Issue - meetings

Banbury: Proposed 20 Mph Speed Limits

Meeting: 25/01/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 13)

13 Banbury: Proposed 20 Mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/342

Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project,


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM13).


To determine what speed limit changes should be made following consideration of public consultation responses.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Banbury as advertised.



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management DEFERRED the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Banbury as advertised.


The report presented responses to the statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Banbury.


The Chair invited the speakers in turn to address the meeting and responded to the points raised.


The Chair read out a letter received from the Local Member of Parliament (MP) (Banbury).


The Chair thanked the local MP, speakers and all those who had responded to the consultation.


The Chair commented that it was of concern that the proposed scheme did not have the active support of local members and the Town Council.


The Chair asked officers to comment on the engagement with local members and the Town Council. Officers explained that the Town Council had raised concerns after the consultation had gone out and requested an additional nine roads to remain at a 30mph speed limit. These roads were compliant with the Council’s 20mph policy. Much of the scheme had the support of the stakeholders but these particular nine roads were causing concern, and it was difficult to balance the needs of all the road users.


The Chair asked officers to comment on the 20mph speed limit changes proposed for the nine roads of concern. Officers said that factors leading to the recommendation included consideration of what was in the area: schools, hospitals, residential areas etc.  Regarding the existing limits on Windsor Street from Morrisons to the canal, officers said that the speed limits could be reviewed by the team.


In response to comments received from the statutory consultation, the Chair said that the Council did not have a blanket approach for a 20mph speed limit zone and officers took time and care to work out exactly where their recommendations fit with policy. The budget decision for the 20mph speed limit schemes had gone through due budget setting process. The budget was based on justification for the policy, which was road safety. There was a significant amount of evidence that 20mph speed limits improved road safety.


The Chair commented that he fully supported the objectives of the policy but would like to proceed with full support of elected members, which the proposal did not have. The Chair asked officers to note the concerns of elected members and responses from the consultation and review specific points that had been raised.

The Chair asked for the proposal to be brought back to Committee as soon as possible.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management DEFERRED the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Banbury as advertised.