Issue - meetings

Approved Provider List for Care and Support Agencies

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Young People’s Services (Item 5.)

5. Approved Provider List for Care and Support Agencies pdf icon PDF 448 KB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education and Young People’s Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/330

Contact: Rebecca Lanchbury, Commissioning Manager, Start Well


Report by Corporate Director for Children’s Services. (CMDCEYPS5)


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)             Approve the commissioning and procuring of an Approved Provider List for CQC registered Care and Support Agencies to join, (in the first round and subsequent rounds of the tender) selected in accordance with and following the Council’s competitive tender process.


b)             Approve awarding bespoke packages of care and support to the successful bidder (of each call off process) selected in accordance with and following the Council’s competitive procurement.


c)             Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Children’s Services to authorise award of call-off contracts to Providers, after the brokerage process has been completed in accordance with the processes set out in the Approved Provider List contract, for individual care packages. Following the same process as for other bespoke care and support packages.


d)             Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Head of Procurement and Contract Management, to initiate the competitive process set out in the Approved Provider List, for call-off contracts of bespoke care and support packages over the value of £500,000 per contract.   Award of Contracts subject to separate Key decision reports.



Recommendations approved.