB


30 minutes


Persons responsible:          Independent Chairs of OSCB and OSAB

Persons giving reports:       Independent Chairs of OSCB and OSAB


The OSCB and OSAB are required to report annually on the work of the Boards and of its partners, assessing the position of the partnerships in relation to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk within Oxfordshire. Paul Burnett, Chairman of OSCB and Sula Wiltshire, Acting Chair of OSAB will present the reports (HWB10).


Additional documents:


Pam Marsden, independent Chair of the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) and Paul Burnett, interim independent Chair of the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Board (OSCB), supported by Sula Wiltshire (OCCG), Tan Lea and Hannah Farncombe respectively, presented their annual reports for 2015/16 (HWB10).


In response to a question about the situation with regard to the safety of children/young adults attending language schools in Oxford, Paul Burnett reported that the OSAB and the City Council had begun some joint work on how to secure a more robust arrangement to monitor language schools. In respect of ‘pop up’ language schools, the Education Welfare Service was looking at ways to monitor them. Hannah Farncombe added that the Schools Safeguarding Service had set up some good networks of safeguarding leads and was achieving some good returns in respect of language schools. Training and networking events were being set up with them in mind, in particular, thought was being given to potential risks with host families.


Sula Wiltshire highlighted also that the principle focus of the OSAB going forward would be that of raising awareness, as alerts were on the increase BUT some were not appropriate. The Board had also implemented a Peer Review, the outcome of which would be multi-agency training, adding that one of the areas of focus was dignity of care.


The Board thanked all for attending and AGREED to receive both the Annual Reports.


Urgent Business - Update on Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & Berkshire West Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) pdf icon PDF 820 KB

Under the provisions set out in Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion that the above named item can be taken after Agenda Item No 10 as urgent business because of the need to update the Board in a timely fashion in respect of the STP.

The Board will receive an update from the OCCG in the form of a presentation.



Under the provisions set out in Section 100B4 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chairman was of the opinion that this item could be taken as an item of urgent business because of the need to update the Board in a timely fashion in respect of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & Berkshire West (BOB) Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP).


Ian Cave, STP Programme Director, OCCG, gave a presentation updating the Board on action being taken in Oxfordshire with the Plan, the NHS England process, the financial position, governance and next steps. He stressed that NHS England had not yet given the green light to the publishing of the Plan and there was no confirmed date when that would happen. However there was the need to secure as wide a stakeholder involvement as possible.


The County Council members of the Board clarified the County’s involvement in the process, which was that chief officers had a statutory duty to work with colleagues in NHS England/OCCG but that was not the same as the Council’s its position as a statutory consultee waiting to see the consultation document in order to respond. The Council was therefore not part of the planning process. Ian Cave agreed to amend the wording where necessary in the powerpoint presentation.


All members of the Board were of the mind that the STP, which it was understood would contain major reconfigurations of services, would require full public consultation.


Dr McWilliam advised that practical action would be taken, and the public served, when local proposals for change, via the Oxfordshire Transformation Plan, were published probably in the new year. He added that the OCCG had advised that there would not be anything in the STP that wasn’t covered in local proposals. Dr McManners advised also that the major issues which should not be lost sight of were prevention, better use of technology and recruitment and retention of the workforce.


The Board AGREED to note the presentation.


Healthwatch Oxfordshire - Update pdf icon PDF 514 KB


10 minutes


Persons responsible:          Healthwatch Oxfordshire (HWO)

Person giving report:           Chairman, HWO


There will be a general update on HWO activities by Eddie Duller OBE, Chairman of HWO (HWB11). A quarterly update is also attached for the information of the Board


Action Required:    to note the report.

Additional documents:


Eddie Duller, Chair of Healthwatch Oxfordshire (HWO), gave a general update on activities since the last Health & Wellbeing Board (HWO11). He introduced Rosalind Pearce, HWO’s new Executive Director to the Board.


They highlighted the considerable concern expressed by patients and public with regard to access to GPs and also their concern that the Sustainability & Transformation Plans will rely heavily on front line services. With regard to concerns around the future of the Horton Hospital and the closure in March of the Deer Park Surgery, Witney, they stressed the importance that HWO and the OCCG work out any procedures for closure together.


The Board AGREED to note the report.




Reports from Children's Trust Board, Joint Management Group & Health Improvement Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 76 KB


10 minutes


Attached are the written reports on activities since the last Health & Wellbeing Board meeting in July (HWB12) from:


·         Children’s Trust Board

·         Joint Management Group for Adults

·         Health Improvement Partnership Board


Action Required:    to receive the reports.



Additional documents:


The Chairmen of the Children’s Trust Board and the Joint Management Group for Adults, together with the Vice-Chair of the Health Improvement Partnership Board, presented the written reports on activities since the last Health & Wellbeing Board meeting.


The Board AGREED to note the reports.




The following papers are attached for the information of Board members at HWB13.


·         Communications received by the Chairman – July 2016 to November 2016



4:20 Close of Meeting

