Issue - meetings

Transition Fund for Community Initiatives for Open Access Children's Services

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 76)

76 Transition Fund for Community Initiatives for Open Access Children's Services pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/077

Contact: Sarah Jelley, Senior Policy & Performance Officer Tel: 07554 103437


Report by Chief Finance Officer (CA8).


In February 2016 the council agreed to set aside £1m for creating a ‘one off’ fund to provide pump priming to support Children’s Centres.  It was agreed that a cross party group of county councillors would consider maximum benefit of this fund and bring proposals back to cabinet for decision.


The working group considered approaches and options and proposed the attached guidance notes and grant application form.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Grant Guidance and Grant Application as set out in Annexes 2 and 3.


Recommendations agreed.


In February 2016 the council agreed to set aside £1m for creating a ‘one off’ fund to provide pump priming to support Children’s Centres.  It was agreed that a cross party group of county councillors would consider maximum benefit of this fund and bring proposals back to Cabinet for decision. Cabinet considered a report setting out the outcomes of the working group including proposed guidance notes and grant application form.


Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families commented that whilst the Labour Group welcomed the additional £1m it was important to ensure that it was spent on services for the most vulnerable and children most in need. In supporting the recommendations she stressed that the project board must include people with experience of children’s centres and early intervention. It was important that Cabinet be kept informed and she suggested that a future report include information on town and parish councils who have assisted. She referred to the tight deadlines for receipt of applications.


Councillor Lawrie Stratford in moving the recommendations indicated that he took on board the concerns and commented that the meeting at the Kassam Stadium had been well attended and had provided an opportunity for learning and exchange of information. The intention was to keep local people informed of successful projects and some money would be kept back for a second round of applications. Councillor Hudspeth added that the final decisions on the bids would be taken by Cabinet.


RESOLVED:             to approve the Grant Guidance and Grant Application as set out in Annexes 2 and 3.