Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire County Council to become a Council of Sanctuary

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10.)

10. Oxfordshire County Council to become a Council of Sanctuary pdf icon PDF 580 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/145

Contact: Robin Rogers, Programme Director (Partnerships and Delivery)


Report by Executive Director: People (CA10)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)    Agree that the Council should work towards submitting an application to become a recognised Council of Sanctuary, as proposed in the motion passed by full council on 7 November 2023 – see Annex 1 (iii);


b)    Note the requirement for the development of a strategy or framework for migration for future decision making and integration into the Council’s business and budget planning process;


c)    Delegate the submission of an application for Sanctuary Status to the Executive Director of People in consultation with the Leader of the Council; 


d)    Note the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion passed by Council on 7 November 2023 – see Annex 1 (i and ii).





Recommendations approved.