Agenda item

Archive Service Forward Plan and Policies for Collections Management & Development; Collection Care & Conservation; and Access

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/003

Contact: Mark Priddey, History Service Manager Tel: (01865) 398205


Report by Head of Law & Culture (CMDCCS4).


The Oxfordshire History Centre is currently applying for accreditation under The National Archives Accreditation Scheme which is the UK standard for archives.  It defines good practice and identifies agreed standards, thereby encouraging development.  In order to gain Accreditation, the Service’s Forward Plan, and policies for Collections Management & Development; Collection Care & Conservation; and Access must be approved by its governing body.  This report seeks that approval.


The Cabinet Member for Cultural & Community Services is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)          approve the Oxfordshire History Centre’s Forward Plan 2015- 2018 at Annex 1;

(b)         approve Collections Management Policy Documents at Annex 2 – Annex 10.

Supporting documents: