Issue - meetings

Service and Resource Planning 2014/15-2017/18

Meeting: 16/12/2013 - Performance Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Service and Resource Planning 2014/15-2017/18 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The report (previously circulated for the meeting starting at 10.00 am) forms part of a series relating to the Service and Resource Planning process for 2014/15 to 2017/18.


The Committee will consider in turn the Directorate Business Strategies and savings proposed for their service areas. Comments from the Committee will then be fed back to Cabinet in order that they can take the comments into consideration in proposing their budget and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) at the end of January 2014. Council will meet to agree the budget and MTFP on 18 February 2014.


Councillors please note that the papers are not attached again to this agenda but for completeness are included on the website.


Annex 1

Directorate business strategies 2014/15 – 2017/18

A.   Adult Social Care (pages 7-24)

B.   Environment & Economy (pages 25 – 48)

C.   Children, Education & Families (pages 49-66)

D.   Chief Executive’s Office (pages 67-76)

E.   OFRS and Community Safety (pages 77-90)

F.    Public Health (pages 91-98)

Annex 2

New revenue budget pressures and savings 2014/15 – 2017/18

(pages 99 -112)

Annex 3

Service & Community Impact Assessment (SCIAs) (pages 113-128)

·         Overarching impact assessment on the budget proposals

·         Service & Community Impact Assessments (SCIAS) to support proposals are  available on the OCC website via this link 

Annex 4

Summary of results from Talking Oxfordshire (pages 129-134)

Annex 5

Summary of councillor comments from briefing sessions (to follow)


During the meeting the Director together with the Cabinet Member for the relevant Directorate will be available to respond to questions as follows:


The timings below are indicative and will be updated on the website on Friday 13 December:


1350 – 1550  Children, Education & Families

1550 – 1630  Chief Executive’s Office

1630 – 1710  OFRS and Community Safety

1710 – 1750  Public Health


Revised timings:

13.50 – 14.50 – Children, Education & Families

14.50 -  15.50 – Chief Executive’s Office

15.50 – 16.20 – OFRS and Community Safety

16.20 – 16.50 -  Public Health


Additional documents:


The Chairman noted that the consideration this afternoon was within the context of the overall presentation received from the Chief Finance Officer during the morning meeting.


Children, Education & Families


Mr Greg White, as a father and user of a Children’s Centre, spoke in support of the Children’s Centre highlighting the vital support and advice they provide. The Chairman noted that there were no cuts to children’s budget and there was to be a cross party group looking at children’s centres and early intervention services.


Jim Leivers, Director for Children’s Services, Sarah Livedeas, Deputy Director Joint Commissioning  Frances Craven Deputy Director Education & Early Intervention; Lucy Butler, Deputy Director, Children’s Services & YOS and Councillor Melinda Tilley came to the table.



During detailed consideration the following key points were raised:


1)            Members welcomed that Children’s Centres were being protected. Jim Leivers, responding to a query as to how the savings would be achieved without closing Children’s Centres, referred to the timing of the saving of £3m and the role of the review of children’s centre, early intervention service and children’s social service over the next few years.


2)            Responding to a query about respite care Lucy Butler replied that the Council was committed to maintaining respite and she did not see a reduction in provision or numbers.


3)            There was discussion concerning how closer cooperation with partner agencies would be achieved. The importance of integrating services with partners was key to changing and enhancing the service provided whilst delivering the necessary savings.


4)            There was some discussion on bringing children’s placement back within Oxfordshire. Jim Leivers commented that there would still be some specialist placements outside Oxfordshire required. In response to comments about challenges in previous children’s home projects, Jim Leivers commented that a new Children’s Home was always a challenge. The Council would be transparent in whatever it did. He stressed the importance of good community relations.


5)            There was discussion of the role of schools in referrals and how this would work with the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). Jim Leivers commented that there were 60% of referrals from schools. A small number become active cases. If we got better links & arrangements the need for formal referrals may reduce. Work will commence in early New Year. He gave an assurance that there would be a report back regularly to either Cabinet or this Committee.


6)            During further discussion on safeguarding the Chairman noted that there can be different expectations around the referral process. Integration work should give some common purpose and understanding. However, she hoped for flexibility in the ceiling for referrals. It was about making it work at grass root and she asked whether there was a vision around that. Jim Leivers replied that it was an ambition he would own with her. Asked if he was trying to work towards that, Jim replied that we will work to ensure that in everything we do it is for the protection, nurturing and care of children in the County. The Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23

Meeting: 16/12/2013 - Performance Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

20 Service and Resource Planning 2014/15-2017/18 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The report forms part of a series relating to the Service and Resource Planning process for 2014/15 to 2017/18.


