Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 18 June 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Chris Reynolds  Tel: 07542 029441; E-Mail:

Link: video link

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Tim Bearder, Neil Fawcett and Kate Gregory.


Declarations of Interest

- guidance note below


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 323 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2024 (CA3) and to receive information arising from them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2024 were approved as a correct record.


Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am two working days before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions submitted prior to the agenda being despatched are shown below and will be the subject of a response from the appropriate Cabinet Member or such other councillor or officer as is determined by the Cabinet Member, and shall not be the subject of further debate at this meeting. Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.


See annex.


Petitions and Public Address pdf icon PDF 178 KB

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection. 


To facilitate ‘hybrid’ meetings we are asking that requests to speak or present a petition are submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting i.e 8am on Wednesday 12 June 2024. Requests to speak should be sent to


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that your views are taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet.



Petition – Oxpens River Bridge Scheme


Dan Glazebrook


The Chair informed the petitioner that a Chief Officer of the Council would send a response to the petition within 10 working days.


10 Oxfordshire County Council to become a Council of Sanctuary


Mark Goldring

Agegnehu Mamo

Jugurta Chabane




Appointments 2024-2025 pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/132

Contact: Colm O’Caomhanaigh, Democratic Services Manager (


Report by Director of Law and Governance (CA6).


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree the appointments to the bodies

 set out in the Annex to this report.



Additional documents:


Cabinet had before it a report recommending member appointments to a variety of bodies which in different ways supported the discharge of the Council’s executive functions. The report reflected the basis on which appointments to the respective bodies have been made in the past and, subject to any adjustments that would be considered appropriate, invited the Cabinet to agree arrangements for filling the councillor places on those bodies.


The Chair presented the report and referred to one vacancy which remained to be filled.


RESOLVED to agree the appointments to the bodies set out in the Annex

to the report with correction to the title of the Deputy Leader of the

Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment & Future

Generations where applicable.



Reports from Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Cabinet will receive the following Scrutiny reports:-


Report of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Adult Social Care CQC Assurance Update


Report of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Circular Economy Strategy

Additional documents:


Councillor Nigel Simpson presented the report of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Adult Social Care CQC Assurance Update


Councillor Kieron Mallon presented the report of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Circular Economy Strategy.


Cabinet received the Scrutiny reports and will respond in due course.


Oxfordshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) - Update for 2024 pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/139

Contact: Dave Harrison, Public Transport Team Leader,


Report by Corporate Director: Environment & Place (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)            approve adoption of the updated Oxfordshire BSIP


(b)            delegate authority for sign off on future updates of the Oxfordshire BSIP to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Management.


Additional documents:


Cabinet had before it a report presenting an updated Oxfordshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). The updated BSP outlined the vision, aims and proposals for improving bus services in Oxfordshire from 2025 to 2030. It was a requirement for receiving the final instalment of BSIP funding from the Department for Transport and it was produced in collaboration with bus operators and stakeholders.

Councillor Andrew Gant, Cabinet Member for Transport Management, presented the report.  He emphasised the extensive level of bus service provision in Oxfordshire compared to other areas of the country and the work that had taken place in partnership with stakeholders which had resulted in the ambitious plan before members.


During discussion, the following points were made:-


·       The report had not addressed the “dwell” time at bus stops caused by ticketing issues and the fact there was only one point of entry and exit on the County’s buses

·       The need to encourage independent and state schools to uses buses to reduce car journeys

·       The start time for concessionary bus passes should be reviewed

·       The potential for tickets to be transferrable between bus operators and for connectivity with train services should be explored

·       The needs of cyclists needed to be considered

·       Aggregation of ticket fares should be investigated


Councillor Gant moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations and they were approved.



(i)       approve adoption of the updated Oxfordshire BSIP

(ii)      delegate authority for sign off on future updates of the Oxfordshire BSIP to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Management.







