Issue - meetings

Operational Peer Assessment Audit Action Plan

Meeting: 21/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Operational Peer Assessment Audit Action Plan pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/104

Contact: Simon Furlong, Assistance Chief Fire Officer Tel: (01865) 855206


Report by Chief Fire Officer (CA10).


Oxfordshire County Council Fire and Rescue Service received an external Operational Assessment Peer Review in May 2014. This is a sector led process which replaced the previous inspection regime carried out by of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Fire Service. It is managed by the Local Government Association, Chief Fire Officers Association and supported by the Fire and Rescue sector.


The Service was required to complete a self-assessment against 7 key critical areas of delivery and the Peer review team then carried out a 4 day visit to review the self-assessment. The Peer Review team are then required to produce a report to advise the Service on areas of notable practices and areas for improvement. The team also reviewed the overarching areas of Leadership, Governance and Capacity.


Having received the report from the peer review team, Cabinet are asked to note the contents and approve the recommendations.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)        note the positive overall assessment (including three areas of notable practice) of OFRS by the peer review team, particularly in relation to its integrated approach with other OCC and partner services;

(b)        support OFRS Strategic Management Team’s aim to further add value to OCC (e.g. continuing to develop its safeguarding and community protection activities with SCS, CEF, E & E and PH);

(c)        support OFRS Strategic Management Team’s aim to increase specialist resource and asset collaboration with other ‘Blue Light’ services (i.e. Fire, Police & Ambulance), in line with current government policy and on the grounds of economy, effectiveness and/or efficiency;

(d)        agree for the Peer Review report to be made public via the OCC website and through normal communication channels.


Recommendations Agreed.


Oxfordshire County Council Fire & Rescue Service had received an external Operational Assessment Peer Review in May 2014. This was a sector led process which replaced the previous inspection regime carried out by of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Fire Service. It was managed by the Local Government Association, Chief Fire Officers Association and supported by the Fire and Rescue sector.


The Service was required to complete a self-assessment against 7 key critical areas of delivery and the Peer review team then carried out a 4 day visit to review the self-assessment. The Peer Review team were then required to produce a report to advise the Service on areas of notable practices and areas for improvement. The team also reviewed the overarching areas of Leadership, Governance and Capacity.


Having received the report from the peer review team, Cabinet were asked to note the contents and approve the recommendations.


Councillor Brighouse, Opposition Leader congratulated the Chief Fire Officer on the outcome of the Peer Review and in particular on the 365alive target.She paid tribute to the fact that Oxfordshire had retained its own Fire & Rescue Service.


Councillor Rose, Deputy Leader added his thanks to the Chief Fire Office and the Fire & Rescue service for the excellent review and commended the recommendations to the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:    to:


(a)          note the positive overall assessment (including three areas of notable practice) of OFRS by the peer review team, particularly in relation to its integrated approach with other OCC and partner services;

(b)          support OFRS Strategic Management Team’s aim to further add value to OCC (e.g. continuing to develop its safeguarding and community protection activities with SCS, CEF, E & E and PH);

(c)          support OFRS Strategic Management Team’s aim to increase specialist resource and asset collaboration with other ‘Blue Light’ services (i.e. Fire, Police & Ambulance), in line with current government policy and on the grounds of economy, effectiveness and/or efficiency;

(d)          agree for the Peer Review report to be made public via the OCC website and through normal communication channels.