
Planning & Regulation Committee - Monday, 15 July 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Committees Team  E-Mail:

Link: video link

No. Item


Election of Chair for the 2024-25 Council Year


Election of Deputy Chair for the 2024-25 Council Year


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note below


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2024 (PN3) and to receive information arising from them.


Petitions and Public Address


North of the A420 Botley Road to south of the A423 ring road, running predominantly between the A34 to the west & the Oxford to London railway line to the east, including land between the A4144 Abingdon Road to the to the west & the River Thames pdf icon PDF 2 MB

A flood alleviation scheme to reduce flood risk in Oxford, comprising: Construction of a new two stage channel from the confluence of the Botley and Seacourt Streams, extending south easterly to north Kennington; Floodwalls to the north of Botley Road, at Seacourt Park and Ride and adjacent to Bullstake Close allotments; Floodgates at Helen Road, Henry Road and Seacourt Park and Ride; Flood defences at New Hinksey between Abingdon Road in the west and the River Thames in the East, Ferry Hinksey Road and north of South Hinksey; Control Structures at Bulstake Stream, Eastwyke Ditch, Hinksey Pond, Redbridge Stream and Cold Harbour; Bridges and culverts to cross highways and footpaths maintaining access routes; Spillways, embankments, low flow control structure, modifications to Seacourt Stream, ford crossings, channel clearance, ditch widening and deepening, removal of weir and installation of telemetry cabinets; Repairs to existing walls along Osney Stream and in Hinksey Park. The creation of new and improved habitat for flora, fauna and fisheries, and change of use of land to provide exchange for existing open space. Works will include extraction of some sand and gravel for reuse on the site and exportation from the site.