Oxfordshire County Council's Productivity Plan pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/137

Contact: Kathy Wilcox, Head of Financial Strategy


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)            Approve the productivity plan for submission to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

(b)            Approve the additional barriers to efficiency document for submission to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities



Additional documents:


Cabinet received a report recommending the approval of the productivity plan for Oxfordshire County Council. The plan had been produced in response to the DLUHC's request for councils to share their current plans to transform services, use technology and data, reduce spend and identify barriers to efficiency.  The plans were a requirement for all Councils as part of the Government’s 2024/25 Local Government Finance Settlement

The Chair presented the report and outlined a number of the positive achievements of the Council including “Delivering the Future Together” the response to the SEND improvement plan and the “Oxfordshire Way” programme within Adult Social Care. The council has also prepared an additional document to be submitted to the DLUHC alongside the productivity plan. This document highlighted the areas where central government intervention could unlock barriers to efficiency, such as inconsistent and short-term funding, complex and overlapping regulations, and lack of flexibility and autonomy.


During discussion members referred to the anomalies concerning Government policy on Home to School transport.


Councillor Leffman moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations and they were approved.




(a)            approve the productivity plan for submission to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities


(b)            approve the additional barriers to efficiency document for submission to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities




Oxfordshire County Council to become a Council of Sanctuary pdf icon PDF 580 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/145

Contact: Robin Rogers, Programme Director (Partnerships and Delivery)


Report by Executive Director: People (CA10)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)    Agree that the Council should work towards submitting an application to become a recognised Council of Sanctuary, as proposed in the motion passed by full council on 7 November 2023 – see Annex 1 (iii);


b)    Note the requirement for the development of a strategy or framework for migration for future decision making and integration into the Council’s business and budget planning process;


c)    Delegate the submission of an application for Sanctuary Status to the Executive Director of People in consultation with the Leader of the Council; 


d)    Note the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion passed by Council on 7 November 2023 – see Annex 1 (i and ii).





Cabinet considered a report recommending that the Council works towards submitting an application to become a recognised Council of Sanctuary, as proposed in a motion passed by full council in November 2023. The report outlined what it meant to be a Council of Sanctuary, the policy implications, and the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion to Council.

Cabinet were addressed by three representatives of the Asylum Welcome charity who spoke in support of the proposals in the report.

The Chair presented the report and referred to the collaborative work taking place with other councils in the county on providing the services needed by asylum seekers and refugees.  The Council of Sanctuary status would provide a framework against which the services could be measured.

Councillor Leffman moved, and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.



a)    agree that the Council should work towards submitting an application to become a recognised Council of Sanctuary, as proposed in a motion passed by full council on 7 November 2023;


b)    note the requirement for the development of a strategy or framework for migration for future decision making and integration into the Council’s business and budget planning process;


c)    delegate the submission of an application for Sanctuary Status to the Executive Director (People) in consultation with the Leader of the Council; 


d)    note the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion.













Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/002

Contact: Karina Russell, Policy Team Leader,


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA11)


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for Oxfordshire County Council


Additional documents:


Cabinet had before it a report recommending approval of a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.  The statement outlined the council's commitment and actions to prevent modern slavery in its work and supply chains, as required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for commercial organisations with a turnover of over £36 million. The statement summarised the council's existing policies and procedures around pay and recruitment, safeguarding vulnerable children and adults, and procurement processes, as well as the training and awareness-raising activities for staff and suppliers.

The Chair presented the report and explained that, whilst it was not a requirement for local authorities to adopt this statement, it was considered appropriate in view of the Council’s activities particularly with regard to procurement.

During discussion, members welcomed the adoption of the statement and, in particular, the inclusion of the whistleblowing policy through which any potential breaches of the legislation could be reported.

Councillor Leffman moved and Councillor Howson seconded the recommendation and it was approved.

RESOLVED to approve the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for Oxfordshire County Council as set out in the report.













Period Poverty Scheme Trial pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/113

Contact: Karina Russell, Policy Team Leader,


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA12)


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)    Approve the allocation of the £10,000 from the cost-of-living programme funding for a trial scheme of period products to support residents experiencing period poverty.

b)    Note the update on progress made on the Period Poverty motion approved by Council on 12 September 2023.



Cabinet had before it a report which updated members on  the progress made on the period poverty motion passed by the Council in September 2023, and recommended a trial scheme to provide free period products to residents using £10,000 from the cost-of-living programme funding.

The Chair presented the report and referred to the complex work that had taken place in developing the scheme to enable procurement and distribution of the various products appropriately in locations in the county.

Cllr Leffman moved and Councillor Roberts seconded the recommendations and they were approved.



a)    approve the allocation of the £10,000 from the cost-of-living programme funding for a trial scheme of period products to support residents experiencing period poverty.


b)    note the update on progress made on the Period Poverty motion approved by Council on 12 September 2023.









