Issue - meetings

SEND Sufficiency and Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman Findings Report

Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 81)

81 SEND Sufficiency and Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman Findings Report pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader, including Children, Education & Young People’s Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/162

Contact: Martin Goff, Head of Access to Learning,


Report by Executive Director People Transformation & Performance (CA10)


The Cabinet is asked to note the contents of the report setting out the updated SEN sufficiency strategy and the learning from the recent Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman decision reference 22 000 090


Recommendations approved.



Cabinet had before it a report detailing proposals for an updated SEN sufficiency strategy and learning from a recent decision by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.  The Council’s Special Education Needs service, during 2021 and 2022, was delayed in its handling of the production of a child’s education, health and care plan.  Additionally, during that period the child was not provided with education between April 2022 and December 2022.  The service, following the intervention by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, addressed the handling of the request for the child’s school place and had identified points of learning and service improvement opportunities which were identified in the report.


A member of the public addressed the Cabinet and expressed concerns about the accuracy of the facts given in the report and the handling of  her child’s case by the Council.  She referred to the periods of time that her child had received formal education in mainstream schools, the delays in development of the education and care plan and the complaints process.  The parent also explained the various medical conditions affecting her child and her educational needs to prepare her for her future life.


The Deputy Leader thanked the member of the public for her address, apologised, on behalf of the Council, for the problems she had encountered concerning her child’s case and assured her that the Corporate Director of Children’s Services would be contacting her to respond to the concerns expressed in the meeting.


Councillor John Howson then addressed the Cabinet.  He referred to the previous history of cases where children had not been provided with education in the County and expressed disappointment that the Council had again been subject to an investigation the Ombudsman.  Cllr Howson commented on the difficulties with monitoring and responsibility for educational provision since the introduction of academies and sought assurance that the discrepancy between the figures for the performance indicator on time limits for Education and Health Care Plans shown on paragraph 10 of the report and in the Citizens Portal would be corrected.


The Deputy Leader concurred with Cllr Howson’s remarks and reiterated the need for the Council to ensure that children were provided with safety and security within the school environment.  She said that the updated SEN sufficiency strategy would help to support children with special educational needs.


The Executive Director (People, Transformation and Performance) introduced the report.  He began by reiterating the apologies to the parent expressed by the Deputy Leader.  He then explained the measures taken by the Council to respond to the Ombudsman’s report.  The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had set up a sub-committee to scrutinise the SEND service and the Council was confident that it would have the expertise to address the challenges for the SEND service going forward.


The Head of Access to Learning presented the report and recommendations on the revised SEND sufficiency strategy.


During discussion members referred to the importance of EHCPs, the need to ensure children were able to thrive within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81