Decision details

A4130 Steventon Lights Integrated Transport Corridor Scheme - Approval to Issue a Task Order for the Construction of the Scheme

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Capital expenditure will exceed £1m and, as such, authority/approval is sought for a Task Order to be issued to Milestone Infrastructure Limited for the construction of the A4130 Steventon Lights Integrated Transport Corridor Scheme


The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy invited everyone to the meeting and asked officers for some context to the report. Officers explained that the scheme was focused on public transport and active travel, with bus lanes and cycleways planned to be introduced.


The Cabinet Member asked officers about the consultation process. Officers stated that a local information event would be held at Steventon Village Hall to give local residents information about the scheme.


The Cabinet Member noted the ambition of this project and asked for expected completion dates. Officers noted that the scheme was expected to be finished by March 2025.


The Cabinet Member thanked officers for the report and agreed to the recommendation in the report.




a)    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Environment & Place in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Head of Legal Services & Deputy Monitoring Officer to award an NEC4 ECC Option C (with Option X22) contract to Milestone Infrastructure Limited for target cost setting, market testing (ECI) and the construction works in respect of the A4130 Steventon Lights Integrated Transport Corridor scheme.

Report author: Dan Hammond

Publication date: 23/05/2024

Date of decision: 23/05/2024

Decided at meeting: 23/05/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy

Effective from: 31/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: