Issue - meetings

Review of Political Balance

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - County Council (Item 23)

23 Review of Political Balance pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Report of the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer



a)            To note the review of political balance of committees to reflect the formation of a new political group ‘The Independent Voice of Oxfordshire (TIVOO)’ comprising three members: Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak, Cllr Damian Haywood (Deputy Group Leader) and Cllr Sally Povolotsky (Group Leader).  


b)           To appoint members to the committees of the Council listed at Annex 1. A fully populated list with nominations from the political groups for the vacant seats will be circulated ahead of the meeting.


c)            To remove the Corporate Parenting Committee from the list of Council committees.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved with one amendment to the membership of committees:


Audit & Governance Committee – Councillor Champken-Woods to replace Councillor Constance.



Following the formation of a new political group in the Council and the proposed replacement of the Corporate Parenting Committee with a Corporate Parenting Panel, Council considered the review of political balance.


The report was moved by Councillor Bloomfield, the Chair of the Council, and seconded by Councillor Rooke, the Vice-Chair.


One amendment was agreed to the membership of committees:


Audit & Governance Committee – Councillor Champken-Woods to replace Councillor Constance.


Following discussion, the recommendations were approved unanimously.


RESOLVED (unanimously):

a)              To note the review of political balance of committees to reflect the formation of a new political group ‘The Independent Voice of Oxfordshire (TIVOO)’ comprising three members: Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak, Cllr Damian Haywood (Deputy Group Leader) and Cllr Sally Povolotsky (Group Leader).  


b)              To appoint members to the committees of the Council listed at Annex 1 as amended.


c)              To remove the Corporate Parenting Committee from the list of Council committees.