Issue - meetings

Future Provision of Intermediate Care in North Oxfordshire

Meeting: 26/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Future Provision of Intermediate Care in North Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/102

Contact: Kate Terroni, Deputy Director – Joint Commissioning Tel: (01865) 815792/Shaun Bennett – Strategic Commissioner 07917 211068


Report by Director of Adult Social Services (CA7).


Following public consultation between 5 October and 8 December 2015, this paper reports on the results of the consultation and recommends the way Intermediate Care services are provided in North Oxfordshire in the future. Intermediate Care is the support people need to avoid going into hospital or to help people get back home as quickly as possible.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree to move to implementation of Model A: the Intermediate Care Unit in Chipping Norton continues and the full 14 bed service is provided by the Orders of St John Care Trust.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed (by 7 votes for to 1 against).


Councillor Hibbert Biles asked that she be recorded as having voted against the recommendation.


Following public consultation between 5 October and 8 December 2015, Cabinet considered a report that set out the results of that consultation and recommended the way Intermediate Care services are provided in North Oxfordshire in the future. Intermediate Care is the support people need to avoid going into hospital or to help people get back home as quickly as possible.


John Grantham, Chipping Norton Action Group, referred to the services provided at Chipping Norton and the history and context around the beds there. He called for Chipping Norton to be included in the Review and that no decision be taken in the meantime. He added that the recent consultation had been poorly advertised and that local people overwhelmingly wanted the NHS to continue.


Councillor Heathcoat in moving the recommendations referred to the detailed paper before Cabinet. She outlined the consultation that had taken place and stated that the service in its current form was not sustainable. Given the pressures being faced there had to be equality of service provision across the County. She noted that 70% of the usage was from across the County. She emphasised that, despite local concerns, there was good evidence of a good quality of care being provided by the Orders of St John Care Trust. She queried the accuracy of the Hospital Action Group report and suggested that it was partial and written to elicit a particular response


Councillor Hilary Hibbert Biles in speaking against the proposals stated that she wanted to keep 14 beds for the Chipping Norton area. She would have liked to have seen the Clinical Commissioning Group taking some responsibility and putting some funding forward. She defended the Hospital Action Group report.


RESOLVED: (by 7 votes for to 1 against) to agree to move to implementation of Model A: the Intermediate Care Unit in Chipping Norton continues and the full 14 bed service is provided by the Orders of St John Care Trust.


Councillor Hibbert Biles asked that she be recorded as having voted against the recommendation.