The Committee will consider in turn the Directorate Business Strategies and savings proposed for their service areas. Comments from the Committee will then be fed back to Cabinet in order that they can take the comments into consideration in proposing their budget and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) at the end of January 2014. Council will meet to agree the budget and MTFP on 18 February 2014.


Annex 1

Directorate business strategies 2014/15 – 2017/18

A.   Adult Social Care (pages 7-24)

B.   Environment & Economy (pages 25-48)

C.   Children, Education and Families (pages 49-66)

D.   Chief Executive’s Office (pages 67-76)

E.   OFRS and Community Safety (pages 77-90)

F.    Public Health (pages 91-98)

Annex 2

New revenue budget pressures and savings 2014/15 – 2017/18

(pages 99 -112)

Annex 3

Service & Community Impact Assessment (SCIAs) (pages 113-128)

·         Overarching impact assessment on the budget proposals

Service & Community Impact Assessments (SCIAS) to support proposals are  available on the OCC website via this link 

Annex 4

Summary of results from Talking Oxfordshire (pages 129-134)

Annex 5

Summary of councillor comments from briefing sessions (to follow)


During the meeting the Director together with the Cabinet Member for the relevant Directorate will be available to respond to questions as follows:


The timings below are indicative and will be updated on the website on Friday 13 December:


1000 – 1020 Overview and introduction (Lorna Baxter)

1020 – 1150  Adult Social Care

1150 – 1320  Environment & Economy

Please note that a separate meeting to start at 1.50 pm will consider the remaining strategies.


Revised timings:

1000 – 1020 Overview and introduction (Lorna Baxter)

1020 – 1150  Adult Social Care

1150 – 1250  Environment & Economy


Additional documents:


At its meetings on 16 December 2013 the Performance Scrutiny Committee considered a report that formed part of a series relating to the Service and Resource Planning process for 2014/15 to 2017/18.


The Committee considered in turn the Directorate Business Strategies and savings proposed for the service areas including the following annexes. The Director and relevant cabinet member for each Directorate was available to respond to questions.


Annex 1 – Directorate Business Strategies 2014/15 – 2017/18

Annex 2 – New Revenue Budget Pressures and savings 2014/15 – 2017/18

Annex 3 – Service & Community Impact Assessment (SCIAs)

Annex 4 – Summary of results from Talking Oxfordshire

Annex 5 – Summary of councillor comments from briefing sessions


Paul Cann, Age UK Oxfordshire and Action for Carers Oxfordshire highlighted the following two areas as examples of where the Council by spending on the voluntary sector saved money. He asked that the Council work with voluntary organisations to analyse of the impact of the proposed savings:


1)            The subsidy for meals and laundry. The laundry service was provided for 75 people with continence problems. The County Council have identified this as one of the biggest factors in admissions to care. This is the sort of service that keeps people living independently in own homes.

2)            Information and advice services. He referred to the major chasm between claims and entitlements and to the large numbers of unclaimed pension credits.


He also spoke in support of the brokerage service.


Michael Hugh-Jones as a local resident referred to the need to raise more money locally. He offered to make a donation to services and felt that others might be similarly willing.


Pam Bebbington, a trustee for My Life My Choice run by and for people with learning disabilities spoke in support of the services provided by that organisation. She highlighted that issues of loneliness and isolation; premature death and higher levels of unemployment affected people with learning disabilities disproportionately and that the loss of support would have a great impact.


Suzy Drohan, Oxfordshire Welfare Rights, Barton Neighbourhood Centre – Organisation spoke in support of funding for Advice Centres noting that they put money back into the community by accessing benefits and entitlements from government. They worked with a range of bodies including social services. At a time of welfare reform where people will be confused and require independent specialist advice. The support reduced the risk of homelessness and supported people to remain independently in their own homes.


Gill Tishler Oxford City Advice Bureau added that the services affected were not mainstream, open access services but support to people with complex needs. She also queried whether the service could be retained only for over 65s or if this was open to challenge on age discrimination grounds. In response to a question she felt it would be difficult for other organisations to provide the services given the pressures on other agencies.


Fran Bennett, Treasurer and Trustee of Agnes Smith Advice Centre, Blackbird Leys pointed out that charitable trusts in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20