Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Public Health & the Voluntary Sector - Wednesday, 19 February 2014 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Julie Dean  Tel: (01865) 815322; E-Mail:

No. Item


Provision of School Health Nursing Services pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/016

Contact: Val Messenger, Deputy Director of Public Health Tel: (01865) 328660


Report by Director of Public Health (CMDPHVS4).


The Council has a statutory obligation to “take such steps as it considers appropriate for improving the health of the people in its area” (s2B National Health Service Act 2006 (“NHSA 2006”) as amended by s12 Health and Social Care Act 2012). This includes “providing services or facilities for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness” (s 2B (3) (c) NHSA 2006).


Public Health has a ring fenced budget, and within this an allocation has been made for  public health services for children and young people aged 5-19 and the National Child Measurement Programme. This information is reported to the Cabinet.


Contracts with current providers expire on 31/3/2014, so a decision is required in order to proceed with procurement arrangements.


Costs of commissioning these services is greater than £500,000 and commitment to incur this expenditure has not previously been made by the Council due to existing contracts having been transferred in on 1 April 2013. For this reason incurring of this expenditure for the commissioning of these services is considered a key decision.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & the Voluntary Sector is RECOMMENDED to approve the incurring of expenditure for the commissioning of School Health Nursing Services and to delegate to the Director of Public Health, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and the Voluntary Sector, the authority to determine tenders and contracts in order to secure the provision of services.








Chill Out Fund 2013/14 - February 2014 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/149

Contact: Ruth Ashwell, Youth, Engagement & Opportunities – Service Manager Tel: (01865) 810549


Report by Youth, Engagement & Opportunities – Service Manager (CMDPHVS5).


Oxfordshire County Council believes that YOUTH MATTERS and has set up a fund of £100,000 to support work with children and young people across the County. The fund supports the aspirations of those working with children and young people in Oxfordshire to ensure all children and young people can access positive activities in their leisure-time by 2020.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & the Voluntary Sector is RECOMMENDED to consider the applications (listed in paragraph 6 of the report) for grant support in the light of the officer recommendation as set out in the applications annexed to the report.






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