Issue - meetings

Enstone: Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 15)

15 Enstone: Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/133

Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project,


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDTM15).


Part of the 20 Mph Speed Limit project to promote 20 limits across the county where the community seek them.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the following proposals as advertised:


a.     20mph speed limits within the parish of Enstone, including the hamlets of: Cleveley, Gagingwell, Lidstone, and Radford, and

b.     30mph speed limits on the southern end of Cox’s Lane, and extended south-westwards on the B4022 to Charlbury.



The Cabinet Member for Transport Management APPROVED the following proposals as advertised:


a.     20mph speed limits within the parish of Enstone, including the hamlets of: Cleveley, Gagingwell, Lidstone, and Radford, and

b.     30mph speed limits on the southern end of Cox’s Lane, and extended south-westwards on the B4022 to Charlbury.


The report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph and 30mph speed limits in Enstone and 20mph speed limits in Cleveley, Gagingwell, Lidstone, and Radford.


The Chair referenced the map of Enstone on page 147 of the report and asked officers to clarify why they had put the 20mph zones where they had. Officers explained that the proposed 20mph speed limit was where the through road was at its most narrow and constricted. Further to the north, the road was more open and flowing with few properties, further to the South there were properties, but the road was of a higher quality. The 20mph zone was in the centre of the village where it was most needed. The proposal had the support of the Parish Council.


The Chair noted that there were no objections from bus companies and highlighted an objection from a local coach company. Officers commented that in the proposed 20mph zone, traffic rarely went above 20mph and officers believed that the proposals would not make a significant difference to the coach companies’ timetables.


The Chair asked that the coach company continue to engage with officers and keep them informed if they were to experience difficulty with the timetabling. The scheme would be kept under review.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management APPROVED the following proposals as advertised:


a.     20mph speed limits within the parish of Enstone, including the hamlets of: Cleveley, Gagingwell, Lidstone, and Radford, and

b.     30mph speed limits on the southern end of Cox’s Lane, and extended south-westwards on the B4022 to Charlbury.