Annual Performance Report and Provisional Revenue Outturn 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 522 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/061

Contact: Kathy Wilcox. Head of Financial Strategy


Report by Executive Director of Resources & Section 151 Officer (CA13)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a.     To note the annual Performance Report for 2023/24.


b.     To note the summary of the provisional year - end financial position for 2023/24 along with the year-end position on general balances and earmarked reserves as explained in Annex B.


c.      To agree that the £1.6m surplus on the On-Street Parking Account at the end of the 2023/24 financial year, that has not yet been applied to fund eligible expenditure in accordance with Section 55(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, can be carried forward to the 2024/25 financial year as set out inAnnex B-3c.


d.     To approve the creation of a new reserve to support the council’s Commercial Strategy and initial contribution of £2.0m.


e.     To approve the addition of £2.8m to the IFRS9 Reserve.


f.      To approve the addition of £1.0m to the Budget Priorities Reserve.



g.     To note the Digital Inclusion Action Plan progress update for 2023/24 – Annex C.


h.     To note the Voluntary and Community progress update for 2023/24 – Annex D



Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report presenting the council’s annual performance report and provisional year- end finance position for 2023/24. The annual report reflected the end of year position against the corporate priorities,

and budget documents supporting the Council’s ambitions and priorities. The Strategic Plan agreed by Council in February 2022 set out the Council’s ambitions for 2023/24.


Councillors Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report.  He referred to the considerable achievements of the Council against its strategic objectives but recognised that there were some areas in which improvement was needed. There had been significant improvement in the financial position in Children’s and Adults services and he thanked all those who had contributed to the performance results detailed in the report. He also thanked the Executive Director of Resources and her staff for their advice and ongoing  hard work in monitoring the Council’s financial performance throughout the year.


During discussion, members referred to ongoing concerns regarding the deficit in the High Needs Direct Support Grant budget and the need for any future Government to consider ways to support the increasing costs of the education service.


The Chair emphasised the Council’s achievements detailed in the report including 20 awards which had been received during the year and congratulated all the officers involved.


Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.




a)    note the annual Performance Report for 2023/24.


b)    note the summary of the provisional year - end financial position for 2023/24 along with the year-end position on general balances and earmarked reserves as explained in Annex B.


c)    agree that the £1.6m surplus on the On-Street Parking Account at the end of the 2023/24 financial year, that has not yet been applied to fund eligible expenditure in accordance with Section 55(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, can be carried forward to the 2024/25 financial year as set out in Annex B-3c


d)    approve the creation of a new reserve to support the council’s Commercial Strategy and initial contribution of £2.0m.


e)    approve the addition of £2.8m to the IFRS9 Reserve.



f)      approve the addition of £1.0m to the Budget Priorities Reserve.


g)    To note the Digital Inclusion Action Plan progress update for 2023/24 – Annex C.


h)    To note the Voluntary and Community progress update for 2023/24 – Annex D.


Capital Outturn Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 498 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/140

Contact: Kathy Wilcox, Head of Financial Strategy


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA14)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    note the performance against the capital programme for 2023/24 as set out in the report.

b)    approve the creation of a new reserve to support the development of green financing and to make an initial contribution of £1.0m funded from the interest released at the end of 2023/24 (as set out in paragraph 65).




Additional documents:


Cabinet received a report on performance relating to the Capital Programme for 2023/24.


The ten-year Capital Programme set out the agreed capital investment to deliver the priorities identified in the council’s Capital and Investment Strategy.  This report updated members on the performance against the programme shown in the latest monitoring report for2023/24 and also compared back to the capital programme agreed by Council in February 2023.  Figures shown reflected those to be included in the Council’s Statement of Accounts for 2023/24.

Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report.  He summarised the main areas of expenditure including the Pupil Place Plan, Major Infrastructure, Highways Asset Management Plan, Property Strategy, IT, Digital & Innovation Strategy.

The report proposed the creation of a new reserve to support the development of green financing and to make an initial contribution of £1.0m funded from the interest released at the end of 2023/24. This was to help the council achieve its climate action goals and invest in low-carbon projects.

