Issue - meetings

Relationship with Audit & Governance Committee

Meeting: 26/09/2013 - Performance Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 Improving Performance Through Closer Working with the Audit & Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 180 KB



There will be a brief presentation on the report of the County Solicitor  Monitoring Officer (PSC8).


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider the options for closer working between the Audit & Governance Committee and the Performance Scrutiny Committee set out in paragraph 13 of the report, in the light of the resolution made by the Audit and Governance Committee summarised in paragraph 2.



Peter Clark, County Solicitor and Monitoring Officer introduced the contents of the report outlining options for the working relationship between this Committee and the Audit & Governance Committee. He advised that the report had already been considered at the Audit & Governance Committee where there had been discussion on the need for clarity over the roles and the potential for duplication of effort. He added that information should flow both ways with each being able to refer a matter to the other as necessary. In some respects the two Committees could consider the same issue but from different perspectives.


The Chairman commented that the suggestion for reciprocal invitations was useful and it was suggested that if necessary the Chairmen could meet if Committee timings were not appropriate.


RESOLVED:             to agree the options for closer working between the Audit & Governance Committee and the Performance Scrutiny Committee set out in paragraph 13 of the report, in the light of the resolution made by the Audit and Governance Committee summarised in paragraph 2. Namely:


(a)       to promote joint working planning between the two committees, on an as and when required basis to be agreed by the two Chairmen, but that no specific meetings be scheduled;  

(b)       reciprocal invitations be extended to the Chairmen of the Audit & Governance Committee and Performance Committee, or their nominees, to attend meetings.