During discussion, members welcomed the funding for Zero Emissions Buses Regional Area project where 75 buses had been delivered in total with 65 buses operational on routes around Oxford. An additional 84 buses would be delivered by August 2024. In addition to County Council funding, the project had drawn in a considerable amount of inward investment. Members also referred to the investment in Children’s homes which would help reduce the costs of outplacement to areas outside the County.

Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Howson seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.


a)    note the performance against the capital programme for 2023/24 as set out in the report.


b)    approve the creation of a new reserve to support the development of green financing and to make an initial contribution of £1.0m funded from the interest released at the end of 2023/24 (as set out in paragraph 65 of the report)













Here's a summary of the document:

Main ideas:

·   The report shows the capital spending and funding of the council for 2023/24: The report compares the actual capital expenditure and financing of the council for 2023/24 to the original and latest budget plans. It also highlights the main programmes and projects that were delivered or in progress during the year.

·   The report recommends the creation of a new reserve for green financing: The report proposes to approve the creation of a new reserve to support the development of green financing and to make an initial contribution of £1.0m funded from the interest released at the end of 2023/24. This is to help the council achieve its climate action goals and invest in low-carbon projects.

·   The report details the performance of the capital programme by strategy area: The report provides a summary of the actual expenditure for each strategy area, such as Pupil Place Plan, Major Infrastructure, Highways Asset Management Plan, Property Strategy, IT, Digital & Innovation Strategy, Passported Funding, and Vehicles & Equipment. It also explains the reasons for the variations between the latest and original  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89/24


Capital Programme Approvals - June 2024 pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/062

Contact: Natalie Crawford, Capital Programme Manager


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA15)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


a.               approve the inclusion of the A4130 Rowstock Roundabout to Steventon Lights scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.041m to be fully funded from S106 developer contributions.

b.               approve the inclusion of the Abingdon National Cycle Network Route 5 (NCN5) Missing Link scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.474m funded from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 Extension.

c.               approve a budget increase of £4.657m from £4.763m to £9.420m, to progress the expansion of Grove Church of England Primary School, funded by S106 contributions (£5.620m), Basic Need (£1.000m) and Basic Need Contingency (£2.800m).

d.               approve the inclusion of Union Street Phase 1.5 & 2 into the Capital Programme, with an indicative budget of £1.450m, to be partly funded by the Asset Rationalisation Programme agreed by Full Council in February 2022, with an initial budget of £4.700m (increased in February 2024 by £2.300m) and the Decarbonisation Programme where £8.200m funding was agreed in March 2024.





Cabinet had before it a report which out change requests requiring Cabinet approval that will be incorporated into the agreed programme and included in the next update to the Capital Programme in June 2024.


Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report and explained details of the four schemes which were recommended for approval.


During discussion, members welcomed, in particular, the scheme to enhance the walking and cycling infrastructure in Abingdon which was a missing link on the National Cycling Route 5 and thanked officers for their hard work in bringing this scheme forward.


Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Howson seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.




a)    approve the inclusion of the A4130 Rowstock Roundabout to Steventon Lights scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.041m to be fully funded from S106 developer contributions.


b)    approve the inclusion of the Abingdon National Cycle Network Route 5 (NCN5) Missing Link scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.474m funded from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 Extension.


c)    approve a budget increase of £4.657m from £4.763m to £9.420m, to progress the expansion of Grove Church of England Primary School, funded by S106 contributions (£5.620m), Basic Need (£1.000m) and Basic Need Contingency (£2.800m).


d)    approve the inclusion of Union Street Phase 1.5 & 2 into the Capital Programme, with an indicative budget of £1.450m, to be partly funded by the Asset Rationalisation Programme agreed by Full Council in February 2022, with an initial budget of £4.700m (increased in February 2024 by £2.300m) and the Decarbonisation Programme where £8.200m funding was agreed in March 2024.








Forward Plan and Future Business pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Cabinet Member: All

Contact Officer: Chris Reynolds, Senior Democratic Services Officer,


The Cabinet Procedure Rules provide that the business of each meeting at the Cabinet is to include “updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the following meeting”.   Items from the Forward Plan for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet appear in the Schedule at CA16.  This includes any updated information relating to the business for those meetings that has already been identified for inclusion in the next Forward Plan update.


The Schedule is for noting, but Cabinet Members may also wish to take this opportunity to identify any further changes they would wish to be incorporated in the next Forward Plan update.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a list of items for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet together with changes and additions set out in the schedule of addenda.


RESOLVED to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.